Both Solim and Hermione could tell that Harry wasn't in a good mood. Apparently he had received some irritation from Dumbledore tonight.

"What did you see with Professor Dumbledore tonight?"

Hermione was in the know, and she knew that Dumbledore's so-called "lesson" was to show Harry some memories of Voldemort to help him understand Voldemort, although Hermione didn't know what Dumbledore's true meaning was.

In Hermione's opinion, the elimination of Voldemort must ultimately be through battle, and with Dumbledore and the Order of the Phoenix, Harry and them actually didn't really help the situation much. Rather than letting Harry learn about Voldemort in the past, it would be better to teach Harry a few life-saving spells.

Solim wasn't as curious as Hermione, he knew everything he should know, he knew what he shouldn't, and he wasn't very interested in the past right now.

"Voldemort's past. Harry crossed his hands and placed them on his abdomen, "To be honest, it's a little different than I had thought. "

After listening to Harry's account, Hermione didn't speak for a while, she was still digesting what Harry had just mentioned.

Voldemort as a child - Although he was not called Voldemort at the time, Tom Riddle's childhood was obviously very topical.

Hermione was also a wizard, and while she couldn't match the young Ryddell in terms of talent, she knew what it was like: what it was like to be out of step with her peers.

It's just that young wizards, especially in Muggle societies, tend to have two reactions when they find out that they are different: one is to see themselves as different, carefully hiding their abilities, and fearing that others will find out that they are different. The other is to see the people around him as an outlier, believing that he is superior to others with special abilities – the latter is clearly the latter of the year.

"Dumbledore said it would help me survive. Harry looked a little dull, for for a young wizard who was still underage, the topic of "death" was obviously too heavy.

"It definitely makes sense to try to know Voldemort as a person, otherwise how would you have discovered his weaknesses?" Hermione reassured, "Besides, there's Professor Dumbledore—"

"yes—there's Dumbledore. Harry repeated meaninglessly, then continued, "But I don't see my role in this war. The Order of the Phoenix takes it all upon - they confront the Death Eaters and expose their plots. Professor Dumbledore was also looking for the remaining Horcruxes, and I ......"

Harry shook his head, "I can't do anything but stay in school. "

"Don't you understand, Harry?" Hermione glanced at Solim and saw that he didn't mean anything.

"You are the banner of rebellion against the mysterious man! your existence is necessary, and everyone knows that you survived from his hands when you were a baby—"

"But that's not what I'm capable of, is it? "

"Alas, I finally found a quiet place, but one by one they all ran up. "

Solim sighed suddenly, then stood up, apparently ready to go back.

In the distance, the lights at the top of the tower had gone out, indicating that the Gryffindor and Ravenclaw students had rested.

"It's getting late, you should go back too, and don't get caught by Professor McGonagall on the way—she's on her night patrol tonight. "

Solim took out his wand and waved it, and the chaise longue he had just lay down was gone.

"Solim, why did you come to the Astronomy Tower tonight? I haven't seen you here before. Harry finally remembered this, and he, like Hermione, was curious about what Solim had come here for.

"Don't think you're the only one who has troubles, I have a lot of headaches, and I came here tonight to relax. As a result, one by one, you all ran up. Solim grumbled.

With that, Solim didn't wait for Harry and Hermione to respond, summoning the ashes and disappearing in a flash of fire.

Looking at where Solim had disappeared, Harry asked Hermione with some uncertainty, "What's wrong with him?"

"I don't know, but apparently it's like he said: Solim is in trouble right now. "

Without waiting for Harry to ask, Hermione continued, "Don't ask me, I don't know, you can't ask what he doesn't want to say." "

Then Hermione said meaningfully to Harry, "Stop thinking about Riddle when he was a kid, that's not what you should be worried about. Compared to this, I think you have something else to focus on. "


Hermione was right, but Harry thought it was wrong.

Quidditch match day was approaching, and Harry had been busy with it lately. Since he became captain of Gryffindor, he has become busier than ever. At the same time, Harry also deeply understood where Wood's restlessness came from.

They had to train in order to win games, but Harry had taken over a much worse team than Wood had been.

Without George and Fred, two excellent batsmen, and without a goalkeeper like Wood who can stabilize people's hearts, the backbone of the Gryffindor team is more than half gone.

The form of the new players is extremely unstable, especially Ron, and Harry can't imagine what Gryffindor will lose if his form continues into the game.

Harry's fears became reality. They lost to Slytherin by a big margin because Gryffindor's goal is simply unguarded, and as long as Slytherin's pursuers get their hands on the ball, then they can easily score.

Ron didn't play Quidditch, he played dodgeball. When he saw the Quaffle, he would just hide far away.

Gryffindor lost, and badly, ugly. And Ron, who performed badly, became the target of public criticism at once, and immediately there were rumors that all this was because of Harry's favoritism as the captain, otherwise Ron, the waste, would not have gotten the goalkeeper position at all.

Harry was also bitter.

In fact, if you insist on finding a reason, it is not impossible.

What team did Wood lead back then, and what team does he lead now?

Let Ron be the goalkeeper, is he be? No, every time Ron doesn't miss a dozen balls in training, it's considered a good performance. In the whole team, only Ginny's performance is quite impressive, but relying on a pursuit hand alone cannot save the situation.

Harry knew he had a heavy load on his shoulders, and now he lost to Slytherin, and if the team was still in this form, he would lose to Ravenclaw and then Hufflepuff...... Then they came to the bottom.

If that happens, it will be Gryffindor's worst performance in recent years.

In order to prevent this from happening, Harry began to train for his life like Wood had done back then, and for this reason, Harry temporarily abandoned everything: homework, spell practice, and even D.A. activities.

At the same time, a very risky thought appeared in Harry's mind: if Ron was still in this state for the rest of the game, maybe he would have to use some means that the rules did not allow.

For example, - the elixir.

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