In addition to these daily newspapers, many portal websites, video websites, and TV stations have reported on this incident.

Xinwen Lianbo also spent a certain amount of time and space on the report yesterday evening.

Highly praise Zhong Jing's behavior this time.

CCTV is the official mouthpiece and the official media. Naturally, no one will fool Zhongjing like a fool to report on CCTV.

The next day, the People's Daily also reported

"During yesterday's press conference, Zhong Jing established Second World Technology Co., Ltd., which in addition to artificial intelligence, also demonstrated a new high-tech technology - mechanical prosthetics.

This mechanical prosthetic limb has super technology. It has a bionic cortex on the outside and metal bones and wires on the inside. In addition, there are some fillers that can simulate human muscles.

The degree of restoration is almost 90%.

This is the most restored among mechanical prostheses, and it also indicates that China has gone further and further in the field of mechanical prostheses and bionics.

In addition, mechanical prostheses also contain various scientific and technological knowledge. They can read biological signals sent by the brain and control activities. Although they are not as good as natural arms and legs, they bring great convenience to these people..

Zhong Jing uses his talent to create technology that serves the people, which is admirable.

The second world has artificial intelligence, and at the same time, it also has this kind of high technology. I believe that in the future, the second world will definitely thrive and become a world-class large company."


People's Daily also spoke highly of Zhong Jing.

Of course, the biggest reputation comes from the masses.

People's eyes are sharp.

If you talk about a thousand things and talk about ten thousand things, if you just talk nonsense and don't do practical things, the people will not support you.

Zhong Jing won praise from everyone with his actions.

Netizens are even more supportive

"I really can’t understand what Zhong Jing’s brain is. I originally thought Ma Yun was awesome enough and a business wizard. But when I met Zhong Jing, I panicked. Not only was he older and handsome, he was even more terrifying. What's strange is that the other party seems to be an all-rounder and can do anything.

I watched Zhong Jing’s live broadcast very early. During the live broadcast, I saw him talk about piano, harmonica, violin, etc. He sang very well and wrote good calligraphy. I I feel that there is nothing the other party cannot do, he is simply an all-rounder. I am really jealous that there are people."

Zhong Jing has broadcast live before. Although he is wearing a mask, many people who are familiar with Zhong Jing know him.

So on the screen As soon as it was mentioned, more and more people knew about it.

What's more, Zhong Jing also performed in bars, and many people knew that this was Zhong Jing.

It was not a secret.

Many people saw the news, and everyone was filled with emotion.

"They say they hope that their children will become successful. Now I don’t have such high aspirations. I only need one-tenth of Zhong Jing’s talent."

"Wo Cao, this pursuit is not too high. Do you know what it means to be one-tenth of the Zhong Realm? Even if you put it in China, it is still quite awesome."

"I don’t have high requirements. My son only needs one-twentieth of Zhongjing."

"You are all too greedy. Just give me Zhong Jing’s violin talent. I’m just a violin learner, but my talent is too poor. I can’t learn it. Hey." Not everyone has the talent to learn, and some people really don’t. Suitable for eating this bowl of rice

"It would be great if we could divide the talents of Zhong Jing, so that we can create many geniuses." Some people fantasize

"No one is perfect, but Zhong Jing’s talent is indeed unparalleled. He is the most all-round person I have ever seen." There are many all-round people in history, such as the famous"Da Vinci"

Leonardo da Vinci is an Italian A famous artist and scientist, together with Raphael and Michelangelo, he is known as the"Three Masters of Art" in Italy (the Three Masters after the Renaissance), and is also one of the representatives of the entire European Renaissance.

He is knowledgeable and versatile, and is a polymath. Scholars: in the fields of painting, music, architecture, mathematics, geometry, anatomy, physiology, zoology, botany, astronomy, meteorology, geology, geography, physics, optics, mechanics, invention, civil engineering, etc. He has significant achievements. All of his scientific research results are preserved in his manuscripts, which are about 15,000 pages. Einstein believed that if Leonardo da Vinci's scientific research results had been published at that time, technology could have advanced half a century.

He 15 When he was about 14 years old, he went to Florence to study under a teacher and grew up to be a painter, sculptor with scientific literacy, and became a military engineer and architect. In 1482, he was employed in Milan and graduated from the Italian Institute of Technology. He became a famous architect and painter in Italy. He was a famous architect and painter in the noble court. He carried out creative and research activities, and wandered in Rome and Florence since 1513. He settled in France in 1516, and the asteroid 3000 was named"Leonardo". The most famous work is the"Mona Lisa", which is now in Paris. One of the three treasures of the Louvre.

Modern scholars call him"the most perfect representative of the Renaissance" and a unique all-rounder in human history. His greatest achievement is painting, and his masterpiece"Mona" Lisa,"The Last Supper","The Virgin of the Rocks" and other works reflect his superb artistic attainments.

He believes that the most beautiful research object in nature is the human body. The human body is a wonderful work of nature, and painters should use humans as the objects of painting. The core._Feilu reminds you: three things about reading - collection and recommendation

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