【Asking for free flowers!!!!! Ask for a free review ticket! During the book release period, the data of a book can tell the potential of the book, so I beg for your evaluation votes! Thanks to Little Sun for the 100v reward and Feixue Longcheng’s monthly pass! 】

The scene was very quiet for a time.

He Jiong quietly moved a step toward the middle, blocking half of his body between Lin Wu and the cow.

The gaze he looked at Lin Wu was full of vigilance.

"Oh my god, I'm so hungry, I decided, I want to eat beef noodles tonight!!"

"In front of you, are you talking about Kang Shuaifu braised beef noodles?"

"Little brother Lin Wu turns out to be naughty too!"

"At first, I thought Lin Wu was a very cold-blooded person. He acted like a cold-blooded person. I didn’t expect him. He knows people well but doesn’t know their hearts!"

"This is better, it’s more down-to-earth, I like it like this!"

"I don’t care, my little brother Lin Wu is so handsome even with skin on his face!"

"Hahahaha, am I the only one who noticed Teacher He’s behavior? Silently blocking in front of Lin Wu, it was like watching a thief, thief is funny!"


In the live broadcast room, there were numerous barrages

"Teacher Huang, let’s give our new friend a name together, shall we? He Jiong said, and glanced at Lin Wu specifically, emphasizing:"Forget it Xiao Lin, just watch from the sidelines. I'm afraid you will name it braised beef brisket later!""

"Teacher He, you really wronged me, I am not that kind of foodie!" Lin Wu finished speaking seriously and swallowed his saliva.

"Then you are still swallowing your saliva!"He Jiong complained angrily.

Lin Wu shrugged awkwardly and swallowed another mouthful of saliva.

"Xiaolin, you are still swallowing your saliva!"He Jiong glared

"No no! Lin Wu shook his head hurriedly:"Teacher He, you are wrong!" You must have read it wrong!"

He Jiong was deeply suspicious of Lin Wu's words, and took another step, completely blocking the way between Lin Wu and the cow.

"Okay, Teacher Huang, let’s choose a name!"He Jiong said

"Its color looks like it should be called... Huahua! Huang Lei looked at the cow up and down and named it.

After saying that, he even laughed at the name he got.

"Teacher Huang, let’s choose a name or have some snacks!"He Jiong said

"Teacher He, Teacher Huang, I have an opinion!"Lin Wu raised his hands and said

"What, tell me first."He Jiong looked at Lin Wu warily.

"How about calling it Susu? Lin Wu suggested


He Jiong and Huang Lei's eyes lit up when they heard this. They seemed to have thought of something. They looked at each other and smiled. It was obvious that they were very satisfied with the name 'Susu'.

"Why is it called Susu?"He Jiong asked deliberately

"Because our sponsor is Deluxe!"Lin Wu inserted an advertisement in a very hard-core way.

"Pfft hahahaha!"

He Jiong and Huang Lei laughed at the same time.

"Our sponsor friends, sponsor friends, take a look, what a good newcomer, how many young men, it’s only the first day, they have just joined us, and they are already eager to place ads for you. Still such a hard-core implant, hahahaha!"He Jiong laughed.

"Very good, let’s call it Susu from now on."Huang Lei nodded with satisfaction.

"Susu, please take care of me in the future!"

Lin Wu stepped forward and touched Su Su's head. Su Su licked the back of Lin Wu's hand with great enjoyment.

"Teacher He, Su Su’s tongue is pink and beautiful! Lin Wu said with a smile.

He Jiong nodded,"Yes, it means Su Su is very healthy!""

"It looks fresh at first glance, and it’s definitely delicious when made into beef tongue……"Lin Wu muttered to himself again

"Xiaolin, what did you say?"He Jiong was confused.

"I said beef tongue is good……"Lin Wu paused and quickly changed his words:"No, no...it's nothing.……"

"Really?"He Jiong's face was full of doubts, and he looked at Lin Wu with more and more vigilance.

"Teacher Huang, let’s go, I’m afraid if we stay any longer, we can eat Susu’s beef tonight!"He Jiong joked

"Hahahahaha! In the past, Teacher Huang always wanted to eat chicken and duck. Teacher He finally corrected Teacher Huang. Unexpectedly, Lin Wu came on the back foot. As a result, Lin Wu exaggerated and even wanted to kill the cow!"

"I finally understood. It turns out that little brother Lin Wu is a big foodie!"

"The effect of the show was perfect, I laughed so much that my crow’s feet appeared!"

"Beef tongue has good reviews, I like to eat beef tongue the most! Beef louvers are also good!"

"Oh my god, little brother Lin Wu, do you want to laugh me to death and inherit my Ant Huabei?"


After bidding farewell to Tianba and Su Su, the group walked along the stone path, listening to the crisp sound of running water, and strolled through the quiet ancient village.

After walking a few steps, I saw five Miao old ladies sitting under the eaves outside the house opposite. They were gathering together, talking about homely things, and basking in the sun. They felt so comfortable and leisurely.

"Hello grandmas!"Lin Wu took the lead in waving to the grandmothers opposite.

"Hello grandmas!"Peng Yuchang followed closely.

Huang Lei and He Jiong looked at each other, with satisfaction and smiles in their eyes and faces.

"What two wonderful children! Huang Lei said with emotion

"Yes, it’s really nice to have Xiaolin here. Peng Peng was already very polite before, but now it’s even better. It’s great!"He Jiong praised.

Both of them showed aunty smiles.

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