Su Zeming looked at Li Zhong's expression and knew that this guy was wrong.

But he didn't bother to explain. This kind of thing became darker and darker as it was described, and the explanation was clear, which offended Tang Xuan.

After all, although he is not in love, he still knows a thing or two about women's thoughts.

If you say you don't have that intention for her, then Tang Xuan will think that he doesn't think she is beautiful! Isn't she good enough?

By then, it will be even more chaotic.......

"You said you came to Yanjing City to work, and you have been handing over work this week. Are you going to come to Yanjing City for development?" Su Zeming looked at Li Zhong and asked.

Li Zhong nodded deeply and said:"In recent years, the mainland has developed rapidly, and the market share of various industries has continued to expand. You can get more opportunities here."

"So, are you going to join Zhongheng Real Estate Group or that one?"

Su Zeming asked

"I have no interest in real estate."Li Zhong spread his hands and said.

When Su Zeming heard this, he glanced at Fu Dong next to him.

"I think you guessed it too."

Li Zhong said with a smile:"I came here to join Tianxia Film and Television. After all, I have been in the film and television industry in Hong Kong for a while in the past two years, and I am quite familiar with this industry."


Su Zeming listened and nodded slightly.

Although the domestic film market is not big now, it has a population of more than one billion. With the development of the economy, even if one-third of the population has the conditions to watch movies, it will not be enough for the whole country. The world's largest movie market.

Therefore, entertainment culture will be a very big market in the future.

Moreover, other peripherals derived from entertainment culture will be a huge market. If it is operated well.....

There are more than hundreds of billions here.

For example, American Marvel and the island country's Weekly Shōnen, these can sell billions of dollars a year.

Of course, this is just for these two companies. If other companies are added, there will be a market worth tens of billions or even tens of billions of dollars a year.

"Now, I have entered Tianxia Film and Television, serving as the executive vice president of Tianxia Film and Television, specializing in handling Hong Kong artists coming to the mainland to shoot movies and cooperation between mainland movies and Hong Kong."Li Zhong looked at Su Zeming and explained.

"There are a lot of film talents there. If you can use them all, it will be safe."

Su Zeming smiled and said

"When my dad asked Uncle Su for advice, Uncle Su told my dad the same thing."Li Zhong said with a smile.

Uncle Su?

Is it Su Zeming's mysterious father again?

She has never seen him before, but he has long been familiar with him. In the mouths of a group of super rich young people, he is a great being who is respected and respected.......

Tang Xuan was curious about what kind of father he was who could teach such an outstanding child like Su Zeming.

That person must be very powerful

"The old man has said it, and he has listened to his words. Over the years, what the old man said has never been missed."Su Zeming said with a smile.

Old man?

Hearing Su Zeming call that man this way, Li Zhong's mouth twitched slightly.

Su Zeming dared to say this. If he dared to be disrespectful to Uncle Su, let alone others to fix him. Perhaps before anyone else could wait, his father directly broke his legs.

Uncle Su?

Yu Cheng was shocked. He felt that Mr. Li was extremely respectful. Even his father, Mr. Li, the head of Zhongheng Real Estate Group, respected him so much. He asked The person who gave his opinion must be Mr. Su's father.

Oh my God! His father actually respected the big boss of Zhongheng Real Estate so much. The origin of this man was more terrifying than he imagined. What the hell is this man? Who is it?

Also, who is that mysterious Uncle Su?

Not only Yu Cheng was shocked, but Manager Hu was also calmed down. He never thought that there was anyone in the world who could calm down their boss, Mr. Li.......

Moreover, he is still the father of Mr. Su?

No wonder!

Manager Hu suddenly realized in his heart, no wonder he got angry when he heard that Mr. Su was here, and Mr. Li personally called him from Xiangjiang to reprimand him.

It turns out that Mr. Su’s background is so terrifying

"Uncle Su?"

Fu Dong was also dumbfounded.

As the senior vice president of Tianxia Film and Television, it can be said that he holds a high position in the entertainment industry and controls the resources of many first-line stars.

He naturally knows that the real big boss of Tianxia Film and Television is actually Xiangjiang's Zhongheng Real estate, and Zhongheng Real Estate not only owns the entertainment company Tianxia Film and Television.

It also has a top entertainment company in Xiangjiang. In it, there is a great actor and director Zhou Xingxing, and even several of the Four Heavenly Kings are in it.

That is really the largest entertainment company in Hong Kong......

And now, if the big boss wants his son to come to Tianxia Film and Television, who must he pass?

Fu Dong was shocked. He felt that he followed Mr. Li from the big boss's house and got a big news.

If this news spreads, let alone Tianxia Film and Television, it would probably cause a huge sensation in the entire Yanjing City or the entire business world.

You know, Zhongheng Real Estate Group is one of the major real estate companies in Hong Kong, and it also has very large property assets in the mainland.

Such a business giant, facing that mysterious Mr. Su, was he so respectful?

Who is that Mr. Su?

"My dad also said the same thing, otherwise I would have been a little hesitant if I wanted to work in Tianxia Film and Television. Fortunately, Uncle Su nodded. Li

Zhong said with a smile:"In a few days, when your school is on holiday for the weekend, I will go see Uncle Su when I have time.""

"OK, no problem."

Su Zeming nodded.




Upon hearing these words, both Manager Hu and Yu Cheng fainted in shock.

Co-author, this terrifying big man who could almost bring them to disaster with just one word, was actually just a student.


Yu Cheng cursed in his heart, since when had college students become so scary? He was a little doubtful about life.

The same is true for Manager Hu.

Su Zeming continued:"By the way, you are here just in time. I have something to ask you.""

"Zeming, you are too polite. We are brothers. If you have anything to say, you can just tell me. If you have anything else to ask for, just say it directly!"

Li Zhong patted his chest cheerfully and said confidently.

Su Zeming nodded and said,"Yeah! My friend Tang Xuan has just terminated her contract here. I want her to join Tianxia Film and Television. If you think she can, let Tianxia Film and Television sign a contract with her!"

Hearing Su Zeming's words, Tang Xuan was a little moved.

"No problem, this matter is too simple. The matter of my younger siblings is also my matter. I will immediately have someone prepare a contract to sign with my younger siblings........"

Li Zhong smiled. ps please subscribe please subscribe_To read the ununderlined version of the novel, please download Feilu Xiao

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