"Yes, brother, I will say it immediately. Li

Li did not dare to delay and said quickly:"The man's name is Lan Qing. He is doing business in Tianjing. He has only come to Yanjing City in the past two years. He is a forthright man and soon got to play with a group of people.""

"Originally, we didn’t know him, but half a year ago, when we went out to play, a friend took him out with him........

"We played together several times, and then he brought that thing and said that it would give people a stimulating feeling after being sucked. We couldn't help but play with it once, and we played with it every time we came out."

He didn't dare to hide it and revealed everything.

Including how he met Lan Qing, even the first time they met and the first time he took ya.

Otherwise, He knows that his brother will never show mercy

"Yes, Brother Zeming, we only started doing this half a year ago."

Zhang Chen followed and said

"Lan Qing!"

When Su Zeming heard this, his eyes narrowed slightly, revealingA hint of murderous intent.

At present, I don’t know what identity this person is.

Even though both Li Li and Zhang Chen knew that the other party was from Tianjing, it was still a mystery whether his identity was what they said.

Because now, with the Su family's status, anything that might target the Su family would happen at the earliest opportunity.

It seems inconspicuous, but once it happens, it is like a volcanic eruption, burning continuously and unable to stop it........

At that time, it will cause a lot of trouble to the Su family.

Especially at this time, we still don't know whether the other party is targeting the Su family.

Or maybe Li Li and Zhang Chen took yao accidentally, and no one planned it, but no matter what, that Lan Qing dared to do it.

Then he must bear a very heavy price

"Is that Lan Qing here just now?"

Su Zeming looked at Li Li and asked

"In the! Just now when we were outside, he was still surrounding us!."After Li Li heard this, he nodded sharply and said


Su Zeming frowned slightly when he heard this. Was he here just now?

Then this person must have left now, especially in order to deal with the matter of Li Li and Zhang Chen, Su Zeming asked others to leave.

At the beginning, Su Zeming did not expect that this The two little calves were addicted to yao because someone attracted them half a year ago.

Otherwise, they could have kept Lan Qing.........

"Do you know where he lives?"

Su Zeming asked

"have no idea. Li Li shook his head and said,"We basically don't know where he lives, and we didn't ask him where he lived. We only had his phone number.""


Su Zeming frowned, even if there is a number, he can't call it. At this juncture, if he wants to settle accounts with that Lan Qing, there is really something wrong with that person.

This person will definitely not answer the phone, and maybe he will alert the snake, man!

"Someone must know."Zhang Chen suddenly said


Su Zeming asked in a deep voice.

Zhang Chen lowered his head, not daring to look directly at Su Zeming, and said in a low voice:"The man named Lao Xiao is the one he introduced to us with Na Lan Qing."

"Do you know where they are?"

Su Zeming asked

"I know, I know, he is from our Yanjing city, his parents opened a place, just over there......."Zhang Chen said.

Su Zeming nodded, looked at Zhang Chen, and said:"Call him and ask him where that Lan Qing is, and do you want to tell him what he wants to do with Lan Qing? If you dare to reveal the news, let him know what the consequences will be.""

"It’s Brother Zeming."Although he was beaten violently by Su Zeming, Zhang Chen didn't even dare to express his anger and was respectful in front of Su Zeming.

He walked to the side, took his mobile phone and started to make calls.

"Zeming, do you think there is something wrong with Lan Qing?"

Zhang Ming looked at Su Zeming. After hearing so much, he immediately understood some of what Su Zeming was thinking.

"Um! There might be something wrong with this person. If there is no problem, he can't be spared just because he took Li Li and Zhang Chen to take yao."

Su Zeming nodded and said.

As for what's the problem?

Then we have to catch Lan Qing and check it out then.

"Brother Zhang Ming, help me call Zhang Suo in."Su Zeming looked at Zhang Ming and said

"no problem!"

Zhang Ming nodded, immediately turned around and headed outside........

Su Zeming watched Zhang Ming leave and glanced at Li Li. Li Li shuddered and did not dare to move. Su Zeming did not pay attention to him.

Instead, he slowly leaned back, leaning against the sofa.

After a while, Zhang Ming came in with Zhang Suo, and when he saw Su Zeming, Zhang Suo immediately asked:"Zeming, what do you want from me?"

"Zhang Suo, I have one thing to trouble you. Ask a few people with better skills to prepare. Later, you can follow these two people to catch someone."

Su Zeming looked at Zhang Suo and said

"No problem, let’s not talk about anything else, just this manpower, let alone a few people, even if it is thousands of people, there is no big problem."

Zhang Suo patted Xiong and said.

As the largest logistics company in China, Dongfeng Logistics has warehouses all over the country, especially in the northern region where it has been operating from the beginning. There are even more employees..

Just here in Yanjing City, there are nearly a thousand employees. He said that he can recruit thousands of people, which is definitely not a joke.

"I'm going to call now and call a few people......."

Zhang Suo smiled and said


Su Zeming nodded.

On the other side, Zhang Chen came back

"Brother Zeming, I asked Lao Xiao and he did know Lan Qing’s address and told me. Zhang Chen said respectfully:"I'm in a high-end community near the Third Ring Road.""

"Okay, you and Li Li follow Zhang Suo and go find Lan Qing together! Catch the person and contact me when the time comes."

Su Zeming ordered


Zhang Chen nodded and said

"Got it brother."Li Li also nodded.

Both of them were cynical. If we put it aside more than ten years later, using the popular words at that time, they would be at the level of spiritual young men.

In front of others, it would be arrogant.

But in front of Su Zeming, They don't have any arrogance.

They are as docile and docile as sheep. Even if they are beaten by Su Zeming, they don't dare to have much resentment.

Of course, at least in front of Su Zeming, they don't dare to show any resentment, otherwise it will be accurate Unlucky......

"Zeming, I have already called, and they are on their way over. They are not far from here and will be there in about ten minutes."

Zhang Suo also came back. He put his mobile phone in his pocket, looked at Su Zeming and said. ps Please subscribe Please subscribe_Feilu reminds you: three things about reading-collect and promote

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