Su Can stayed at the Hilton for two days. During these two days, Su Can did nothing else but adjusted the time difference to normal conditions.

After all, when Su Can and the others came, it was night in Xiangjiang, and when they arrived in America, it was also night in America.

After staying for more than twenty hours at night, most people are not used to it.

The same is true for Su Can........

On the third day, I finally felt better.

At the same time, a grand party will be held at the Hilton, and the heads of many top companies in the United States will arrive one by one.

Here, it has become a dazzling land.

The organizer of this party was Qianfen Investment Company.

Back then, Qianfen Investment Company entered the U.S. market. After several years of development, it has now become a behemoth.

Here, the roots run deep.

This time, this party was specially held for the purpose of publicity.

The people who come here are all the current rich people, or those popular big companies.

This is why Su Can came to America this time. Otherwise, he would not have come to such a place.


At this time, in front of the Hilton gate, a group of reporters were blocked outside. They were all reporters from major news. However, the party held by Qianfen Investment Company today was private.

Journalists would not be invited. Come.

However, these reporters, like smelling bloody sharks, knew that there would be many very important people coming.

So, they rushed over one after another.........

In front of the Sheldon Gate, the reporters kept taking photos, trying to record all the people who attended the party.

"look! Who is that? Isn't that Bill?"

"Oh my God! Bill is here too. Nowadays, Microsoft is a star company in the Internet industry. Many people invite Bill but don't come!"

"Qianfen Investment Company was Bill’s first angel investor!"

"So that’s it?"

"No wonder Bill came, but why did Jobs come too?"

"profound! God, you fake reporter, don’t you know that Qianfen Investment Company holds a large stake in Apple?"

"Yes, Qianfen Investment Company is not as big as Goldman Sachs, Lehman Brothers and other investment companies! However, those who are particularly famous in the Internet industry"

"Someone comes again"

"Oh my God! That's the vice president of Goldman Sachs!"

"Huh! Lehman Brothers also sent people"

"Why are people from Disney here too?"

Business tycoons who are rarely seen in normal times took one car after another and arrived in front of the Hilton Hotel from outside........

When they come down, they always get a burst of exclamations.

These big guys are all very big, starting with a net worth of hundreds of millions of dollars. If you don't have that kind of net worth, you will be embarrassed to come here.

Hilton Presidential Suite

"Bang bang bang!"

Su Can lived in this room, and there was a knock on the door. He frowned slightly and walked towards the door.

Looking at the door, he found that it was Zhang Man.


Su Can opened the door, turned around and left.


Zhang Man was behind and closed the door.

"Boss, all the guests came to this party held by Qianfen Investment as promised, and now almost most of the guests have arrived!"

Zhang Man looked at Su Can and explained.

"Are Bill and Job here?"

Su Can looked at Zhang Man and asked.

Among the people who came this time, in this era, there are many people with higher status than Steve Jobs and Bill.........

Those who have more wealth than them also have more.

There were even vice presidents from some of the world's top investment companies coming, but Su Can didn't think highly of those people.

Instead, I was curious about Bill and Jobsi.

Therefore, he asked Li Xueer to pay more attention. If Bill and Job arrived, tell them that he might have time to chat with them and meet them.

Although, Bill and Job are incomparable to Su Can in this life, and even from now on, their net worth will never catch up with Su Can.

However, Su Can was still very curious about this legendary Internet talent.

Like in his previous life, Su Can wanted to know how they took such a correct path and made their company so powerful.

The market value exceeds one trillion US dollars.

For this reason, Su Can particularly admired the two of them.

Therefore, Su Can really wanted to have a chat with the two of them to make up for the opportunity he didn't have in his previous life. This made Su Can look forward to it.

"Boss, Xueer sent me a message five minutes ago and she has arrived!"

Zhang Man took out his mobile phone, typed out the message, and showed it to Su Can.

Su Can nodded slightly..........

This mobile phone is naturally not a Xiaomi mobile phone, but an Ericsson mobile phone, but it is licensed by Huatong Patent Company to Ericsson and can be produced and sold.

However, every time one is sold, a large amount of money must be paid to Huatong Patent Company, so that this company can obtain generous patent fees.

Therefore, Ericsson can buy this mobile phone in the United States.

In addition, Ericsson is a country in the Western camp, so buying this mobile phone is almost not difficult in America.

During this period, nearly hundreds of thousands of units have been purchased.

So, I made a lot of money

"Okay, let's go to the conference hall! When Su Can heard this, he nodded slightly and said with a smile.

The two got up. Su Can put on a suit and wore it very formally. Standing next to Zhang Man, he seemed to be a very good match.

After walking out of the room, Su Can He saw Wang Rui waiting in front of the door. As for Wang Er, Su Can had already arranged for him to study in another real estate company.

"Wang Rui, you are not at the party at this time. What are you doing here?"Su Can looked at Wang Rui and asked doubtfully.

"Third brother.........

Wang Rui quickly explained:"Mr. Li asked me to follow you and be your translator tonight!"


Su Can looked at Wang Rui with a strange expression. This girl and Li Xueer probably don't know that their English is very good!

Is this?

"Forget it, no need, my English is good! No need for translation!"

Su Can directly spoke to Wang Rui in fluent English.


Wang Rui was shocked. She never expected that Su Can's fluent English was much more authentic than what she spoke.

Moreover, it was extremely clear.

She couldn't compare.

Zhang Man smiled slightly, not She was surprised.

She had known for a long time that Su Can knew English and spoke it very well. Li Xueer didn't ask her about it, so Zhang Man didn't tell her either.

This made Li Xueer's hard work completely in vain.

She It's arranged, Su Can doesn't need it at all

"Ding dong......."

The elevator opened and Su Can looked inside. Standing there was a middle-aged foreign man holding a long and cute doll.

Su Can looked at the man, then at the little girl, with a strange look at the corner of his mouth. ps please subscribe please subscribe_To read the ununderlined version of the novel, please download Feilu Xiao

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