The old doctor sat upright and looked at Gu Shaoyang with a hint of ambiguity in his eyes,"The ghost hunter is not easy to control."

"Since I have agreed to take over, I will be responsible to the end."

Gu Shaoyang raised his hand and stroked his temples. In the past few days, just understanding the scope of influence involved in hunting ghosts has taken him a lot of energy.

If he knew what it was like now, he would definitely not agree to take over hunting!

Now he The task of releasing him has not yet been finalized, so the ghost hunting organization is undoubtedly the best place to take shelter.

He is not in a hurry, and has plenty of time to sort out these trivial matters.

The old doctor nodded, stood up and said goodbye,"Let's go first. You play slowly."

Everyone understands the difficulty of hunting ghosts, but if they don't explain it clearly, Gu Shaoyang will no longer keep each other. In the past few days, he has discovered that hunting ghosts can not only issue tasks, but also get a lot of information.

Maybe someone knows something about what he feels. Interesting things...

His subordinates came in from outside the door and said in a respectful tone,"My lord, it's been done.""


Gu Shaoyang waved his hand to let his men come closer,"Let the words out. If anyone doesn't follow my rules in the future and acts recklessly in the name of a ghost hunter, they will end up like them."

He wanted to see who would dare to go out and bully the weak in the future!

It was getting late, Gu Shaoyang stood in front of the window sill under the moonlight, and couldn't help but think of what the old doctor said.

There are laws for everything.

The laws he wanted were simple, and Some conflicts within the spirit hunting organization are slowly intensifying.

Gu Shaoyang understands that he will not be able to completely convince them for a while, but the day is long and he is ready...

As for those who covet the branches, he will not let go of any of them. Pass!

Thinking of this, a fierce look flashed between Gu Shaoyang's brows, and he quickly concealed it.

The strength of the branch has been slowly increasing, and when the day comes that he can stand alone, Gu Shaoyang's worries will be half over.

But now The most important thing is to deal with the spirit hunting matters!

Of course, Gu Shaoyang knew that this method of"killing chickens to scare monkeys" would not be able to conquer those people. He had a plan in his heart that slowly took shape.

The next day, the usually calm spirit hunting organization The inside exploded

"Did you see the lobby?"

"I've seen it a long time ago, someone actually offered a huge price to get the Dragon Pearl of the East China Sea!"

"If this deal is completed, let alone having to worry about food and drink in the future, this will be a major event that will bring glory to the family."


Gu Shaoyang stood upstairs, indifferently watching the capable warriors in the hall gearing up and showing great interest.

This is what he wants!

It's true that he sent out this task overnight last night. One advantage of a task of this level is that no one knows that he is the boss behind the scenes.

Gu Shaoyang tightened his lips and ordered to his men,"Gather the top five elites in the internal rankings and let them know that I am going to get the East China Sea Dragon Ball.""

"Yes, my lord."

The men retreated quietly, as if they had never appeared at all.

Gu Shaoyang had a plan, which was to take those elites to get the East China Sea Dragon Pearl, and then subdue them. When he came back with the East China Sea Dragon Pearl, he would Let's see what these people who are dissatisfied with him have to say.

Doubt that he is not worthy of sitting in this position?

Gu Shaoyang sneered, they are not qualified!

His subordinates worked very efficiently. In less than half an hour, they summoned everyone to wait in the secret room. Everyone looked at Gu Shaoyang, but no one dared to speak first.

After all, they could naturally hear about what happened yesterday, and they didn't dare to disobey him again.

"I asked you to come here today. I believe you all know that a buyer has posted a mission for Dragon Ball of the East China Sea."Gu Shaoyang paused and said calmly,"You are the top five elites on the soul hunting rankings."

"This time, if everyone cooperates with each other and takes down this task, I will definitely reward you heavily."

Everyone looked at each other and said in unison,"Yes, Lord."

The Dragon Pearl of the East China Sea is located at the deepest seabed on the east coast. Not to mention the long and difficult journey along the way, no one has ever dared to dare to take down this legendary luminous pearl.

Now the master of the spirit hunter has said that he will take over this task. Naturally, others did not dare to shirk anymore.

Starting from the hunting spirit, Gu Shaoyang took the five of them all the way east, walking through the mountains and flowing through the rivers. It took five days to reach the estuary of the east coast, and then To the east is the endless sea

"Let’s rest here for one night and go to sea tomorrow."

The next day, Gu Shaoyang waited outside early, but the five people never showed up. Only then did he learn that the five people had severe diarrhea last night due to acclimatization. Seeing that the mission could not be carried out, Gu Shaoyang didn't seem to care. ,"Then continue to rest and wait until you can recover and go into the water."

He had actually expected that this group of landlubbers from the inland, no matter how powerful their martial arts skills were, would not be able to withstand such a torment.

The climate on the east coast changed rapidly and the sea wind blew violently. Going to the sea was not an easy task..

Then let alone retrieving the Pearl of the East China Sea from the bottom of the sea.

A few people can rest for three or four days.

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