Curiously, she picked up the snow from the ground. The cool touch made the branch very excited. It wasn't until the snow turned into water in the hands of the branch that the branch turned her eyes to the world of ice and snow. The vast whiteness here made the branch particularly excited. She had never seen it before. I have seen these things, but I have never seen the earth covered with white snow clothes, and I have never touched the cool snow.

Gu Shaoyang pulled the branch that was playing aside and planned to visit the old man who had helped him.

Following the route in this memory, Gu Shaoyang and Zhi Zhi came to the hut in their memory.

Zhizhi looked at the hut curiously:"Gu Shaoyang, can people live here? Can food be grown here? Will it freeze to death here? Are there animals here?"

Zhizhi asked questions one after another.

Although Gu Shaoyang had a helpless smile on his face, he still patiently answered the questions one by one.

"Yes, it won't freeze to death, there are animals, and special plants can be grown."

The branches became even more curious, and their big, watery eyes were still looking up and down at the cabin. The snow girl in the distance noticed them, and when she saw Gu Shaoyang, the snow girl was surprised:"Are you here?"

"Um."Gu Shaoyang handed the things he bought on the road to Xue Nu.

Xue Nu did not refuse and took the things:"Thank you. It's going to snow heavily soon. Come inside and sit down."

"I think so too!"Gu Shaoyang said this deliberately, with a sly smile on Jun's face.

"After all these years, I’m really not ashamed."

The snow girl wasn't angry either. She just took out food to entertain Gu Shaoyang and Zhi Zhi while replying.

Zhi Zhi looked curiously at the snowy mountain girl with white hair in front of her, standing in the ice and snow. She was like a child of nature, with delicate eyebrows and a smile. Gentle.

But when Xue Nu looked over with curious eyes, the branch shyly hid behind Gu Shaoyang.

Xue Nu had a gossipy face:"From your family?

Gu Shaoyang's mind didn't turn around:"Yeah.""

Zhi Zhi's face suddenly turned red, and she stood behind Gu Shaoyang even more shyly. She bit her lip, picked up snow from the ground and applied it on her face to cool down her smiling face. The snow girl was instantly attracted by Zhi Zhi's cute little appearance. , smiled.

After several people were talking and laughing, they arrived at the hut.

As soon as they arrived at the hut, they heard the voices of the children in the house.


Xue Nu's smile brought a lot of kindness, and she reached out to hug the little meat dumplings flying towards her.

The branch looked over and curiously looked at the child in Xue Nu's arms.

Gu Shaoyang raised his eyebrows:"Your child? As soon as he finished speaking

, the younger brother poked his head out of the kitchen:"Are you back?""

"Um."The snow girl picked up the little meat dumplings

"Gu Shaoyang is also here."

The younger brother wiped his hands from the kitchen and hurried over:"Shaoyang!"

Gu Shaoyang smiled and greeted his younger brother.

The younger brother happily walked back to the kitchen and said as he walked:"Since you are here, I will prepare a few more dishes for you, and the three of us can have a good time catching up.

Gu Shaoyang replied loudly with a smile:"No need to go to such trouble!""

"Look at what you said? You don’t come to see us once in a hundred years. If you come here after a long time, I can’t entertain you properly?"The rich voice of the younger brother came from the kitchen.

Gu Shaoyang was chatting with Xue Nu, but Zhi Zhi unexpectedly played very well with the younger brother. The two of them burst into laughter from time to time. Only then did

Gu Shaoyang know from Xue Nu's mouth that the old man had been there a few days ago. He passed away in an avalanche years ago, leaving his younger brother alone with Snow Girl. The two got married the year before last and had this child.

Gu Shaoyang sighed, his eyes filled with tears as he watched and talked. The blushing snow girl said:"Since ancient times, who has never died? The old man is also having a good time, don't be too sad."

Zhizhi looked at the two people chatting with some curiosity, and thought to himself:"Gu Shaoyang is really amazing. He actually knows that so many people have seen so many things. He must have seen a lot of things in the world.

The child next to him shouted again and asked the tree branch to make a snowman. The tree branch's single-circuit thoughts were not thinking about Gu Shaoyang, and he and the children started to happily build a snowman.

While Zhi Zhi was playing with Xue Nu's daughter, Gu Shaoyang looked at the snow mountain and couldn't help but think of the old man.

He originally went to the snowy mountains to find treasures to improve his strength, but he met the old man halfway and agreed to help him because he saw how pitiful he was.

In the end, Gu Shaoyang really found the old man's grandson, and helped the old man's grandson solve his relationship problem with the snow girl. Finally, he sent the old man to the snow mountain.

Originally, he thought that Xue Nu and his younger brother, his father, would live happily together, but he didn't expect...

After learning that the old man had unfortunately passed away, Gu Shaoyang actually felt a little regretful in his heart.

Originally, I wanted to come to the mountain to reminisce with these people, but I never expected that such a good old grandfather would say goodbye forever the last time we met.

Just when Gu Shaoyang felt a little regretful in his heart, Xue Nu ran towards Gu Shaoyang.

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