"Then keep an eye on it! During this period, be careful and don’t let anything happen!"

Su Can nodded, very satisfied with Zhong Mingqiang's arrangement.


Their sons, Su Ye and Su Zeming, are about to give birth to their respective wives. If something goes wrong again, it will be extremely bad...........


Must be stricter

"It's the third brother!"

Zhong Mingqiang said respectfully

"Later, go check out the jokes!"

Su Can thought for a moment and suddenly said on a whim.

"Is it Zhang Yiming's side?"

Zhong Mingqiang was a little surprised and said.

Zhang Yiming!

Naturally, he is ranked first in the talent plan that the third brother has been doing in the past two years. This was recommended and reviewed by many of them.


Zhang Yiming and the other four people , those who started a business, and those who did not start a business worked in a large research institute.

As the first person in this plan, Zhang Yiming has now established an Internet company called Jumping Company, and Duanzi..........

It was the first Internet industry they developed.


This industry is already on the market.

It has received good reviews nationwide, and the number of downloads has reached 20 million in just a few months.

And this speed is still accelerating. estimate.

By the end of next year, it will have hundreds of millions of downloads.

This is another very large Internet company.

As expected of the third brother!

Zhong Mingqiang thought to himself.

It’s just that he has a keen eye for recognizing people. In just a few months, without much support from resources, he was able to see Zhang Yiming’s ability to be so powerful..........

"Um! Su

Can nodded slightly and said,"I haven't seen him for several months. Now his beating company is doing well. Let's go and take a look.""

"It's the third brother, I'll make arrangements immediately and call him!"

Zhong Mingqiang said quickly.

This is Yiming.

It's not that he has never seen it before, but he has seen it several times.

Among them!

The most important thing is that when he started his business, he gave it 5 million RMB. All this money was invested by his third brother. Theirs.


Although this beating company has not yet experienced financing, there are already many companies that can't help but want to raise funds for this company.

Among them........

There are many large capital companies. actually!

With Su Can's investment, even if the company is not that good, many people will join like crazy after learning about Su Can's investment.

But speaking of which, this company is indeed excellent.

Zhong Mingqiang turned around and made arrangements immediately. about twenty minutes later

"Third brother! Zhong

Mingqiang walked in and said,"The car is ready. I also told Zhang Yiming about the situation. He has already made arrangements.""

"Let's go!"

Su Can stood up and put on a long coat.

The weather.........

It was indeed a bit cold.

As soon as he walked out of the villa lobby, a biting cold wind swept over him. Fortunately, the clothes Su Can wore were specially made for winter by a company under the Xingshi Group called Big Bear Clothing. this brand.

Today, Hedae ranks first and second among winter clothing brands in the world.

This one from Su Can.

Every year, Xu Zhengmao arranges for this company to customize Su Can's clothes, which are not only slim and decent, but also the best style.

As for the materials.

That goes without saying.

How could the clothes that the big boss wanted to wear be casually made?

The car had been parked in the yard for a long time, and the wheels had anti-skid chains on them. After all, it was snowing, and without the anti-skid chains, it would have been impossible to drive.

Got in the car........

The car door closes.

The cold air outside is completely sealed outside


The car started and headed towards the Jumping Company.

It was after working hours, and there were not many people. However, because of the heavy snow, the ground was a little slippery, so the car didn't drive very fast. The journey originally took more than ten minutes.


It's a waste of time It took more than twenty minutes.

The car quickly arrived in front of a building.

The building was very big.

There were four gates. Su Can and the others stopped at the east gate. As soon as the car arrived in front of the gate, they saw Zhang Yiming and an assistant. , waiting nearby for a long time.

Seeing Su Can's motorcade arriving, Zhang Yiming ran over anxiously, wanting to help Su Can open the car door.


The car door opened and Su Can got out..........

Looking at this man who looked to be in his thirties, Zhang Yiming felt a little uneasy and quickly said respectfully:"Mr. Su, you are welcome to come to Tiaodian Company."

He didn't know!

Why did Mr. Su suddenly want to come to this company to inspect? because!

He is apparently the founder of this company, but he knows that all this is because of Mr. Su's support. In fact, Mr. Su is the major shareholder of this company.

And his holdings!

It’s only 20%.

More is under the leadership of Mr. Su. In addition, Mr. Su also left 10% of the shares as an option reward pool.

As long as you have worked at Tongtong Company for a long time or made outstanding contributions, part of the option reward pool will be rewarded.


The number of downloads of the newly listed joke about Doujiang Company has reached 20 million. For a company that has only been established for a few months, this is simply an unimaginable success..........

This app is a hit.

But Zhang Yiming knew that this was all because of Mr. Su.

If it weren't for Mr. Su!

He didn't have such a chance at all, because the reason why the joke became popular was because it was not blocked on Weibo. In addition, it was not blocked on Penguin. otherwise!

Unless he paid a high price, or gave up part of his equity, Weibo or Penguin invested in the Duanzi product.

Or maybe he bought a stake in Tongtong Company. otherwise!

That Internet giant is willing to let Duanzi develop like this.

This is all thanks to Mr. Su!

He dare not bow and be arrogant

"Let's go! Go see what your company is like."Su Can looked at Zhang Yiming, looking at him as he was in his previous life, low-key and humble........

This is a very low-key person in both lives.

Just like Su Chan's previous life.

Although the headlines are very huge.

His Internet business landscape is not inferior to the two giants Alibaba and Penguin. It can be said that he is the third largest company under these two giants.


In his previous life, Zhang Yiming was extremely low-key. You would never see him attending any big meeting or saying anything.

Not like that one at all.

I'm not interested in money.

It’s not like those rich people who have a small goal of 100 million.

He and the founder of Pinxixi, who is the same age as him, are as low-key as ever. Apart from the two of them, there is another one who is the founder of UAV..........

They are all very low-key.

"Yes, Mr. Su!"

Zhang Yiming said respectfully. ps Please subscribe

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