Magic City.

As the most developed city and financial center in the country, it has always attracted all kinds of top tycoons and foreign capital to settle here.

Here is the most prosperous city in the country.

If it’s a wheel level!

These days, Pengcheng is really not as good as the Magic City. Even the prosperity of Yanjing City may not be comparable to the prosperity of such a city..........

This city is undoubtedly the largest economic city.

Yipin community.

This is the most top-notch community, and it is well-known among the richest people in the country, because this community is the most high-end community in Pengcheng. even!

Not worse than those villas.

In this community, all kinds of top rich people live, as well as various celebrities. Many celebrities who can buy houses in the Magic City almost all bought them here. here!

It represents an identity. even.

Even if you are a nouveau riche, if you buy a house here and join the group of homeowners in this community, what does this mean? it goes without saying.

There are rich people around, either rich or expensive.

In such a circle.........

They are all of the same level, or even higher than me. As long as I join, it will be a network of resources. Can we prevent those who have stepped into this threshold from flocking to me? so!

Many people know that even though the housing prices here are too high, several times higher than the housing prices in the neighborhood next door, they can still afford to buy here.

I will never buy the neighborhood next door. certainly!

Most people who can buy a Yipin community don't mind buying a few more units next door, because Yipin community is an investment in human resources.

And next door!

That's real estate investing. actually!

A set of large flats, in fact, most of the Yipin community is large flats. This is a top-level luxury house specially designed for wealthy people.


Zeng Naiwang looked at the man sitting in front of him, who looked a little sickly in complexion. His body was slightly bent, and he said to this man respectfully.

If Su Can were here, he would definitely recognize him.

These two people!

Naturally, it was the man named Luo whom I saw at the auction house in Yangshi, and his full name was Luo Xingjue. This was a name with a little meaning.

If they didn't think of anything else, many people wouldn't have thought that this fame was actually related to the name of the royal family of that dynasty.

Not many people!

Will think of this. after all!

That dynasty has been extinct for nearly a hundred years. The new era has come to the land of China for so many years. These old and young people have already changed..........

Even if there are a few of them who live unsatisfactory lives and dream every day, their surnames are left in the past, and they are children of the Eight Banners. They can be dandies, eating and drinking and waiting to die. but!

These people are irrelevant. in reality!

They are all trash, with few skills. It is because of their lack of skills that they miss the life back then and feel that they can get a lot of things casually by relying on their status.

Luo Xinjue and Zeng Naiwang, their master and servant, came back from Yangshi, but they did not return to Yanjing City, but came to this magical city.

With Naluo Xinjue hiding so many things and having such a rich net worth, this residential complex is extremely expensive for others. but!

For someone like him, it's nothing. here!

Such a large flat floor with more than 500 square meters is his foothold in the Magic City.

Just a place to stay.........

"Did you find anything?"

Luo Xinjue looked at Zeng Naiwang. His expression was not as calm as before, but full of waves and a hint of eagerness.

This time!

He was indeed a little anxious.

In Yangshi, Su Can saw him and also Knowing that Mu Tianhua wanted to annex the Ye family, wouldn't he have doubts about himself?

Sure enough! As soon as they left Yangshi, the top big shot in Guangdong Province who had contact with them immediately He told them a piece of news.

That is!

The biggest big shot in Guangdong Province chatted with him for a few words, and he vaguely revealed that it was a big shot from Yanjing City who called to ask for his help..Maybe!

The big shot in Guangdong Province, I don’t know who the big shot in Yanjing City is!


Luo Xingjue knew that this person was either Su Can or Su Wen. One of these cousins ​​must have spoken to the big shot.

And this person!

The identity will never be too weak.

After getting the news, they left Yangshi and did not dare to return to Yanjing City. Instead, they came directly to this magical city.

Yanjing City is the headquarters of the Su family, and it is considered the territory of the Su family.

Although Luo Xingjue's secret industry is huge, the total domestic assets are almost 300 billion RMB, if this explodes.

In an instant, it became one of the top ten giants among private enterprises, and various statuses and pursuits followed. even.........

Can be officially recognized.

However, compared to the behemoth of the Su family and the giant Su Can, these things are actually nothing. after all!

The asset strength of Lu Guoqiang under his banner surpassed him. What's more, Lu Guoqiang was not the only one in Su Can's industries in the mainland.

And his son, Su Zeming.

At this age, he is more than 20 years younger than himself, but in just a few years, he has managed an asset management scale of more than 300 billion yuan.

His strength is not inferior to his own. besides!

There is also Wang Er, who also has assets of 200 billion. Apart from these few people, he knows all the other people under Su Can..........

Those people's companies can come out casually!

That’s all reaching a scale of 100 billion RMB! so many people!

How does his asset scale of nearly 300 billion RMB compare with it? Moreover, Luo Xinjue felt that Su Can's shareholding in the industry owned by Lu Guoqiang, Zhang Qiang and others would definitely not be too low. only!

On many surfaces, it seems that it is only about 10%, which can be regarded as the second largest shareholder, but Luo Xinjue absolutely does not believe this. unless!

Another doubling, but it was not revealed, just the ten percent, the scale of Su Can's assets was enough to frighten him. so!

After what happened, he did not dare to return to Yanjing City to avoid being caught by Su Can in Yanjing City.

By the time.........

That is, he has fallen into a trap.

And if he stayed in this magical city, the place with the most headquarters of multinational companies in this metropolis, he still had a chance to escape after Su Can discovered him. ps please subscribe please subscribe

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