Li Shizhen’s grandfather was a herbalist, and his father Li Yanwen was a famous doctor at the time and served as the head of the Taiyuan Hospital.

At that time, the status of folk doctors was low and life was difficult. His father did not want Li Shizhen to study medicine again. When Li Shizhen was 14, he went to Huangzhou Prefecture to take the examination with his father and returned home as a scholar. Li Shizhen was born in a family of doctors. He loved medicine since childhood and was not keen on the imperial examination. Later, he went to Wuchang three times to take the examination but failed, so he decided to abandon Confucianism and study medicine. , delving into medicine. At the age of 23, he studied medicine with his father, and his medical reputation became increasingly popular.

When Li Shizhen was 33 years old, she became famous as a doctor because she cured the disease of the son of King Zhu Houkun of Fushun. She was hired by King Zhu Yingdi of Chu in Wuchang as the"Fengcizheng" of the palace, and also in charge of the affairs of the good doctor's office.

In the thirty-fifth year of the Jiajing reign of the Ming Dynasty, Li Shizhen was recommended to work in Tai Hospital. He was awarded the position of"Jiang of Imperial Hospital". Three years later, he was recommended to Beijing to serve as a judge at the Taiyuan Hospital. After serving for one year, he resigned and returned to his hometown.

There are many debates in the historical circles about Li Shizhen's experience of working in Taiyuan Hospital. Some people think that Li Shizhen once served as a judge of Taiyuan Hospital, but others think that he only served as an imperial doctor. Regardless of his position, it is an undeniable fact that Li Shizhen was recommended to the court.

His work experience at Tai Hospital may have had a major impact on his life and laid the foundation for the compilation of"Compendium of Materia Medica". During this period, Li Shizhen was actively engaged in drug research. He often visited the pharmacy and the imperial medicine storehouse of Yu Tai Hospital, carefully compared and identified medicinal materials from various places, and collected a large amount of information. At the same time, he also had the opportunity to browse the royal palace and royal collections. Rich classics, including"The Essence of Materia Medica". At the same time, I obtained a large amount of folk herbal information from the court at that time, and saw many medicinal specimens that were difficult to see at ordinary times, which broadened my horizons and enriched my knowledge.

In the process of practicing medicine and reading classical medical books for decades, Li Shizhen discovered that there were many errors in ancient Materia Medica books, and decided to re-compile a Materia Medica book. In the 31st year of Jiajing reign of Emperor Shizong of Ming Dynasty, Li Shizhen began to compile"Compendium of Materia Medica", based on"Zhenglei Materia Medica" and with reference to more than 800 books. During this period, starting from the 44th year of Jiajing reign, Li Shizhen left home many times for inspections. He traveled to many famous mountains and rivers in Huguang, Jiangxi, and Zhili, and clarified many difficult problems.

In the process of compiling the"Compendium of Materia Medica", Li Shizhen's biggest headache was that due to the mixed names of drugs, the shape and growth of the drugs were often unclear. Although the past Materia Medica has repeatedly explained it, some authors did not conduct in-depth actual investigation and research, but copied it from book to book, so the more they explained, the more confused they became, and they were full of contradictions, making people confused. For example, the famous medicine Polygala Hongjing in the Southern and Northern Dynasties said it was a small grass, like ephedra, but green in color and with white flowers. However, Ma Zhi of the Song Dynasty thought it resembled Daqing and blamed Tao Hongjing for knowing the roots of Polygala. Another example is the medicine Gouji. Some say it resembles wormwood, some say it resembles geoduck bark, and some say it resembles guanzhong. The opinions are very inconsistent. Inspired by her mother, Li Shizhen realized that"reading thousands of books" is certainly necessary, but"traveling thousands of miles" is even more indispensable. Therefore, he not only"baishi" but also"interviewed all parties" to conduct in-depth actual investigations.

After 27 years of long-term efforts, he completed the first draft of"Compendium of Materia Medica" in the sixth year of Wanli Emperor Shenzong of the Ming Dynasty at the age of 61. After that, he completed the first draft of"Compendium of Materia Medica" three times in 10 years. Revised, 40 BC. He died in the 21st year of Wanli. In the 25th year of Wanli, that is, the third year after Li Shizhen's death,"Compendium of Materia Medica" was officially published.


This is an existence that can truly be canonized. worthy of respect

《With the emergence of"Compendium of Materia Medica", I don't know how many people have been cured.

If he were placed in the prehistoric era, he would probably be able to attain enlightenment and become a saint.

Li Shizhen broke the three-grade classification system of upper, middle and lower grades that had been followed for more than a thousand years since the"Shen Nong's Materia Medica", and divided medicines into water, fire, earth, gold and stone, grass, grain, Raisin, fruit, wood and utensils. There are 16 parts in total including clothes, insects, scales, media, birds, beasts and humans, including 60 categories. Each medicine label is renamed as"gang", and the items are listed under the"gang". The outline is clear. The book also systematically records the knowledge of various medicines. It includes corrections, explanations, explanations, corrections, corrections, smells, indications, inventions, appendices, appendices, etc. It describes the history, form, function, prescriptions, etc. of medicines in great detail, enriching the knowledge of herbal medicine.

《"Compendium of Materia Medica" not only made a significant contribution to the development of Chinese pharmacology, but also had a profound impact on the development of world medicine, botany, zoology, mineralogy, and chemistry.

Li Shizhen's works include"A Study of the Eight Meridians of Qijing" and"Binghu Pulsology" handed down to the world; there are also"A Study of Mingmen","Binghu Medical Records","Theory of the Five Internal Organs","Three Burners Guest Difficulty","Tianpuppet Theory" and"White Flowers"."Snake Biography" and so on, all lost


Without thinking about anything, Zhong Jing directly recruited Li Shizhen.

There is a Compendium of Materia Medica in this world, but in terms of familiarity, no one is more familiar with it than Li Shizhen.

Li Shizhen even knew some things that were not recorded in the Compendium of Materia Medica. _Feilu reminds you: three things about reading - collection and recommendation

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