
Su Zeming nodded and said:"As long as the three of you defeat me, no matter how you treat me, I will forget this matter."

"What I said also meant what the Su family meant."

"You don’t have to worry about being settled by the Su family’s descendants."

Su Can said calmly

"good! Yun

Liang's eyes widened and he said,"In this case, the three of us are welcome.""

"Fan Long, Fang Lang. Yun

Liang said, looking at the two friends next to him.

"Mr. Su."

Fang Lang and Fan Long stood up and came to Yun Liang's side.

The three of them stood in a row.........

Yun Liang said:"You two, pay attention. When we attack Young Master Su later, we don't want to kill him. We just need to subdue Young Master Su."

Although Su Zeming said that no matter what the beating was, he would not revenge.

How dare Yun Liang believe it. joke.

That's the Su family.

Su Zeming said he would not retaliate, but what if the Su family members retaliated?

Just stop there.

If it were others, such as those ordinary people, or those with a lower status than them, Yun Liang would never let them go so easily, and might even cripple them.

However, the person in front of him is Su Zeming, a member of the Su family. Although his grandfather has retired, the remaining power of the past is still there!

Not to mention........

Su Zeming also has an uncle who will reach the status of his grandfather in the future.

This is the difference in status between the two sides

"We understand."

Fan Long and Fang Lang nodded. Even though Fang Lang was slapped by Yun Liang just now, they didn't have much complaints in their hearts at this time.

They knew Yun Liang's character very well.

He was even more arrogant than them. People.

And now that Yun Liang is so submissive to the other party, there is only one possibility, that is, the strength of the other party far exceeds theirs.

It is an existence that even Yun Liang cannot afford to offend.

However, this person's brain It’s not working!

He actually proposed a one-on-three. Did he really think he was Ip Man, one against ten?

"Mr. Su, you're welcome."

Yun Liang slightly cupped his hands, then put his posture


As he said this, he gave an order........

Fan Long and Fang Lang then distanced themselves from Yun Liang, and the three of them formed a slight joint attack. If it were an ordinary person, he would not be able to react at all under the joint attack of the three of them.

If you deal with one of them, you will be hit by the other two.


They were facing Su Zeming


Fang Lang was the first to punch.

Fan Long looked at it and raised his foot to kick Su Can. Yun Liang looked at it and quickly raised his leg. The two of them kicked towards Su Can, while the other person A punch came.

The movements of the three people were extremely skillful and they cooperated with each other tacitly. They followed it at first glance.

Although their feet were not as flexible as their hands and could be changed at any time, there was still one person left to take action. If Su Zeming dodged, he would And respond quickly and call over

"Then be clear and be careful."

Wu Shen exclaimed.

But he saw Su Zeming's expression remained unchanged. He looked at the three people coming to attack together. He had a smile on his lips and stepped back slightly. Fan Long and Yun Liang kicked him in the air.........

Seeing Su Zeming dodge, Fang Lang changed the direction of his punch and hit Su Zeming who was retreating.


However, Su Zeming was faster. When dodging the two punches, he had already ducked sideways and punched out again. When Fang Lang hit him with a punch, Su Zeming just missed him sideways.

Su Zeming punched hard. Hit Fang Lang hard on the chin


Su Zeming is a practitioner of internal martial arts. The strength he is showing now is only one or two tenths of him. If he uses it with all his strength, this punch can take away half of Fang Lang's life.

If Su Zeming It hit Fang Lang in the heart and could kill him with one punch.

Su Zeming just wanted to teach them a lesson and did not intend to kill anyone.

In Yanjing City, under the eyes of so many people, even if he was born in Yanjing City, In the capital, if someone is punched to death, even he will be in big trouble.

This life will be ruined.

I don’t know how many people hold grudges against the big Su family, and how many people want to destroy the big family. I'm afraid everyone will swarm here and join forces to deal with the Su family.........

Su Zeming is not that stupid.

If he wanted to completely defeat these three people, Su Zeming had ten thousand ways.

And now.

Su Zeming just wanted to recover some interest and make them suffer a little bit.


After being punched on the chin by Su Zeming, Fang Lang let out a painful cry. The blood from the corner of his mouth flowed out directly, and he even felt that several teeth were loosened by the punch.

Su Zeming hit him with a punch and did not stop, bullying him. In front of him, he raised one knee and pulled Fang Lang upwards.

A heavy blow.

Fang Lang was knocked to the ground by Su Zeming. Fang Lang received a heavy blow in his stomach. He was overwhelmed with pain. He kept spitting out bitter water, which was closely related to the chin. Blood, flow out together

"Fang Lang!"

Seeing Fang Lang being knocked down by Su Zeming, Yun Liang and Fan Long were shocked.

How is this possible?.........

Why is Su Zeming so powerful?

They were stunned.

Su Zeming turned around, rushed towards Yun Liang and Fan Long, then flew forward and kicked twice in succession on the faces of Yun Liang and Fan Long who were stunned.

This kick is stronger than the force of the hand.

Still hit in the face, which is almost the weakest part of the human body. One blow can even make people lose their ability to resist.

What's more, it's Su Zeming!

His strength is very strong. Even Su Can's security guards are no match for Su Zeming. Several people must join forces to do it.

"Bang bang!"

Two vibrations

"ah! ah!"

Immediately afterwards, two screams rang out. Yun Liang and Fan Long were kicked by Su Zeming and fell to the ground. Their faces swollen instantly and huge red marks appeared. The blood also appeared. flow from their mouths........


They coughed a few times. Under the blood, there were actually a few white things. Looking carefully, they were several teeth.

Not only were they knocked down by Su Zeming, but several teeth were also knocked out..

The elders and young men of the major families who watched this scene were all silent, dumbfounded, and looked at this scene stupidly, as if they were petrified.

They were dumbfounded.

This scene was too unexpected for them.

It was simply It’s like a dream, I can’t believe it’s real.


How long did this fight last?

From the time Yun Liang and the others attacked Su Zeming, to Su Zeming’s counterattack, it took less than half a minute. Time.

Half a minute........

Yun Liang, Fan Long and Fang Lang lost their ability to move and were beaten to the ground by Su Zeming.

What kind of force is this?

Everyone looked at Su Zeming, shocked, their throats squirmed, they swallowed, they were frightened, and even took a few steps back involuntarily.

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