Otherwise, how could her boss Yu Cheng call someone Mr. Su.

That's an honorific title........

The call he made was genuine. He was not pretending to be pretentious, but he really knew the senior person in charge of Zhongheng Real Estate.

Oh my God! What kind of big shot did I mess with!

"Mr. Su, I look down on others and cannot see the mountains. I was wrong. Please forgive me. Mr. Su, please forgive me."

Director Gong immediately knelt down, faced Su Zeming, stretched out his hand and said hello to his face.


With a crisp sound, her slap hit her face.

Tang Xuan looked at the director who was hitting her, but she didn't feel any sadness for her, let alone pity this person.

On the contrary, she was very happy in her heart.

Because she knew that the reason why this woman was like this was not because she was pitiful, but because she met a more terrifying Su Zeming. What if it were someone else, not strong enough as Director Gong?

It is estimated that this slap was given by Director Gong himself. That's a big slap.

Su Zeming glanced at Director Gong, and there was a hint of disgust in his eyes. He really hated this woman.

This woman made him sick.......


At this moment, there was another burst of footsteps.

"Manager Hu, our boss is inside, you go in! The boss told us to wait outside."Yu Cheng heard the voice of his secretary outside.

Manager Hu.

Old Hu is here too.

Sure enough, this person is really powerful. Old Hu even came here in person, which shows that this person's identity is higher than he thought. A lot.

After a while, a person walked in at the door

"Mr. Su, I'm sorry, I'm late."

As soon as Manager Hu came in, he didn't even look at Director Gong who was kneeling on the ground. Instead, his eyes passed over Yu Cheng, fell on Su Zeming, and immediately apologized.

Su Zeming didn't speak, but looked at Manager Hu.

"Mr. Su, my name is Hu Dong and I am the person in charge of Zhongtian Building. I didn’t know you came to Zhongtian Building. Please forgive me."

Manager Hu said with a very low profile.

He had never seen his big boss talking to him so seriously, asking him to satisfy Mr. Su......

Otherwise, he would never want to do it.

This shocked Manager Hu

"Hello, Manager Hu."

Su Zeming nodded.

Director Gong saw Manager Hu's behavior towards Su Zeming, and was completely shaken. It felt like he fell from heaven to hell all of a sudden. You know, Manager Hu is a building worth one billion The person in charge of the building was from Zhongheng Real Estate, and his status was very high.

Even he was respectful to the young man. You don't need to guess how noble his status is.

She has hit the iron plate.

No, This is more than just an iron plate! This is simply seeking death.

As for Tang Xuan next to Su Zeming, seeing Manager Hu being so respectful to Su Zeming, he did not feel that surprised.

On the contrary, Tang Xuan felt that it was reasonable..

In less than a day, she had already seen what happened to Su Zeming, which was not a shocking thing.

Now that she saw it again, she was used to the shock.........

"Mr. Su, what should I do with this woman?"

Yu Cheng looked at Su Zeming flatteringly and asked.

Su Zeming looked at Yu Cheng and looked at Manager Hu meaningfully. He did not speak, but had a smile on his lips.

Seeing Su Zeming's smile, Yu Cheng He shuddered.

Manager Hu felt his heart skip a beat, feeling that what he had done was known to Su Zeming.

He immediately lowered his head and said respectfully:"Young Master Su, I'm sorry, when the boss called me, I was afraid that something would happen to you here, and I would never escape the blame, so I immediately called Mr. Yu. After all, it was his company and asked him to come over and deal with it immediately."

Su Zeming did not pay attention to Manager Hu, but looked at Yu Cheng.

Seeing Su Zeming's eyes, Manager Hu felt a chill in his heart. Oops, he was going to be finished. Is Mr. Su angry?

He felt that if Su Zeming got angry , he simply couldn't bear it.

Yu Cheng felt a chill in his heart.

Su Zeming smiled and said,"You are very smart.

Then, he looked at Tang Xuan and said,"Tang Xuan, has your boss ever treated you badly, or what is his attitude towards you?""

When Yu Cheng heard this, he looked at Tang Xuan with a pleading look in his eyes.......

He knew that now his life or death, or that of the entire Jingwei Entertainment Company, depended on Tang Xuan's next words.

A young man like Mr. Su would probably do whatever Tang Xuan said in order to win a smile from a beauty.

He never thought that a small artist under his command could actually know such a big shot.

If he had known this earlier, he would have taken Tang Xuan as his aunt.

Even if she wanted to be the vice president of the company, she would have to give her seat to this aunt in no time!

However, everything was too late.

Yu Cheng didn't even know if he had offended this aunt. He just hoped in his heart that he would never do it!

Suddenly, all eyes fell on Tang Xuan.

When Tang Xuan heard Su Zeming's words, his eyes dazzled, as if he had entered the wind and sand, and a cloud of mist rose in his eyes. Looking at Su Zeming, he was extremely moved.

She only felt that if she could become his woman in this life, this life would be enough.

"Zeming, thank you........"

Tang Xuan said gratefully.

Su Zeming smiled and said:"It's okay, you decide this matter. Besides this woman, is there anyone else bullying you in this company?"

When Yu Cheng heard this, his throat was blocked and he looked at Tang Xuan nervously.

Tang Xuan shook his head and said:"Although the resources in the company are not good, the boss treats us pretty well and does not force us to do anything else, except for her of course."


After hearing Tang Xuan's words, Yu Chengxin breathed a long sigh of relief.

He felt just now that he seemed to be wandering on the edge of death, just waiting for Tang Xuan's sentence to be pronounced.

Now, Tang Xuan Xuan's words made him feel safe for the time being.

Otherwise, he would have been doomed.

He had lived for more than forty years, and he had never felt as terrifying and exciting as he did today. He almost had a heart attack.

"Tang Xuan, thank you, thank you!"

Yu Cheng wiped a handful of cold sweat, looked at Tang Xuan, quickly lowered his head and bowed gratefully.

Manager Hu also breathed a sigh of relief, he was almost finished.......

Fortunately, Yu Cheng did nothing wrong, otherwise the two of them would have died together. ps please subscribe please subscribe_Feilu reminds you: three things about reading-collect and recommend

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