Come on, Maggie Wong is coming down now.

This is a gathering of three girls!

As the saying goes, three women make a play, and ten women make a TV series. Although the three of them have not yet reached the standard of a TV series, it is still a play........

Thinking about it, Su Can would probably have a headache.

There is no other way. It is most difficult to accept the kindness of a beauty. What can he do? Su Can was also very helpless about this!

Could it be that he was not good enough and that these women had no affection for him?

Su Can can’t do it either!

His excellence emanates from the inside out, involuntarily, rather than just saying it exists. Su Can can't stop himself from being so excellent!

"Su Can! Are there any guests downstairs?"

Huang Manyu, who was upstairs, heard the movement in the hall, walked down and said slowly and softly.

"Huh! Why is this voice so familiar?"

Zhang Man paused slightly and said with a frown.

"It seems that he is from Xiangjiang?"

After Lu Qianshan heard this, he was suddenly shocked, because Huang Manyu spoke Cantonese. Besides Xiangjiang, Guangdong Province and Ao Island, who speaks Cantonese?

And the woman's voice was so familiar.

Zhang Man and Lu Qianshan's mind started to spin rapidly, thinking about the women from Xiangjiang that he and others knew.

Because they were familiar with that voice.

After thinking about it for a moment, Lu Qianshan suddenly took a breath of cold air and said in surprise :"It's her, yes, this voice is hers!"

"Yes, yes, that's her!"

Zhang Man also nodded.

After the two of them finished speaking, their expressions became gloomy. They found that they were so close to the boss that someone actually got there first.

And that woman was not in Yanjing City for the boss. The Chu Yiyi who blocked the bullet was not Zhao Qingqing, the woman the boss first met in Yanjing City.

She was Huang Manyu......

It's her, that's right, it's her.

Lu Qianshan and Zhang Man were both familiar with Huang Manyu's voice. After all, the three of them were known as the three most domineering and beautiful CEOs in Hong Kong.

Even the popular female stars in Hong Kong are not as famous as the three of them.

In addition, both parties are cooperating and have to meet several times a month. After this, no one is familiar with the other's voice!

"When did the boss get together with Huang Manyu?"

Zhang Man felt very aggrieved. When she faced Chu Yiyi before, she took a bullet for the boss. Even if the boss chose Chu Yiyi, Zhang Man was convinced.

But why Huang Manyu!

Lu Qianshan Their expressions also showed extremely complicated expressions.

The two of them moved their little heads with difficulty, and looked at Su Can, showing a sad and aggrieved look, which fell on Su Can.

Looking at the two women, Su Can really felt Headache!



At this time, Huang Manyu came downstairs and saw Zhang Man and Lu Qianshan sitting in the living room.

Huang Manyu paused for a moment.

Then, her pretty face turned slightly red, as if she was about to be caught. Feel

"Mr. Zhang, Mr. Lu! I thought it was two of you who came here! Huang Manyu looked at Lu Qianshan and Zhang Man and said hello.

"Hello Mr. Huang, what a coincidence!"

Zhang Man turned around and saw a smiling face, walking over like a victorious general. Zhang Man squeezed out a smile and said

"Mr. Huang, why did you come down from upstairs? Lu

Qianshan looked at Huang Manyu and said directly:"Could it be that Mr. Huang came to Pengcheng for the first time and was not used to staying at the Atlantis Hotel, so he wanted to take advantage of our boss's villa?" ?"

"Did our boss agree?"

Zhang Man said with a smile.

Huang Manyu heard that Lu Qianshan and Zhang Man were cooperating to squeeze her out, and she naturally knew in her heart what was going on. Isn't it because of the man over there?

Zhang Man and Lu Qianshan Why doesn't Huang Manyu know about Su Can's love? After all, this man is so outstanding.

As for Zhang Man and Lu Qianshan, they are of the same level as her and have high vision. Only the man in front of them will like them. Other than that, he is not worthy at all.

For this, Huang Manyu was not unhappy, but was very excited because the man she liked was so outstanding.

It meant that he was charming and that was why so many women liked him.

At the same time, Zhang The run on Man and Lu Qianshan also gave Huang Manyu a strong desire to fight.

Huang Manyu, who has achieved the position of president of HSBC Hong Kong, is naturally not an ordinary person, and is definitely a decisive and decisive person. People.

When doing things, they are neat and sharp.

She smiled and said:"You two may have misunderstood, I am not........."

"It's okay, this is normal!"Just when Huang Manyu spoke, Zhang Man interrupted Huang Manyu and prevented her from saying those words.

Otherwise, she and Lu Qianshan would lose.

Lu Qianshan also said:"Mr. Huang, you're welcome. Our boss has a generous personality and a broad mind. He must have agreed to this matter instantly."

"That’s right!"

Zhang Man said in cooperation.

Su Can looked at it and really couldn't laugh or cry. He almost drank a mouthful of blood. The fight between these three women made him really want to beat them all up.

This Yes, I don’t take myself seriously anymore

"Anyway, our boss just agreed to let Qianshan and I stay here together, and we will wait until the Pengcheng Business Forum is over."

Zhang Man smiled slightly and said with a sharp look in his eyes.

"That's right! Lu

Qianshan also nodded and said,"In this way, it is very convenient for us to report our work to the boss and report the company's recent affairs at any time."......."

Seeing Lu Qianshan and Zhang Man's expressions as calm as water, they didn't even blink when they told this lie.

Su Can really felt like she had a headache!

When did he agree to Lu Qianshan and Zhang Man's move here?

Moreover, let alone agreeing to it, it seems that these two girls have not asked themselves whether they want to stay here!

Su Can was really drunk.

This was a decision made on his behalf. In the past, the two of them would never have dared to do this, but now, they are jealous.

Really, I can do anything

"Really? Huang

Manyu frowned slightly after hearing this. After looking at Su Can, she noticed Su Can's wry smile.

She smiled and said,"It just so happens that I am a little lonely living here alone!" It must be fun to have these two here."

Seeing that Huang Manyu actually aroused a burning fighting spirit because of this, she said with high spirits........

Su Can was speechless. ps please subscribe please subscribe_To read the ununderlined version of the novel, please download Feilu Xiao

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