After thinking for a while and calming down, Wang Er picked up his cell phone and dialed a phone number.

Half an hour later.

Jiangsu province, provincial capital.

It's late at night, it's winter again, and the temperature in Jiangsu Province has dropped in the south. There are fewer people on the streets, but there are many people in entertainment venues.

Some people are cleaning up the city at three o'clock in the morning and running for life.

There are also people who are drunk and dreaming at three o'clock in the morning, living a luxurious life......

A seven-story building with an unremarkable appearance. The parking lot is filled with all kinds of luxury cars. The cheapest car here is not less than one million.

In other words, cars worth less than one million are not worthy of entry.

The exterior decoration of the building looks ordinary, but when you step into the lobby, you are immediately shocked by the decoration inside. The decoration inside is magnificent and magnificent.

The top of the lobby is covered with various"470" crystal lamps. These lamps alone cost millions.

At this time, on the seventh floor of this club.

The private rooms on the seventh floor here are the most top-notch in the entire private club. Those who can enter the private rooms on the seventh floor are the top richest people in Suzhou.

Or, for those with strong family backgrounds, if they don't meet the standards, even if they spend millions in this club a year, they won't be able to get to the seventh floor.

Being able to go to the seventh floor represents status.

There are even rumors that even if you are an ordinary person, after someone takes you to the seventh floor, there will be countless people in the rich circle of Jiangsu province who want to make friends with you.

Okay, one step to reach the sky, one step to the sky........

On the seventh floor, the decoration is very elegant. It does not have as strong a visual impact as in the lobby. Instead, it is decorated in a Chinese style.

However, the smallest of the vases randomly placed on the seventh floor costs tens of thousands of yuan, and the decoration is even more luxurious than in the lobby.

In a private room named Jinyu.

At this time, in the private room, there was a very sweet-looking person who looked to be in his early twenties. He was tall and over 1.68 meters tall. He was wearing a short skirt and a revealing top. He was singing passionately with a microphone.

On the sofa in the private room, there are more than a dozen beauties, who are as beautiful as the singing girls and have different temperaments.

Some have personalities, some are charming, a little pure, but at the moment they are accompanying a few men, and they are pleasing to those men.

These men, except for a slightly older man in a suit and well-dressed, who is in his thirties, the others are all in their twenties.

Those beautiful girls want to stick to those men.

In the huge private room, I was drunk and dreaming..........


Suddenly, the door to the private room opened.

A man in his twenties walked in. The man's name was Sun Haiyang. He was the eldest son of the Su family in Su Province and was very famous in Su Province. As soon as he came in, he ran straight to sit down. The man in the middle left. He was sitting in the middle, and the women accompanying him were all prettier than the others. It can be seen from this that this man is the one with the highest status among these people.

Sun Jianghe's face was full of excitement He walked up to the man, as if he had encountered some great happy event, and said to the sweet girl singing:"Stop singing now."

When the sweet girl heard this, she was stunned for a moment, and then looked at the man sitting in the middle, with a questioning look in her eyes.

The man waved his hand to signal to stop.

The sweet girl stopped, and then pressed pause.

In the private room, there was a lot of excitement. The music suddenly stopped, and everyone looked at Sun Haiyang..........

"Rivers! What phone call did you receive that made you so excited?"Master Liu leaned against the sofa, crossed his legs, and had a cynical look in his eyes.

"Mr. Liu! Sun Jianghe looked around. He leaned into the man's ear and said,"Young Master Liu, what we talked about has become a"

"Done?"Liu Duoduo stood up eagerly, his eyes no longer cynical, but full of light, and he said excitedly

"Go over there and talk! Sun Jianghe looked around and said


Liu Duandian nodded. He turned around, looked at the man dressed neatly, and said,"Mr. Sumitomo, come with us!"

"good!"Sumitomo Ohta stood up and smiled.

This Sumitomo Ohta is the vice president of all Sumitomo Zaibatsu's industries in China. Yes, he is not the person in charge, but the vice president.

Although he is the deputy person in charge, in fact, His power is no less than that of the person in charge of the Sumitomo Zaibatsu in China.

This is because in order to avoid being noticed by others, the Sumitomo Zaibatsu usually hires someone with a strong background or a large network of local people to take charge when developing locally. people.......

This kind of practice is actually common in any large company or multinational company in the world..........

In the local area, he recruited someone with a strong local background to be the person in charge, transferred some benefits, and tied the other party to his carriage.

This is the legendary comprador.

And these people, for their own benefit, they will definitely protect the interests of the Sumitomo Zaibatsu in China, otherwise, their interests will also be lost.

When one is prosperous, both are prosperous; when one is lost, both are harmed.

However, despite doing this, the Sumitomo Zaibatsu will still send direct descendants within the family to serve as the person in charge, which is actually supervision.

Of course, it is not just any market that the Sumitomo Zaibatsu will do, but China is the largest market in the world, which is very important to the Sumitomo Zaibatsu.

Therefore, a direct descendant was sent.

In some small markets, there may be no need to send people from the Sumitomo family there, and even if they are sent there, it may only be a side branch.

In the island country, those chaebols are all in charge of the world.

The major management teams are all from different families, which is why the corporate culture of the island country has some kind of cooking fairy.........

Because it has become a common practice among enterprises that ordinary people without a good background cannot rise to the management level of large companies, so many people have one job for a lifetime.

Change career? trial?

Don't even think about it.

1.9 As for Meilijian, it is no weaker than the island country. For any good job, you can’t find a job at all without a letter of recommendation from a celebrity.

As a homeless man on the street, after going bankrupt, you really don’t have to repay the loan, but in this life, you basically won’t be able to turn around again, because you don’t even have to work.

After bankruptcy, there is no credit left.

Even if you used to earn more than ten or two hundred thousand dollars a year, without credit and recommendation letters from big people, you couldn't find a better job at all.

After Liu Nuanian finished speaking, he stood up. Sun Jianghe immediately led the way, and Sumitomo Ota followed behind. The three of them walked to a corner of the private room..........

Sun Jianghe pulled the doorknob, and a private room suddenly appeared inside.

"You guys continue!"

Suddenly, when he was about to walk in, Liu Duanman turned around, faced the others, and smiled.

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