The Meditation Basin was no stranger to Harry, but it was still a little more difficult for him to retrieve the relevant memories, so Solim had to help him.

Trying to extract a part of a memory in good form depends on a number of things: the memory itself, the coordination of the memory owner, the finesse of the mana control, and a suitable wand.

At this time, the three of them were in his box.

"This isn't the first time you've done this. Solim tapped his aspen wand on his palm, and of the three wands he had, only this one he had obtained from Ollivander could do the job, "But I want to stress again, you have to determine exactly where your memories begin and end, and you don't need to think much about the details of your memories in between, just leave them to me." "

The job of extracting other people's memories is not easy for Solim, but it is also a matter of mastery. It was all thanks to his former captives, who had accelerated Solim's proficiency in numerous spells.

"There's no danger, right?" Hermione looked uncertain, "Actually, we can go to Professor Dumbledore." "

"Then why don't you go in the first place?" Solim glanced at Hermione and then turned his gaze to Harry, "Think back to the nightmare that night, make sure you made sure it started, and tell me when you're ready." "

Seeing Harry leaning against the bookshelf and closing his eyes, Hermione 240 hurriedly pulled Solim aside.

"Tell me," Hermione lowered her voice, "what's the matter with that dragon?"

"You didn't read the newspaper?"

"You can only believe a small part of what is in the Daily Prophet, and a lot of things in the newspaper don't say. "

Hermione looked like "you can't hide it from me".


"For example, the goblin story! Hermione said in annoyance, "It's definitely not just about the dragon running away......

"Solim, I'm ready. Harry's words made Solim breathe a sigh of relief for a moment, but he believed that Hermione should not give up so easily.

"Removing distractions while I'm extracting your memories - this shouldn't be a difficult thing for you who have been exposed to Occlumency. "

Solim picked up his wand and pressed it against Harry's temple. Then a stream of silver, cotton-wool-like memories was extracted.

"Nothing seems to be a problem. Solim looked at the tip of his staff, then flicked his wrist, letting Harry's memories fall into the meditation basin.

The meditation basin, which had been silent, gradually emitted a faint light, indicating that they could already start viewing this memory.

"Are you ready?"

Solim put away his wand, and Harry and Hermione stepped over to the meditation basin. The three of them buried their heads in it together......

After a moment of weightlessness vanished, the three of Solim stood in an unusually simple cabin. A bed, a table and chairs, that's all there is to it, and Solim noticed that there wasn't even a single window.

The only chair in the room sat a man dressed in a black robe and with a hood covering his head, judging by the shape of the man who should have no hair.

Who is sitting here, Solim and the three of them know in their hearts.

In front of this man was also kneeling a woman - Bellatrix.

"He did erase your memory, and your judgment was not wrong, Bella. "

Voldemort's voice conjures up words like "evil" and "vicious" just by listening to it. Solim frowned slightly, judging from his limited contact with Voldemort, Voldemort seemed to have done something to him.

"That damn rat!" Bella screamed, "I'm going to make him pay!"

"I think you'll have a chance......" Voldemort's left hand shook his robe, "but I'd like to hear why you left here without my permission, I remember telling you......"

"Master!" Bellatrix wailed and quickly prostrate himself on the ground, "I...... I had no choice, that Selwyn forced me to sign a contract with him—an unbreakable oath. "

Harry and Hermione glanced at Solim. Although they already knew about it before, they still wanted to see Solim's reaction. But they (CDFG) were disappointed, and Solim was expressionless.

"Oh, an unbreakable oath, so you've done it?"

"Yes, the restraint of the oath is gone. "

"I should have punished you, Bella, I should have done it. Voldemort's body leaned forward slightly, as if he would strike in the next second, "But I don't have time right now, you should know! I am very short on time now, I just hope that you can play a role in the next action, instead of wasting my precious time again and again!"

"I will, master, I will!"

Voldemort waved his hand impatiently. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"Go out and call him in. "

Bellatrix didn't dwell on it, and simply left neatly, and immediately after she left, another man came in.

A somewhat blurry face, which only shows that Harry's memory really didn't remember his face. However, the vague is blurred, and the general outline can still be distinguished.

Solim could only say that the man's face shape was somewhat familiar......

"The hosts. "[]

The voice was somewhat familiar, but Solim couldn't remember it for a moment.

"I'm not impressed here. Harry whispered, "I can't remember this place. "

Solim nodded, not speaking. This is normal, generally the memory of a scene has many details, and these details are "hidden" when people actively recall them, just as any Hogwarts student can't remember the texture of their desk, but the meditation basin can show all these details, even if the person has no impression at all.

"What do they say?"

"Andrew said we don't have much time left, if we don't leave here on Thursday...... We don't have a chance to go. "

"Are those Selwyns finally going to move?" Voldemort's spider-legged fingers gripped the armrests of his chair, "how can they help?"

"They ......" the man hesitated.

"Tell me completely. "

"Andrew said that all they can promise at the moment is to leave a little more time for their owners in the future......

The man suddenly stuck out his tongue and licked his lips.

Solim's eyes narrowed at the sight, and the action reminded him of a man.

"Hmph, do they think Selwyn has eaten me?"

The armrests of the chairs creaked overwhelmingly.

"I need you to do something for me......"

Suddenly, the whole scene began to distort, and Voldemort's voice became indistinguishable. In the next second, the three of Solim raised their heads from the meditation basin.

"Gone?" said Solim, a little concerned about what Voldemort had said.

"No, he found me. Harry also had some regrets, and he also wanted to know what Voldemort said later.

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