Harry hadn't slept well lately. Sirius wrote to say that they would have a surprise in store for themselves on their birthday. He had been in a state of excitement for this, and Harry knew what his 17th birthday meant. But in his opinion, the loss of protection may be a good thing for himself.

The Dursleys' attitude towards Harry had improved much from before, but it still didn't make him forget what he had experienced in this "home". Harry was 17 years old and meant he could move out of the house and choose a place he preferred to live in.

The Burrow was undoubtedly a perfect fit, and Harry was sure that the Weasleys would never dislike him. Of course, Grimmauld Place is not bad, but because it is the headquarters of the Order of the Phoenix, and the environment is really oppressive...... But in any case, as long as he can leave the privet road, Harry is willing.

He crossed his fingers and began to count the days, and finally waited for the day.

On his birthday, Harry woke up early, or rather, he didn't sleep at all, and he spent the whole night tossing and turning in bed, finally staying up until dawn.

Breakfast was naturally served on the table early, and Harry, like the Dursleys, was very satisfied with this. There is a house-elf in charge of the family, and the quality of life is naturally needless to say.

"Boy, we're going to go out later. Vernon drank cereal as he flipped through the newspaper in his hand.

"Get out?"

Harry craned his neck to look at Dudley, who was trying to squeeze his big thick legs into his pants, and Aunt Penny, who was cheering him on, he was a little puzzled, but it was none of his business, if the Dursleys were leaving, it was exactly what he wanted.

"Well, okay, I got it. Harry replied a little perfunctory, he felt that it was a coincidence, it was his birthday, and the Dursleys were going out...... Wait a minute.

Harry's eyes lit up.

Wouldn't this be the "surprise" Sirius was talking about?

If you think about it, it's very possible. It's his birthday, and Sirius wouldn't want to spend it at Dursley's house, so where would they throw a party for themselves? The Burrow? Or Grimmauld Place?

Although Vernon had been reading the newspaper, pretending to be reading the newspaper to be exact, he had been paying attention to Harry, and saw that Harry's face was a little strange. Vernon narrowed his eyes and warned, "Don't make any bad decisions, I know it's your birthday, but I'm not going to allow you to call your fox friends to our house for a party!"

Vernon still remembered how the fireplace in his house had blown up, and he knew full well that "those people" could come to their house whenever they wanted. Maybe there's a bunch of wizards hiding outside right now, just waiting for them to leave, and then Harry, the kid, will welcome them in.

"Oh, I don't think that's going to happen. Harry said.

"That's the best!"

"Vernon, hurry up and pack up, we're about to go!" Penny stood in front of the mirror to look at her new scarf with some smugness, "Do you think it's better for me to wear this, or the one you gave me last time?"

"Ahem," Vernon said, pretending to roll up the newspaper and stare at Harry, "Boy, we're going out all day-"

"All day?"

"That's right. Vernon wrinkled his big nose, "Our lawn has won an award, and today we're going to claim it......"

"Oh, yes, that's right, maybe we'll be in the papers, we'll see it then. Penny was still struggling with the scarf.

"So......" Vernon said as he approached Harry, "I want you to be able to take care of yourself, and I don't want a mess in the house when we come back." "


Harry blinked, his memory couldn't go wrong, unless the Dursleys modified his memory. If he remembered correctly, neither Vernon nor Petunia had touched a weedwer in a long time - the Lawn Dursleys never let Harry clean up, fearing that Harry would destroy their lawn.

"That's right, we won the prize, and the newspaper sent us a letter. "

Dudley walked around the room in his shiny round scalp shoes.

"But that's a house-elf......"

"This is the lawn of 'our' house. Vernon deliberately emphasized, "It doesn't matter who's taking care of it, but it's our lawn, do you understand?"

"Okay. Harry nodded, "I couldn't get any better." "

He was already sure that it was a hoax, and that Sirius might be the one who started it, and of course, Fred and George could do it.

What were they going to do? Leaving the Dursleys apart, were they here to pick them up? With that in mind, Harry watched as the Dursleys got into the car and left, and instead of going back to the house, he stood at the door, waiting for the "surprise" to arrive......

There was no surprise, Harry waited until noon, but there was no one to see - it was noon, but Harry was able to determine the time by the clock on the wall, the weather in London was very bad today, the sky was foggy, and Harry couldn't even see the sun.

He didn't know what was going on, and Harry even looked at the date twice to make sure he was not mistaken, it was indeed his birthday. Harry, who couldn't hold it anymore, pulled out the two-way mirror he had with him, trying to get in touch with Sirius. But for some reason, Harry tried twice, but the two-way mirror didn't respond, and all he could see was his own face. Harry, who had used it before, knew that either the two-way mirror wasn't with Sirius, or the two-way mirror was broken.

Maybe that's part of the surprise as well?

Harry was still thinking about surprises.

It wasn't until late in the evening that the sky had darkened and the air was starting to get cold that Harry finally waited for a group of men. Just as Harry was ready to vent his anger and take a good look at the "surprise" they had prepared for himself, he was surprised to find that Sirius's robe was torn...... Not only Sirius, but Harry glanced quickly at the familiar faces in front of him, almost all of them had some similarities: dust, tattered robes, and even worse, Harry even noticed a cut on Professor Lupin's face, which, although it had healed, was sure that it had bled before.

"What's going on?" Harry hurriedly stepped forward.

"Alright, no more nonsense!" Moody limped in front of Harry, leaning on his thick staff, "Are you sure it's him?"

"Yes, it's instantly recognizable. Sirius smiled and said, "I don't need to look for sure it's him." "

"It's not something to joke about!" Moody paused heavily on his staff, "If we take over a ......"

"Do you not believe Dumbledore, or do you not trust your 'old colleagues'?" Sirius said sarcastically, "This is Harry, I vouch for my life!"

Sirius then smiled at Harry, "Happy birthday, Harry. "

"Wait a minute!" Harry finally came to his senses, "what the hell is going on?"

"What's going on?" Moody looked at Harry amusedly, "Don't you think it's too quiet here today?"

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