
Under his operation, the drone slowly took off into the air. This drone was amazing. When it took off, the sound it made was much lower than that of ordinary drones......

"The drones specially built by Mr. Su are really powerful. Whether it is battery life, stealth ability, flight speed and sound, they are the most powerful. Compared with those drones on the market, they are far behind.."The security guard showed an excited look.

Another security guard next to him said:"Old Zhou retired from the army and joined our security team. Before he retired, he was in the Langya Brigade, which was the most elite. Old Zhou It is said that the equipment Mr. Su gave to the security team is the highest among its peers."

"Even when he was in the Langya Brigade, Mr. Su's equipment was more advanced than the equipment of their Langya Brigade."

Old Zhou?

The security guard operating the drone was slightly shocked and asked in surprise:"Is it Zhou Wu who left the security team just six months after I joined the security team?"

"That's right!"The security guard nodded.


Hearing this, he took a breath of shock. It is said that after Lao Zhou left the security team, he led a group of people in Africa. Blood was often seen on his hands.

Such people, Su The security equipment of Mr.’s security team is considered to be the most top-notch. It is really the most top-notch security equipment in the world.

"Don't be distracted. Take a quick look to see if there's anything wrong."

"No problem, it's up to me."

The security guard operating the drone said confidently.

The drone quickly rose into the sky hundreds of meters high, because the drone was very small. Standing on the land, it looked hundreds of meters away. High in the sky, it's like looking at a little bird.

However, under the drone photography, everything on the land is very clear. The clarity of the camera on this drone is amazing.

I'm afraid, only Only the best cameras in the world can compare with this.

As the drone took off to take pictures, the signal on the drone was linked to Dunyi Garden halfway up the mountain. At this time, there was a small villa next door to Dunyi Garden. Inside.

In a basement with an area of ​​several hundred square meters, which is larger than the entire small villa. In this basement, there are bright lights and machines.........

In the basement, there are seven or eight people operating in front of computers.

These people are one of the teams in Su Can's security team. These people are not a combat team, but a think tank analysis team.

They will use various technologies, such as various hidden cameras installed near the villa, and drones, to analyze those who are close to Su Can's villa.

Once a suspicious target is found, they will take measures if necessary

"Xiao Yang and the others sent back the video~."One of them, a man in a black suit sitting at the front, turned to look at an older, middle-aged man.

This man is average-looking and wears a plaid shirt. If there is anything special about this man, there is only one special point.

That is to say, there are not many hairs on the top of this man's head, which looks smooth. A few hundred hairs grow stubbornly on the top of his head.

However, with such an ordinary appearance, if he appeared in the world of hackers and hackers, he would definitely be surprised and cause an astonishing uproar..........

Seven or eight years ago, a terrible Trojan horse virus appeared in China, which quickly swept through computers across the country and almost bankrupted many Internet cafes.

Later, under official investigation, it was discovered that it was a Trojan horse virus created by a young man who had just entered college.

And this young man’s name is Xiong Xiang.

Xiong Xiang was arrested, and because he was an adult, he also caused huge losses and was almost imprisoned. At this time, Zhong Mingqiang knew about Xiong Xiang's existence.

He told Su Can that Xiong Xiang was a rare talent, so Su Can approached Xiong Xiang. With Su Can's help, Xiong Xiang changed his ways and paid a large sum of money to go out.

Of course, this money was lent by Su Can to Xiong Xiang, about more than 100 million. After Xiong Xiang compensated, he had a relationship with Su Can.

People are not that bad, so Xiong Xiang fought for a two-year reprieve, and then was completely taken under Su Can's control.

Today, Xiong Xiang has become the person in charge of the network in the security team under Su Can, and the Pangu artificial intelligence used by Su Can was also built by Xiong Xiang and a company under Su Can.

Therefore, Xiong Xiang has reached the peak of his life now, because just by working here with Su Can, his annual salary will not be less than 7 million.........

After tax!

That’s right, after tax, not before tax.

Not only that, Su Can also asked Xiong Xiang to name a technical ape in several companies, helped several companies to do a lot of optimization, and also obtained shares of several companies.

Although it's not much, it adds up to hundreds of millions.

Therefore, Xiong Xiang is particularly grateful to Su Can. If Su Can was not here, he would have to serve at least ten years in prison. But after he came out, times have changed.

His hacking skills were great back then, but in this industry, if you don't practice for three days, you will become rusty, and if you don't practice for half a month, your skills will decline. After a year, he may go from first to last.

And ten years!

He will be wasted.

However, after he was taken under Su Can's command, he gained so much that he immediately became a master, and his parents lived in a big villa.

Xiong Xiang could only be grateful to Su Can, and couldn't be more grateful.........(To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Xiong Xiang frowned and said:"Immediately connect the video to the big screen, use artificial intelligence Pangu, and use the Pangu model to start calculations."

Following his order, The huge screen in the basement suddenly lit up, and a picture of Su Can's manor appeared on it.

Looking from top to bottom, all scenes were filmed


Xiong Xiang gave the order in a calm voice.


"East District, no abnormalities found"

"West District (Li Qian's), no abnormalities found"

"North District, normal"

"Normal celery in the southern district!"

As the camera on the drone quickly scanned the scene below, the Pangu Intelligent System immediately analyzed the data.

"Expand the scope. Within the original scope, expand the scope by 500 meters and expand the radius."Xiong Xiang continued to issue orders.

"Scan analysis, normal, no suspicious scenes found."

Pangu Intelligent System made a sound again........

"Expand again."

Xiong Xiang then said in a deep voice.

"Boss, if you continue, there will be problems with the drone's battery life."Another member of the security network team looked at Xiong Xiang and said hurriedly

"continue!"Xiong Xiang gritted his teeth and continued.

It's just a drone. If it's scrapped, it will be scrapped. But for Mr. Su's safety, Xiong Xiang feels that he can take the bullet for Mr. Su.

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