The night flew by.


The temperature in Yangshi is not low. It was 16 or 7 degrees in the morning. Although it is not as hot as noon, this weather is already very hot compared with Yanjing City.

There is basically no problem in wearing autumn clothes. early in the morning.........

Ye Chu and his son arrived. even!

Even Su Can and the others arrived without getting up.

"Third brother!"

"Uncle Su!"

Su Can dressed neatly and walked out of the room. He looked at Ye Chu and his son who were guarding the door. They immediately greeted Su Can and said hello.

Looking at the dark circles under their eyes, they looked like they had not slept well last night.

"Come so early!"

Su Can said with a smile.

"We came here as soon as we arrived, because we were afraid that Third Brother, you might not be able to find us if you have something to tell us!"Ye Chu immediately said respectfully to Su Can

"You didn’t have breakfast!"

Su Can said with a smile.


As he spoke, Ye Chu's stomach gurgled.

Where is the time to have breakfast?

When he got up early in the morning, he immediately called his son. Even the servants at home did not prepare breakfast. They simply washed up and ran over.

I woke up so early. What I ate last night has long been digested.

"There is a buffet breakfast in the hotel, let's go! Let's go eat together."

Su Can shook his head and said.

He walked forward. After a while, the group came to the hotel restaurant. Because Su Can got up late in the morning, there were many people in the hotel restaurant.


As the largest person in Yang City In our hotel, the restaurant was big enough to sit down.

A group of people sat down.

They got some breakfast and started to eat simply.........

Ye Chu devoured the buns, took a few mouthfuls of steamed buns to cushion his stomach, took another sip of coffee, and swallowed it. He quickly said to Su Can:"Third brother, today's auction house starts at eleven o'clock. We will go there later if we have time." , you can take a look at the jade over there"

"Or, if the third brother wants to go there when the time comes, that’s fine."

He made two preparations.

It depends on Su Can's mind.

Whatever Su Can does!

He will do it.

"After breakfast, I went over to take a look. It’s not bad to come to Yang City to see this special feature!"

Su Can smiled and said.

Soon, the group finished breakfast.

They went downstairs and came to the hotel door. The car had been arranged. Zhong Mingqiang wanted to open the car door for Su Can. Ye Chu rushed up and helped Su Can open it in advance.

Su Can didn't pay attention, but went straight up.

This was true!

It scared a few people who came out of the hotel.

Only after Su Can and his convoy left did these few people come back to their senses.

One of them rubbed his eyes, took a deep breath, and said,"Did I get dazzled just now? Did I see something wrong? Why did I see Ye Chu bending down to open the door for someone?........."

"It seems I saw it too"

"It’s not a mistake, it’s true!"

"Who is that person? Ye Chu actually treated him like this?"

"Oh my God! Ye Chu is not an ordinary person. He has assets of several hundred million. In our Yang City, he is a big shot who can be ranked high!"

"I heard last night that Ye Chu invited a big shot to come"

"Could it be that person just now?"

"It's possible. It's said that the Ye family has encountered something big this time. A big shot, one of the top bosses in the province, has come to say hello."

"Could it be! This is the foreign aid invited by Ye Chu"

"Have you seen that person clearly?"

"What I saw was the back, and I had no idea who he was!"

"Although it's a side view, I think that I don't recognize him at all, but he looks quite young, probably in his early thirties.........."

"Early thirties? Doesn't that mean that this person is a descendant of certain people?"

"Could it be that they are coming from the Xiangjiang side?"

"I heard that Ye Chu knew people from the Zheng family! They have a great cooperation with Zhou Dafu’s company in Yangshi! Some people wonder if this is the eldest son of the Zheng family, right?"

They didn't see Su Can's face clearly, but even if they did, they don't know Su Can's identity at this level.

They are not qualified.

Those who know Su Can's existence are not from major families. , or those who have reached a certain status, that is, their net worth is at least several billion.

It is net worth!

Not assets!

They know Su Can’s identity!

However, they do know that Ye Chu can make an asset Hundreds of millions of people are bowing down like this, and the opponent's strength will definitely not be weak..........

It will not be ten times lower than the Ye family.

More than ten times!

That's a family with billions of assets, not a small family at all. After all, it's only 10 years now. Even though they have just entered the family, their net worth is not low!

What's more, Yangshi is just a small city

"Walk! It seems that Ye Chu is going to attend the jade auction. Let's follow him and see what's going on!"Someone suggested

"Yep! It just so happens that I plan to go today"

"All of us have the qualifications to go in, so let’s go take a look and see if we can pick up some that we missed and bought something we like."

"Then let’s go!"

"My driver is here!"

"Take a walk!"

Those people followed immediately, and as soon as the car started, they rushed over.

At this time.........

In addition to their three cars in Su Can's team, Ye Chu and his son were also followed in a car. This car was not cheap, it was an Audi A8.

There is probably a driver and bodyguard.

Although he, Ye Chu, once worked as a bing and served as a security guard for Su Can, his body functions have deteriorated over the years after he retired and he was able to beat one or two ordinary people.


If someone attacks him, he may not be able to escape.


His assets are worth hundreds of millions, and it is easy for people to keep track of him. After all, it is not now, but ten years later, after he has wiped out all kinds of criminals.

The public security environment across the country has improved to several levels.

This year!

Some small places are still a bit messy.

Among the four cars, Ye Chu's car drove in front and led the way. His car was in Su Can's convoy, which looked a bit like a security convoy.......... no way!

The security cars in front and behind Su Can are worth no less than the Audi A8, or in other words, most of Su Can's fleet is like this.

Lead to the back!

Wang Er, Lu Guoqiang and others also followed suit. but!

With their net worth, this is normal.

About twenty minutes later, we arrived at our destination.

This jade trading market is not in the urban area, but outside the urban area. But in ten years, this place will be the urban area!

Outside the trading market, a large number of cars were parked.


Most of them are not luxury cars.


In these days, those who can afford to buy a car and whose family environment is not too bad are actually not too bad. Of course, among these cars, there are also cars with hundreds of thousands, millions or two million dollars.

"Third brother, we are here!"

Zhong Mingqiang watched Ye Chu's car stop, turned back and looked at Su Can and said.

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