After hearing Su Can's words, there was movement in the dead silent hall.

Zhang Man, Huang Manyu and Lu Qianshan all looked over. Looking at Su Can's bright eyes, their hearts moved slightly.........

"Boss, did you miss that one? Zhang

Man asked curiously.

Huang Manyu opened her mouth slightly and asked in confusion:"Did we miss anything?""

"Boss, please give me some advice. Lu

Qianshan said respectfully.

Originally, the three of them thought that with their own strength, they could completely guess who this person was.

However, now, they have fallen into dead ends several times, which makes them feel proud. They were so arrogant that they were shocked.

Now, after hearing Su Can's advice, they immediately became curious.

Su Can smiled and said:"It's very simple. These major newspapers have all mentioned something together, but you have not. Care a little too much"

"say what?"

Zhang Man asked doubtfully.

Huang Manyu thought about the things she just clicked on and said,"Female? Call? Eleven o'clock?

Lu Qianshan's eyes suddenly brightened:"Yes, there is another one.""

Then, Zhang Man and Huang Manyu's eyes brightened up. It was obvious that the three of them had thought of something.........

That is?

Huang Manyu looked at Zhang Man and Lu Qianshan. Lu Qianshan and Zhang Man also looked at her at the same time. The three of them looked at each other.


Then, they nodded to each other in perfect agreement and said loudly:"Accent!""

"Yes, it’s the accent!"

Su Can smiled when he heard what Huang Manyu and the others said, and said:"The major newspapers just mentioned that woman, and what she said was with an accent, not pure words."

"Moreover, they also mentioned that this accent is not like our Chinese accent, but is similar to another accent."

Su Can continued.

Only one newspaper editor mentioned this, and the others did not mention it. However, Su Can clearly noticed this. In addition, just now, Huang Manyu and Zhang Manlu Qianshan After peeling off the cocoons, he analyzed all the information piece by piece.

Su Can was able to pinpoint the suspect without even thinking.

"Boss, do you know who it is?"

Zhang Man was stunned and looked at Su Can, looking at him as if he was an old god. Zhang Man, who was familiar with him, knew that the boss must know.........

"You knew already?"

Huang Manyu was a little surprised.

Lu Qianshan realized something and said: Boss, in such a short period of time, he actually knew who the person behind the scenes was, and we fell into dead ends again and again, and the clues were interrupted again and again. Get up."

As for Su Can, among the three women here, Lu Qianshan is actually Su Can's crush, and she worships Su Can crazily.

Because, in the past few years of working under Su Can, any financial operations Lu Qianshan carried out according to Su Can's instructions were very successful.

And, the rewards are huge.

This made Lu Qianshan feel that Su Can was a god-like existence, so she worshiped Su Can crazily.

"Um! You almost guessed it!"

Su Can smiled slightly and said

"how did you do it?"

Huang Manyu felt a little proud, but also a little disappointed.

She was proud of her man. After all, Su Can was her man. Her man was great, how could she not be proud?

She was disappointed because she didn't help Su Can. Chan is so helpful.

She thought that as long as Su Chan didn't interfere in this matter and gave them a chance, they would be able to catch the mastermind behind the scenes..........

In the end, Su Can really didn't interfere.

However, we still found out who was behind the scenes.

Just with this ability, I don’t know how many times I am better than myself.

This also made Huang Manyu feel lost because she could not help Su Can.

"Through your reasoning, and then capture any tiny details, and finally connect them together, you will almost know who it is."

Su Can saw the unconcealable sense of loss on Huang Manyu's face, smiled and said

"According to our reasoning?"

When Huang Manyu heard this, her expression lit up and her eyes were bright. Her disappointment was instantly overwhelmed by her excitement.

"Our reasoning?"

Zhang Man and Lu Qianshan were also slightly surprised, but after being surprised, they felt happy.

Because they felt that their reasoning was more or less useful, at least it helped Su Can.

In this regard, It made them very happy.

Su Can smiled and said:"Yes, that's your reasoning. From the very beginning when you called the editor-in-chief of the newspaper, the various keywords revealed there"

"Later, you use these keywords to start analysis and reasoning, and uncover the layers of fog layer by layer."

"Although these are all in a dead end, the distance from the truth is indeed only a wall. If you want to find the truth, you must go through this wall."

"Also, a more important reason is that a person that none of you thought was actually the mastermind behind this time.........."

"And I just happened to see it, combined with what you analyzed and reasoned, and finally put it together, and the image of a mastermind appeared in my mind."

This is indeed a conclusion that Su Can didn't think too much about. He came to the conclusion based on the reasoning of Zhang Man, Huang Manyu and Lu Qianshan.

On this point, Su Can really didn't lie.

Moreover, it was said that Zhang Man, Huang Manyu and others It's really not Su Can's politeness to comfort them because of Lu Qianshan's credit.

Because these things are really their fault.

Otherwise, if Su Can wanted to deduce it and find the person, he would have to at least find it with Zhong Mingqiang. When various news comes back, it will be clear only by combining it in this way.

And by then, it will be in the evening.

How can it be like now, when they called them in person and asked the editors directly, and Su Can heard all the key words in the ears.

In this way, no misinformation was caused, and the news was not missed at all.

This allowed Su Can to quickly locate the person behind the scenes.

"Wait a minute, you said you have seen the mastermind behind the scenes. Did you see him in the past few days?"Huang Manyu caught a key word that Su Can said.

According to what he said, it must have been in the past few days.

Because they analyzed that the man behind the scenes had a temporary intention. Naturally, it was a temporary intention, so it was not premeditated for a long time.

And You know, Su Can’s visit to Xiangjiang didn’t last long!

In other words, it was just a few days........

Have you seen me these past few days?


When Zhang Man heard this, his eyes widened and he took a breath of cold air. ps Please subscribe

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