Denver was founded in 1858 as a coal mining town, but a gold mine was discovered shortly after the town was founded. In those days, once a gold mine was discovered, it attracted a large number of gold prospectors.

Protestants, criminals, gold diggers, and merchants poured in. Similarly, the huge flow of people also brought with it wizards and wizard hunters.

In 1692, the Wizarding Congress was formed under the influence of the Salem Wizard Case, and the initial goal was to focus on the Purges, which led to many of them remaining incognito, and Denver's newfound gold mine undoubtedly brought them wealth, so a group of Purges left their blood here.

The Purges, like ordinary people, are ungifted with magic, but unlike ordinary people, they are quite familiar with wizarding society and hate wizards extremely much. The vast majority of them pursue only one thing in their lives, and that is to expose the wizards hiding in the crowd.

It's not easy, and it's even more difficult to expose wizards in the United States, where the International Secrecy Act is strictly enforced, as well as the Palaport Act. Many of the descendants of the Purges have never encountered a wizard in their lifetimes, but that doesn't stop them from being steadfast in their hatred of wizards.

The Purges have their own set of rules within themselves.

If their offspring is magically gifted, then the poor child will either be abandoned or killed - this 240 points is somewhat similar to some old pure-blood families, but pure-blood families are aimed at offspring who have no magical talent.

They will instill in their offspring from an early age the extreme idea that "wizards are extremely evil" and that "wizards are hidden in the crowd, and it is our responsibility to make them nowhere to hide from the world". Interestingly, this is also very similar to the rabid pure-blood proponents of wizards. It's just that the Purges are sometimes more extreme than the purebloods.

One thing about the Cleaners is that you don't know when and how these people will appear in front of you.

In the 18th century, a witch named Dorcas fell in love with a handsome No-Maj and revealed her identity as a witch, as well as the Magic Congress and various things related to wizards. Unfortunately, this No-Maj, named Bartholomew, is a descendant of a purge, and a "qualified" descendant, who has been indoctrinated with all sorts of extreme ideas about wizards.

You can imagine what will happen.

After gathering as much information as possible from Dorcus, Bartholomew stole the wand she had willingly shown to herself, and exposed all the information he had gathered about magic to the public, resulting in a serious violation of the International Secrets Act and forcing the Wizarding Congress to relocate.

This incident caused trouble to the International Federation of Wizards at the time, and the Magic Congress immediately introduced the "Palaport Act" after wiping the butt of this heartless witch - the bill completely cut off the wizarding society and the No-Maj society, strictly forbade wizards and No-Maj associations, and imposed heavy penalties on wizards who had too close a relationship with No-Maj.

To ensure that the law is strictly enforced, only wizards of legal age are allowed to hold wands outside of school. Even adult wizards must have a Wand Permit issued by the Magic Congress to legally own a wand, and it is strictly forbidden to use magic in public places with No-Maj.

The Palapoport Act was an extremely draconian law, so it was repealed in 1965.

Although repealed, many provisions of the Parapport Act were incorporated into various subsequent restrictive acts. Ilvermorny's students are not allowed to hold wands outside of school is one of them, in order to avoid certain intentional or unintentional acts of exposure.

In general, the living environment of wizards in the United States is very harsh compared to that in Europe. But this harsh living environment is caused by themselves.

Why do the Cleaners sometimes have descendants with magical talents?

At the beginning, when they came to the New World for the sake of territory and interests, the wizards went from stumbling with each other in the past to killing each other later, and finally using the No-Maj to engage in prey sports, which was completely done by themselves.

With the Magic Congress's governance and draconian social distancing measures, they could have spared their hands to purge these so-called "purges". However, under the operation of some people with ulterior motives, this means that could have completely solved the problem has been shelved.


Because the Cleanser is an extremely useful tool in the eyes of some wizards, and when used well, it can greatly damage one's opponents.

What are the taboos in the wizarding world in America?

It's exposing the wizarding world, it's breaking the International Secrecy Law, it's violating the segregation decrees issued by various magical congresses. If the Purges can take advantage of it, they can fight their political enemies in the Magic Congress. No wizard can continue to hold a prominent position in the Wizarding Congress after exposing the wizarding world or breaking the International Secrets Act.

Solim was lucky this time, he didn't meet the purge who was "brought" by some wizarding family, but a group of crazy people who really implemented the purge thing.

"So, you've already looked into it?" Solim leaned his back against the bar, one elbow propped up, and the other holding a glass of clear liquid.

He was facing a noisy stage with a steel pipe of moderate thickness in the center on which a scantily clad white woman was leaning.

"That idiot has to call every day to ask. Charles stared intently at the woman on the dance floor, picked up his glass and took a sip, smacking his lips a little unsatisfactorily, "Things will be delivered to that address tomorrow at 5 p.m., and I rented a house two blocks from there." "

"I didn't think it would be nice if you could find a place to stay. Solim poured the ice cubes from the cup into his mouth and crushed them with a "click".

"Isn't it underestimated?" snorted Charles, "I didn't say that my brother sometimes didn't have as good a brain as I did. "

"I really don't see it. Solim turned to the side and looked Charles up and down. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Today, Charles wears a dark red striped suit, a pair of sunglasses pinned to his neckline, and a gold chain around his neck. Compared to Solim, who was dressed more mediocre and inconspicuous, Charles's outfit was clearly more suitable for the place they were in now.

"Do you think your father would send a man full of muscles to help him?" said Charles, squinting at Solim.

"Can we go?" Solim doesn't like places that are too noisy, he likes quiet.

"Oh my God, the nightlife has just begun, and you're leaving?" Charles shook his head, banged on the table, and motioned for the bartender to refill his glass.

"If you have to insist—" Charles dug at his body, jingle bell pulling out a bunch of keys. []

"Well, a Ford F150, red, parked in the parking lot to the north. "

Charles threw the keys over.

"When you open the door, push it inside, otherwise it won't open. Taking a sip of the refill, Charles continued: "Eighth Avenue, go south after two traffic lights, and you'll be there for 100 meters. The first key is the key to the main door and the second is the key to the apartment, if the host ......"

"Okay, I'll stay. "

Solim dropped the key back and raised his hand to the bartender to refill the glass.

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