Chapter 85: Luffy’s Companions (Up and Down)

"This is Crow, the helmsman of our ship. Like us, he comes from the East China Sea. He is also very powerful and very smart. He is smarter than you, Luo An."Luffy pointed at Crowe and said to Luo An

"‘Baiji'Keluo, I heard of your name when I was in the East China Sea."Luo An looked at Crowe with a smile. This guy may not look cool, but he is unambiguous. Not only is he outstanding in resourcefulness, he is praised by the majority of pirate fans as the second strategic master in the world of pirates. In terms of intelligence, he is second only to the redhead. Ben Beckman of the Pirates ranks even higher than Sengoku and Tsuru.

More importantly, not only does Crowe have a good mind and an outstanding IQ, he is also very powerful in his own right - of course, the power here is not It refers to his real strength, but his martial arts talent, which is very powerful.

In the original work, his stunt is the silent step, which is a technique that can move at high speed, so fast that the eyes cannot catch it, but without making any sound.

This is much better than shaving, because although shaving moves very fast, his feet step on the ground more than ten times in an instant, making a very loud sound. Even if you don't have the domineering power of seeing and hearing, as long as you have rich experience, you can The direction of the enemy's attack can be judged from the strength of the sound.

Crowe's silent step was improved based on the shave, but it perfectly avoided this flaw. Also, the spoon he developed based on the silent step also has a very high attack frequency. is powerful, from this we can also see that his talent is really strong, but his physical fitness prevents him from controlling his powerful moves, so that the spoon cannot control them.

His only shortcoming is his shallow knowledge. If Crowe can If he went to the Grand Line and survived, his achievement would have to be at least a Shichibukai, at least not inferior to Crocodile. Unfortunately

, he was tired of the days of wandering on the sea, and finally chose to fake his death to escape, and chose The Keya family is his goal. In fact, his plan is very perfect. If Luffy hadn't happened to destroy it, his plan would have been perfectly implemented and his dream of occupying the magpie's nest would have been realized.

Such a guy, actually He was also turned into the boat by Luffy. I have to say that his luck is really good. In fact, ever since Crowe got on Luffy's boat, Luffy has never stopped training him. Not only has he learned all six moves, He even learned two-color Haki, and his speed of progress is close to that of the Big Three. His strength is even stronger than Zoro and Sanji. From this, we can see that his talent is really strong.

"You've done me a favor, Mr. Hai Di is the pride of Donghai."Facing Luo An's praise, Crowe seemed very humble. He didn't think that the nickname 'Baiji' was a compliment in front of Luo An. Compared with Luo An's world-shaking IQ, he felt that he had something to learn. There are a lot more

"Haha, we don’t want it between us."Luo An smiled and looked at the remaining two people, Usopp and Chopper.

"This is Chopper, our ship's doctor."Luffy saw this and said

"Are you a reindeer?" Luo An asked

"Woo woo woo……"Who would have thought that Chopper would cry as soon as Luo An asked this question?

"……"Luo An was confused and looked at everyone inquiringly:"Am I so terrible?"

"no……"Chopper looked at Luo An with tears in his eyes:"Lord Luo An, you are the first person to recognize me. I am so touched.……"

"Forehead……"Luo An was speechless. He remembered that because of eating the Renren Fruit, Chopper's shape had changed a lot. Therefore, people who saw him for the first time would mistake him for a civet cat. Chopper always explanation, but no one has ever believed it, and Luo An recognized it at first sight, no wonder it was so excited

"This is Usopp, the sniper."Luffy pointed at the last Usopp and said.

Roan looked at Usopp and smiled:"Speaking of which, I have seen a man exactly like you. I wonder what your relationship is with him? His name is Jesus Bu"

"Eh? Have you met my dad too?"Usopp looked at Roan in surprise.

"Sure enough you are his son. Luo An smiled and said:"Of course I have met your father, and more than once. If you can catch up with the battle in a few days, maybe you can also see him.""

"Great, I will definitely go. I must ask him personally, why doesn’t he go back after so many years?"Usopp said excitedly. When Jesus got on Shanks' ship, Usopp was still very young and was not deeply impressed by Jesus. However, Usopp's feelings towards Jesus were very complicated.

1 On the one hand, he was curious. He wanted to see what the man his mother had been talking about even before she died was like. On the other hand, he also missed him. After all, Jesus Bu was his father. He had never experienced having a father. So he still missed Jesus Bu very much.

In the end, he became resentful. He also wanted to question why the other party was so cruel. Even when his mother died of illness, he did not go back and take a single look - Uso The reason why Pu developed the habit of lying can be said to have been directly influenced by his parents. If even one of his parents was by his side, he would not always be disliked by the villagers.

"……"Luo An didn't answer, because he couldn't stand Jesus Bu's behavior. It would have been excusable if he hadn't gone back a few years earlier. After all, the Red-haired Pirates had just been established at that time, and Shanks hadn't yet The Yonko faced many opponents. As the chief sniper on the ship, it was normal for Jesus to be unable to get away. But when Shanks became the Yonko and consolidated his territory, he actually did not go back. This is It's very unreasonable.

Especially when the red-haired pirates visited the East China Sea and stayed in Fengchen Village for more than a year (Usopp and Luffy were the same age. Usopp was also seven years old at the time and could already remember things. If Jesus had If he had gone back, Usopp would have been unimpressed), but Jesus Bu did not go back and take even a look. This is really heartless.

In other words, Jesus Bu secretly went back and took a look, but did not reveal his identity, because after all, he was a pirate and a subordinate of the Four Emperors. He had many enemies. If people knew about his relationship with Usopp and his mother, If so, their enemies would most likely take revenge on Usopp and his son, and Jesus would not go because he was protecting the mother and son.

Of course, no matter what the reason was, it had nothing to do with Luo An. Jesus Bu was not his father. He was just thinking about it and had no intention of intervening. _To read the ununderlined version of the novel, please download Feilu Novel A

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