Although the torture was excruciating, it was a transformation.

His own strength has now made a qualitative leap, and what makes Quanren even more delighted is that he heard another reminder in his mind

"Ding, if the conditions are met, do you want to merge with other gods?"

Better God, this is Shisui's Mangekyou Eye Technique copied by Junto a long time ago. Due to the limitations of the Sharingan, Junto has been unable to fuse it, but now it is finally possible.


Fengjian Quanren showed a hint of joy and chose the fusion without hesitation.

In an instant,

Quasiren felt a coolness coming from his eyes. This time the fusion was not painful, but very comfortable.

Naturally, the scarlet pupils were full of joy. The three magatama changed and slowly connected together to form a complex windmill pattern.

And this was exactly the same as Uchiha Shisui's Mangekyō Sharingan!


"This is the Mangekyō Sharingan!"

Looking at the windmill-shaped kaleidoscope pattern in his own eyes in the mirror, he murmured softly. Then he smiled.

The kaleidoscope is considered to be the most difficult to open in the Uchiha clan, so he got it, thinking It's really incredible to think about it.

If the Uchiha people knew about this, I'm afraid the whole family would go crazy.

Of course, it's impossible for the person to be exposed now, and the ability of the kaleidoscope can only be used as his last killer move.!


After activating the Immortal Body and obtaining the Kaleidoscope, Quasi-Ren is now strong enough to not fear Danzo's threat.

I also really gained some confidence in the world of Naruto.


The next day, Jun Kazama put on ANBU outfit and came to the base.

He received the order from ANBU to assemble

"We are called to gather today. Is there some mission, captain?"

Looking at"Yue", Kazama asked with a smile. Now he and"Yue" are familiar, not to mention that due to an accident, he has determined the true identity of"Yue", and it is not accurate. As one would expect, the"moon" is the sunset of Mao Yue!

"have no idea!"

After hearing Kazama's words, Uoyuki Xiyan said calmly. After being in a team for so long, she was familiar with his character, and at least her tone was not cold anymore.

"No way~ Even you at the captain level don’t know why we are gathering this time?"

Zhunren was a little surprised and continued to talk to Uoyuki Xiyan.

Uoyuki Xiyan was actually very confused. What was the purpose of this gathering?

At this time, wow!

An ANBU member suddenly appeared in front of Fengjian Quasiren around them,

"‘Captain Yue, the squad leader asked us to come over and assemble!"

The ANBU said to Uozuki Xiyan and Kazama Junto.


Uoyue Xiyan nodded. Then he and Fengjian rushed towards the gathering place.


When they arrived at the meeting point, Quanren found that almost all the members of ANBU Team 6 were here!

The leader is none other than the ANBU captain"Kakashi" with conspicuous silver-white hair. His identity is actually semi-public. Many ANBU members know that"Kakashi" is Hatake Kakashi!

Seeing that Uzuki Xiyan and Kazama were all here, Kakashi said directly and coldly:"Anbu Team Six is ​​not allowed to leave Konoha from today on. All members are on standby in the village!"

After that! With this order, Kakashi simply told them to disband and leave.

Hearing such instructions, Uoyuki Xiyan and the others had no idea, but Kazama's face looked a little heavy under the mask.

What was the purpose of not allowing ANBU members to leave the village at this time?

The faintly quasi-person had an idea, looked around, his eyes condensed,

"Captain, where is the ANBU who is following the squad leader? Why didn't you see it?"

Fengjian Quanren asked Uoyue Xiyan. He believed that Uoyue Xiyan knew who he was asking.

"Are you talking about Uchiha Itachi?"

In fact, the information about Uchiha Itachi, like Kakashi, is semi-public among ANBU members, because Itachi's performance is so outstanding. The accurate person nodded, he was asking about Uchiha Itachi

"I was promoted to squad leader yesterday!"

Uzuki Xiyan answered.

As everyone knows, his words shocked the hearts of the people.

Yes, now everything makes sense, Uchiha Itachi was promoted to the captain of the ANBU, Konoha ANBU The members stayed in the village on standby, and everything seemed like a prelude to the coming storm.

Kazama's eyes flashed, and unknowingly, the time was so close!

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