"You guys, please be more agile in your actions later."

Zhong Mingqiang saw Su Can's thoughts. He pointed to a few security guards and said


Several security guards said sonorously.


When he saw several hunky-backed security guards coming over with clenched fists, the young reporter felt as if he had seen a demon and felt extremely horrified.

"No, no!"

He was completely scared and didn't dare to show off.

If he was buried alive here, his life would be completely over.

"I was wrong, I was wrong, boss, you have a lot of money, please spare me!"The reporter made a cry and begged.

"Aren't you afraid?"

Su Can said with great interest.

"Afraid, I'm afraid, boss, I know I'm wrong......."

The young reporter cried.

It is estimated that what happened today will become a lifelong nightmare for this young man, and he was almost buried alive.

Su Can smiled faintly and looked at the camera next to him.

Zhong Mingqiang took a look and understood what the third brother was thinking. He immediately picked up the camera and handed it to Su Can. After Su Can took it, he looked through it.

"It’s a Sony camera, it’s worth a lot of money!"

Su Can picked it up, looked at it, and opened it.

He searched for the photo album and found photos of Bill secretly taken during the past year. Some of them were photos of Bill at the Atlantis Hotel.

And some were... They were photos taken secretly with Bill.

When they arrived at the prospect villa, they secretly took a few photos of the villa's door in a hidden place, but there were no other photos after that.

Without looking, Su Can knew that the young reporter was probably wandering outside and couldn't be found. He came in and sneaked over the wall.

As a result, he was caught by Su Can's security.

He took the camera, opened the memory card, took out the memory stick directly, and handed it to Zhong Mingqiang.

"Burn it!"

Su Can said lightly.

"It's third brother.......

After Zhong Mingqiang heard this, he immediately held the memory card in paper and burned the memory card in front of the reporter.

After a while, the memory card was completely burned.

The young reporter showed a look of distress. There was a lot of photo material in it!

"By the way, who is Fengxing Entertainment?"

Su Can frowned slightly.

Before Su Can came in, this kid shouted loudly that he was from Fengxing Entertainment. He was arrogant and said that his big boss knew Wang Er.

"Third brother, seems to be Mr. Chu’s? Zhong

Mingqiang thought for a moment and said


Su Can frowned slightly. He didn't remember that the Chu Group entered the entertainment industry! Even if it did, Chu Yiyi would tell him.

When was Fengxing Entertainment founded?

"No, it's another one."

Zhong Mingqiang shook his head and said

"Chu Yu?"Su Can remembered that the other Mr. Chu was Chu Yu, the girl who went on a blind date with Su Can back then.

And a little bit, she is still unmarried.

As for why she is unmarried.........

When Su Can thought about it, he had a slight headache!

"Okay, let’s ask Chu Yu to come over and get the people! In the future, let our media companies not let those reporters come here casually."

Su Can rolled his eyes and said

"It's the third brother!"Zhong Mingqiang said respectfully.

The young reporter sitting on the ground suddenly opened his eyes because he heard Su Can talking about Chu Yu, as if he was very familiar with it.

That was their big boss, the fashion queen in the entertainment industry today.

They Fengxing Entertainment Weekly is a subsidiary of a company owned by their big boss, which can be regarded as a descendant of several generations. The real boss is still the fashion weekly.

The guests in each issue are almost either famous figures in the business world or first-line movie stars. , are all movie kings and queens, kings and queens.

They play a decisive role in the entertainment industry.

The company even plans to be listed on the A-share market, with a market value of more than several billion, and many business tycoons in Yanjing City. There is a connection.

People like Wang Er are Chu Yu’s friends.

Can they not be friends?........

These two are people under Su Can. Although Chu Yu has been slow to work with Su Can for many years, the newspapers and magazines such as Fashion Weekly he controls have great influence, and they are also the most important propaganda under Su Can. Passage.

The young reporter was indeed right.

After Su Can finished speaking, he turned around and left.

Zhong Mingqiang looked at it and ordered:"Keep an eye on this person and wait for someone to take him away. Don't embarrass him or be too polite to him."

After saying that, he followed Su Can's footsteps.

Su Can quickly returned to the villa where he lived. There were dozens of villas here. He could live in not many of them, but he could only live in one.

Even the servants in the family live in the villa next door.

As for security, even the security guards in the villa complex, all of them basically live in the villa.

Of course, I live here alone.

Su Can is not allowed to live here with his family, otherwise it will be easy to get into trouble.

He can be accommodating to some things, but the rules for some things must be what they are.

This kind of thing is beyond doubt........

Su Can returned to the villa and sat on the sofa.

I looked at the tea I had made with Bill just now. The water was already cold.

Su Can asked someone to boil a pot of hot water again. After changing the tea leaves, Su Can made another pot of hot tea and drank it slowly.

Time passed slowly, about forty minutes later.

A car drove into the villa, and Zhong Mingqiang walked in from the outside

"Third brother, Mr. Chu is here."

Zhong Mingqiang said respectfully

"Let her go get the people, there is no need to come to see me."Su Can said lightly.

"But, she is right outside the door!"

Zhong Mingqiang said with a bitter smile.

"Boss, why don't you wait for me, your subordinate? Or is it because I feel ashamed of my boss’s expectations of me? After so many years, the company I am in charge of is the weakest company with the lowest market value under the boss’s control!"

A pretty voice came out.

Immediately afterwards, a tall woman in her early thirties, wearing a goose-yellow knee-length skirt, walked in. As soon as she came in, she looked into Su Can's eyes, and Without concealing it, he became extremely hot.

Su Can looked at Chu Yu and smiled bitterly.

"Third brother, me!"

Zhong Mingqiang showed an apology on his face.

Su Can looked at Zhong Mingqiang, waved his hand slightly and said,"Okay, you have nothing to do here, go down........"

"It's the third brother!"

Zhong Mingqiang released it hard, let out a long sigh of relief, then turned around and walked outside.

Chu Yu looked at Su Can, his beautiful eyes squeezed towards her, and he couldn't help but smile at the corner of his mouth. ps Please subscribe Please subscribe_Feilu reminds you: three things about reading-collect and recommend

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