In his heart, he was already 99% convinced that that person was Su Can.

If it weren't for Su Can.

How do you know so much about him?

And in his heart, the remaining 100% couldn't believe it. In his heart, he still retained a glimmer of hope, hoping that this was not Su Can. hope.......

He still has a chance.

Once this person is really Su Can.

It's over.

He never had any chance again.

Su Can was able to let him escape last time, but this time, all his men were caught, even if there was nothing wrong with those secret sentries.

However, what use can these secret sentries have?

It's no use at all.

To know.

The other party was able to bypass his hidden sentries, come here, and directly knock down all the people in their hands, which shows that they knew all his hidden sentries well.

Even at this time, after taking down these people, Su Can has sent people out to deal with the secret sentries under his command.

Even if those hidden sentries have not been solved.

He couldn't be saved.

There are more than a dozen people on the other side right now, and there must be more people in the dark place, because Su Can is in the dark, if there is no arrangement in the dark place.

This is impossible.........

Therefore, if his secret whistles come, they will be caught in a tiger's mouth. not to mention.

Although he gave the code words to the secret whistlers, he did not say that something must have happened if he did not reply to their messages for a long time.

Just let them send the message. so.

By now, those secret whistles may not have noticed that something happened on their side. When they find out, those secret whistles will at least be surrounded by Su Can's people.

No chance at all.

He was desperate.

Under such circumstances, everything is a dead end.


Why would Su Can know his whereabouts, bypass his secret sentry, appear here, and kill all the people in his hands?

Luo Xinjue couldn't figure it out.........

Are there any traitors?

However, except for Zeng Naiwang, there was no one else involved in this matter. Those security guards were not qualified at all and betrayed him.

Zeng Naiwang betrayed?

At first, when surrounded by these people, Luo Xinjue thought that this might be the case, but when he saw Zeng Naiwang taking out a pistol to protect him, he was shot through the arm.

He felt that it was impossible.

If the traitor was Zeng Naiwang, he wouldn't need to harm himself at all. Even though the lethality of this pistol is small, who should he follow!

It is small compared to those large-mouth sniper guns, but compared with people, it is extremely lethal. If it hits a place like the wrist, it will almost make a person lose a hand.

Even with timely treatment.

This hand will also turn him into a useless person.

He didn't believe that Zeng Naiwang was a ruse, because he was caught, and he even acted out the ruse to him, and it was a ruse that cost one hand.

Even a fool would not do this.

And Zeng Naiwang can do it?

Will not.........

In Luo Xinjue's heart, he had ruled out Zeng Naiwang's betrayal, but his heart was filled with more doubts. what is going on?

How on earth was discovered by Su Can.

He's shaking all over


At this moment, several figures appeared in the dense forest. They walked out swaggeringly, not caring about the dead branches and leaves under their hands. They stepped on them and made a clicking sound.

Luo Xinjue looked over.


Seeing Zhong Mingqiang in camouflage uniform, Luo Xinjue took a breath of despair.

It was really Zhong Mingqiang. Luo Xinjue couldn't be more familiar with Zhong Mingqiang. He conspired with Su Can. The luminous pearl in Su Can's hand was no longer two big in one day. Things have happened.

However, the power of Su Can and the Su family is too strong.

Even if he is already a rich man abroad when he comes back, according to this, as long as he shows his identity and negotiates terms with the officials, it will be fine.

However, Su Can has already developed many industries under his command. Compared with Su Can's conditions, the official will not help him at all.

What's more, Su Can is so powerful........

Who would offend the Su family?

Seeing that this thing was so strong but so weak, he investigated the people around Su Can and wanted to bribe the people around Su Can to get this thing for him.

As Su Can's butler, Zhong Mingqiang naturally fell into Luo Xinjue's eyes, and he immediately focused on Zhong Mingqiang.

However, he sent people to make some secret contacts and found that it was useless. Zhong Mingqiang was too principled and was devoted to Su Can.

There's no chance at all.

How could he not be familiar with this Zhong Mingqiang!

So familiar.

Watching Zhong Mingqiang slowly walk out.


The voice coming from the drone was really Su Can.

In Luo Xinjue's heart, an unprecedented feeling of disappointment, frustration, and despair could not help but arise in his heart.

He felt that the whole world was spinning.

This is a dead end.........

"Luo Xingjue, it's a pity that you escaped last time, but you can't escape this time."Zhong Mingqiang walked out slowly, looked at Luo Xinjue, and said expressionlessly

"Zhong Mingqiang! Luo

Xinjue gritted his teeth and said

"it's me!"

Zhong Mingqiang said lightly.

"In other words, the person behind the drone is really Su Can."Luo Xinjue raised his head, looked at the drone, and said tremblingly

"That's right, it's me!"

Su Can's voice came calmly.

"I lost."

Luo Xinjue's eyes showed a look of despair, and he said in a deep voice:"I'm going to catch you at my wits' end, you kidnap me back immediately! I won't resist"

"I have been exploring the mountains for several days and have never had a hot bath. Now I am being taken back, hoping to give me a chance to take a hot bath."

"Leave now."

Luo Xinjue showed a very lonely look, as if he was a hero in his twilight years. If a few girls who were not familiar with the world were here, they might be fascinated by the feeling shown by Luo Xinjue.

"Leave now? Su

Can's laughter slowly spread out, and he said with a smile:"Luo Xinjue, up to now, you are still thinking that you can skip over the things in this cave and let us ignore the things in this cave." thing?"

Hearing Su Can's words, Luo Xinjue's eyes showed a hint of shock, and the corner of his mouth twitched slightly. He quickly returned to his normal expression, and he recovered very quickly.

If no one observed carefully, he wouldn't be able to tell at all.........

This is purely the facial muscle control ability of a top actor!

"What did you say? I don't understand. We came here to explore and saw this cave, so we just went in to have a look. Luo Xinjue's expression remained unchanged and he said calmly.

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