You know, the evil spirit corresponds to the Great Heavenly Master.

Fan Ji, on the other hand, has not even arrived as a Little Celestial Master, but she only has the combat power of a Little Celestial Master.

Sensing the strength of the evil ghost in front of them, Fan Ji and Ling Zhiruo also changed their expressions, but not only did they not stop attacking, but they attacked even more fiercely.

"This is only right. You have killed so many people and you are a born perverted murderer. If you only have the strength of resentful spirits and evil spirits, I would think there is something wrong with this script."

Chu Feng didn't change his expression, and still had a smile on his face.

The old evil ghost was originally extremely afraid of the peach wood swords in Fan Ji and Ling Zhiruo's hands. Every time he saw the sword coming, he had to dodge with all his strength.

But. This time, it no longer avoided and allowed the two swords to fall on itself.


Suddenly, it let out a cry of pain, obviously injured.

Although this mahogany sword is not a flying sword, it is also made of nine-strike lightning-strike wood. It is much more powerful than the old evil ghost imagined.

However, although it was injured, , but it was still within its tolerance range.

It did not retreat. When it stretched out its arms, black air suddenly appeared all over its body.

The black air was extremely unusual. As soon as it appeared, the place miraculously began to heat up.

You know, Yin souls are extremely yin bodies. As soon as they appear, the surrounding temperature will begin to drop.

But as soon as this old evil ghost uses this black energy, the surrounding temperature actually begins to rise. This is too unreasonable.

Not only that, as soon as the black energy appeared, Fan Ji and Ling Zhiruo felt a burning sensation from a distance.

It seemed that the black energy was not black energy, but a black flame.

"Hold your breath, this black air cannot be inhaled, it will cause dizziness."

Although the black energy had not yet reached her body, Ling Zhiruo felt dizzy and quickly reminded her.

After her reminder, Fan Ji also quickly held her breath.

With her perfect realm of earth master, she could hold her breath for half an hour. There is still no problem.

Even Huan Ji can hold her breath for more than ten minutes.

Chu Feng also became a little interested.

The ability of the black energy is really a bit abnormal.

However, Chu Feng thought about the movie where this guy kills people. They all stun people with ether first, and then set fire to burn them alive. It's a bit clear.

Maybe it's because this guy always killed people like this before he was alive and turned into a ghost after death, so he has such an ability.

The black air spreads The speed is extremely fast, and there are more and more.

At first, it was just a ball the size of a head, and now it suddenly spread to the size of several people.

Fan Ji and Ling Zhiruo held their breaths and took two steps back, no longer corporeal with the black energy. Instead of making contact, they used long-range attacks.

Fan Ji and Ling Zhiruo exchanged a look and slashed out with their swords at the same time.

Suddenly, two sword energy, one long and one short, flew out and slashed towards the old evil ghost.

Demon-Suppressing Sword Method.

Chu Feng had abandoned the sword technique, but now it appeared again in the hands of Fan Ji and Ling Zhiruo.

Two sword energy directly cut into the black energy, avoiding the two gaps in the black energy.

However, they were surprised to find that the old evil ghost was missing.

"Hey, where did it go? Ling

Zhiruo was stunned and asked.

Fan Ji looked serious:"Its body may have also turned into that black gas." Ling

Zhiruo looked at the black gas that was spreading faster and faster, almost filling their area, and said,"This is difficult. It turns into gas, how can we kill it?""

Huan Ji said:"First use the golden light spell to protect ourselves."

After that, the two of them chanted the Golden Light Mantra at the same time.

"A roll of divine light mantra appears in the sky. When the golden light mantra is recited, all the gods will surrender."

"Xuanzong of heaven and earth, the root of all things.

I have cultivated extensively for thousands of kalpas and proved my magical powers.

Within and outside the Three Realms, only the Tao is supreme.

There is golden light in my body, reflecting my body"


"The light of heaven, the light of earth, the light of sun, moon and stars, the great ordinary light, the light shines in all directions.

Urgency is like a law."

As the two people's energy was activated, they recited the golden mantra, and the two women's bodies instantly glowed with golden light.

By the time they finished reciting, a layer of dazzling golden light had appeared outside the two women's bodies, making them look extra. A layer of sacred aura makes it even more beautiful and moving.

However, if you look closely, you can find that the layer of golden light on Fan Ji's body is more dazzling and thicker. The layer on Ling Zhiruo's body is slightly inferior. There is no way, this is not the same as the second layer. It has something to do with a person’s cultivation level.

They are all golden light spells, but with different cultivation levels, the power will naturally be different when used.


The two girls were protected by the golden light spell. They were no longer afraid and took the initiative to rush forward.


As soon as the two girls came into contact with the black energy, where the black energy and the golden light touched, a burst of golden light flashed and crackled. The sound.

It was obvious that the black energy and the golden light were fighting.

But fortunately, it seemed that the black energy could not disperse the golden light for a while.

When the two women saw this, they became energetic. In the midst of it, he used the demon-subduing sword technique.

Suddenly, streaks of sword energy crisscrossed the black energy. In an instant, the sword energy in the black energy shot out in all directions, which actually slowed down the spread of the black energy a lot.

However, It's just slowing down. The black air is still spreading, but it's much slower than before.

"Haha, it’s useless, you can’t stop me.

When I kill you, I will become stronger, haha……"

Suddenly, the old evil ghost's cold voice suddenly sounded.

This sound came from the black air, as if all the black air was making a sound, and it was impossible to tell where the old evil ghost was hiding in the black air.

The next moment, Fan Ji and Ling Zhiruo withdrew again.

They didn't seem to be injured, but the golden light on their bodies was dimmed.

And because he used the Demon Subduing Sword Technique too many times in one moment, he became a little tired.

There was nothing they could do about this black energy, but the two still didn't give up.

Huan Ji said:"Zhiruo, use the thunder talisman"


Ling Zhiruo didn't waste any time. With a shake of her hand, she threw out a thunder-controlling talisman, which instantly turned into a bolt of lightning.


The lightning struck the black air solidly.

Suddenly, the electric light flashed in the black air, and the black air was instantly eliminated. It was a big lump, and the spread of black energy suddenly stopped.

When the two girls saw this, they were also happy.

Ling Zhiruo quickly took out another thunder talisman.

But before she could use it, she saw the black energy. It's starting to spread again.

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