Wei continued to think, as if she remembered something again

"And when I sang with Senior Yanyan, I seemed to be reminded of the time when Senior Yanyan helped me make food."

Nangong Yan:"……"

Isn't there something wrong with what you're thinking?!

"Well, there was also the time when Senior Yanyan taught me how to play the guitar...when Senior Yanyan gave us a new song...when Senior Yanyan came on stage to perform with us...when Senior Yanyan touched his head……"

The only one counted them with his fingers.

Nangong Yan:"……"


Mio and Ritsu were also stunned by Yui's words. There were many things that the four of them had experienced together, and Yui's feelings were actually shared by them.

Unconsciously, the experience of getting along with Nangong Yan has been completely integrated into their daily lives, and these memories are completely indelible.

After that, the people Nangong Yan named before cooperated with Nangong Yan in turn.

Even the black cat! However, if Black Cat wants to sing better, her singing skills naturally need to be improved.

Nangong Yan also made an agreement with her to teach her how to sing.

On the second day after arriving on the island, everyone felt very fulfilled throughout the whole day. After all, it was really fun and enjoyable to play!

…… midnight.


A tiptoeing figure began to patrol the corridor.

Of course, it is said to be a patrol, but actually it is to observe if there is anything strange!

The key point of observation... is there any other choice besides the door of the room where the goblin is?

The door, pushed, was closed.

Door frame! Well, nothing unusual! Door panel! Nothing unusual!

Phew... safe!

The figure knocked three times on the doors of several rooms.

Then, the doors to the five rooms opened……

"Okay, now that everyone is here……"

"English pear……"

"Hui, what's the matter?"

The intensity of these voices is naturally only heard by these few people.

"Matom-chan didn’t come out……"

English pear:"……"

"I'll call her! We have already agreed, so why are we backing down now?"The words did not mean that Mafuyu was asleep, but that she was shrinking.

Erili walked lightly to the door of the room where Mafuyu and Miharu were, and gently turned the door handle.

Then she slowly walked to the bed In front of him, he looked at Mafuyu and Miharu with their eyes closed in bed, and frowned.

He stretched out a finger to test Mafuyu's breathing rate, and then, Eiri suddenly blew a breath on Mafuyu's face!

Mafuyu's Her breathing changed in an instant!

Yinglili's expression suddenly became sinister!

She was really pretending to be asleep!!

But if you think about it carefully, I have said it before, and the picture is probably in my mind now, right? Can I fall asleep? That’s weird! This is why Eiri didn’t think Mafuyu would fall asleep just now!

"stand up~~!"In order to ensure that Miharu was not woken up, Eiri said it in a rather low voice close to Mafuyu's ear.


Give Yinglili a fright! Just take a step back and want to see what is going on!

Mafuyu had subconsciously covered her mouth, her whole body was shrinking into a ball, and she tilted her head and rubbed her shoulders and ears against each other.

I see... My ears are very ticklish... Now let me see if you can leave.

"Let’s go~~ If you don’t go, I’ll blow your ears……"

Mafuyu didn't pretend to be asleep either, but blushed with embarrassment, but still didn't speak.

"Really...sooner or later there will be such a day, you can't escape it!"

After saying that, he took Mafuyu's arm and started to leave.

"wait wait wait!"Mafuyu didn't dare to struggle too hard, as that would wake up Miharu.

"No wait~!"

"I'll go by myself~"

Eiriri then let go.

Seeing Mafuyu carefully tucking Miharu into bed, the two of them walked out of the room one after another.

Miharu slowly opened her eyes and gave a complicated look. The door of the room.

When she secretly heard them discussing this matter, Meichun's psychology was very complicated.

She didn't even know how she kept pretending to sleep for these few hours.

After the torment just now, Meichun They all thought about whether they should"sober up" with the situation? In this case, they should be able to stop their sister.

But... she didn't do that after all.

She had to admit that after getting along with Nangong Yan these days, her acceptance of him was somewhat A huge improvement!

Except for the fact that there are so many girls around her, in other aspects, from Meichun's own point of view, she can't find fault at all.

Maybe this is the reason why she didn't stop her...

It's just... It's probably going to be difficult all night tonight Asleep


"alright! This time everyone is here!"Eiriri nodded with satisfaction.

Mafuyu still felt a little nervous, but now that the situation has come to an end, it's no longer useful to be nervous!

And Eiriri is right, it will always be like this sooner or later.

"Although I really don’t want to admit it, under the current situation, if we are spread out, we are no match for this guy Homura."

"Five people couldn't make that guy surrender, so we have an unprecedented nine people this time!"

Kaguya's expression was very strange... What's this weird pre-war mobilization going on?

However, Eiri didn't notice her expression and continued:"We must know where Homura's limit is! This is extremely important to us and to Yan! so……"

"Please keep working hard for a while!"

After saying that, Ying Lili walked to Nangong Yan's door with majestic steps.

She decided in her heart: If this guy dares to lock the door, I will bite him to death tomorrow!

One push...but he didn't push it away....

Oh... I forgot to twist the handle! You said it was embarrassing or not...

After twisting it, the door opened and Ying Lili breathed a sigh of relief.

Nangong Yan didn't have to die again.

The girls behind him , with various emotions including expectation, shyness, apprehension, etc., I silently followed in.


"Good morning……"Meichun slowly walked to the living room and said hello to Nangong Yan who was busy in the open kitchen.

"Oh, good morning Miharu...your face is like this……"As soon as Nangong Yan raised his head and said hello, he saw Meichun's face looking tired, with even dark circles under her eyes!

"What do you think? Meichun rolled her eyes at him angrily.

Nangong Yan looked strange:"Did you listen to the corner last night?" How do I not notice? Meichun's face turned red:"

What are you talking about?"!! How could I go...listen...listen...Ah!! I'll fight with you!!"

Roaring, he rushed towards Nangong Yan...

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