The news about Lu Qianshan and Su Can, after a night of fermentation, has completely spread explosively on Chinese social media, wherever there are Chinese people.

This news was overwhelming.

And in the mainland.........

On the Internet, things are extremely quiet.

Not really.

No one found out about this news, or perhaps no one in the mainland knew about Lu Qianshan.

Quite the opposite.

Lu Qianshan is also well-known in the mainland, because as a Xiangjiang native and a woman, her net worth has reached the top ten richest people in Xiangjiang.

Not only that.

He is also in charge of such a large company, and many people in the mainland know it.

And the reason why this news did not spread in the mainland.

That's because Zhong Ming suppressed it.

That's right!

When this news was exposed on Xiangjiang's social media, the intelligence department headed by Zhong Mingqiang had already noticed it before it swept across Xiangjiang.

Of course it's not because Su Can is here.

Because the intelligence department didn't know about Su Can's existence, how could it know that this person was involved in the big boss behind his big boss!

The reason why I noticed it was because of Lu Qianshan.

In the intelligence department run by Zhong Mingqiang, Lu Qianshan is also a key target of attention. Once key news or intelligence related to Lu Qianshan is discovered.

All must be reported as soon as possible.........

They reported it and Zhong Mingqiang took a look.

Damn it!

In addition to Lu Qianshan, isn’t there also a third brother?

This matter is getting big.

Fortunately, few people know the identity of the third brother in this matter, and those who do know the identity of the third brother are probably asleep at this point.

If you haven't slept.

Even if they knew the news, they would not dare to release any inside information. Even those business tycoons of the older generation would not think it was a bad thing.

But I think it's very normal. after all.

Su Can is young and has a huge fortune. Only a woman like Lu Qianshan can be conquered by Su Can. Not only is this not a scandal.

On the contrary, it is a matter of romance.

That's right..........

To ordinary people, this is called obscenity, but to them, they think it is romantic. It has to be said that many people blindly follow the other party because of their status and identity.

After Zhong Mingqiang saw it, he immediately activated the power in his hand to suppress the matter. but!

What surprised him was that although he suppressed it, another force burst out. When he made the matter bigger, he used more force to press down.

Another force joined in and continued to expose this matter.

And this time.

Su Can had fallen asleep a long time ago. Zhong Mingqiang did not dare to wake Su Can up, so he could only press down slowly. Otherwise, if too much force was used, Zhong Mingqiang was worried that it would be counterproductive.

On the contrary, it is possible for ordinary people to know the existence of Third Brother.

This much.

Zhong Mingqiang felt a little scared. He had been with the third brother for so many years, and his low profile of the third brother had long been deeply rooted in his bones. If the identity of the third brother was exposed.

Third brother will definitely not like it.

Zhong Mingqiang had no choice but to do so. but.

Although Zhong Mingqiang was unable to completely suppress the incident on Chinese social media, in the Mainland, it was very simple.

Whether it's a penguin.........

Or Weibo.

These Zhong Mingqiang were able to suppress the news within one sentence. Except for a few small forums that exposed the matter, the rest of the big platforms.

Once someone exposes this matter, their account will be banned immediately. then.

Those small forums were also warned.

Therefore, this news was quickly suppressed.

Of course, at this time, although Zhong Mingqiang did not suppress these matters, he did not stop either. The intelligence department under his command had already begun investigating.

In the end, it was those two forces who were deliberately making this matter bigger.

It’s almost done.

Just wait, after the third brother got up, he reported the matter to the third brother, and left it to the third brother to decide what to do next.

Time passed bit by bit. soon.

Standing at the door of the villa, looking at the mountainous area shrouded in thick fog in the distance, one could vaguely see the busy scene of Victoria Harbor in the distance early in the morning.

This is the best area in Xiangjiang, and it is also the reason why the rich live here.


Suddenly, a burst of footsteps sounded.

Zhong Mingqiang heard the subtle footsteps and turned to look inside the villa. He immediately saw Su Can and Huang Manyu walking down slowly.

Today is not the weekend, and Huang Manyu also has to go to work in the morning. Of.


Not as early as the workers, but I still have to get up.

Su Can and Huang Manyu were husband and wife and slept in the same bed. When Huang Manyu came up, Su Can also got up. The main reason was that Su Can had a stable schedule.

This point.

It’s also his wake-up point.

Seeing Huang Manyu and Su Can coming down, Zhong Mingqiang's expression paused. He thought for a moment, wondering if he should walk in now. After thinking about it for a while, Zhong Mingqiang walked in immediately.

Su Can slowly went down to the first floor and saw Zhong Mingqiang walking in. His eyes were a little dark, and he looked like he had not slept well all night. this? what happened?

Su Can suddenly guessed something in his mind.

If nothing had happened, Zhong Mingqiang would not have stayed up all night. He would have stood at the door of the villa waiting for him before he got up early in the morning. obviously.

Here's something happening.

And, it's not small.

Su Can and Huang Manyu sat on the sofa, and Zhong Mingqiang also walked up to them.

"Mingqiang, what happened."

Su Can picked up the set of purple clay pots on the table. This set also has hundreds of years of history. It was not easy for Su Can to collect it.

"Third brother, something big happened."

Zhong Mingqiang glanced at Huang Manyu, then looked at Su Can, and said.

Huang Manyu guessed that there might be some connection with her, or that it was inconvenient for her to listen. She squinted her eyes and smiled, and said:"Do you want me? Avoid it"


Su Can shook his head and said.

Regarding her man's words, Huang Manyu felt warm in her heart.

Her man..........

He really never hides anything from himself.

Zhong Mingqiang smiled bitterly and said:"Mr. Huang, that's not what I meant. Even if you are not here, you will know about this very soon.""

"tell me the story."

Huang Manyu became interested.

Su Can continued to make tea, with a calm expression.

Zhong Mingqiang began to explain:"Third brother, Mr. Lu invited you to dinner last night. Wasn't Mr. Lu drunk? You were secretly photographed at the door of Bixianju while you were seeing her off."

"Moreover, someone specifically posted it on social media in the Chinese community, and it spread completely. Now it has become the number one trending topic on all major social media in the Chinese community."

"And, they said."

Zhong Mingqiang paused.

Huang Manyu looked at Su Can meaningfully, with a faint smile on her lips, as if to say, there is such a thing.

Lu Qianshan was drunk last night.

Come back.

Su Can saw Huang Manyu's expression and wondered what this woman was thinking.

Su Can looked helpless and felt a headache.

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