The classrooms were more than half empty, and for the first time, there were more Slytherin students in class than students from another house, which was an unprecedented experience for both the professors and the students. Snape wasn't used to that, as he didn't have any sarcasm or demerit points when he was in Potions class.

Potions classes without Gryffindor were extremely dull, and Snape couldn't sarcastically mock Gryffindors, so the Slytherins wouldn't have had a chance to make fun of them. Everyone was busy with their own work - concocting a potion commonly found in ordinary wizard level exams: wound cleaners.

To wizards, this was similar to Muggles' medical alcohol or iodine. It is a very common magic potion in the medical aspect. According to Professor Snape, the wound cleanser they brewed would be given to Madam Pomfrey, as students were always stumbling in their daily lives. Especially for Quidditch players in various houses, skin injuries are a common occurrence.

"I want your potions to meet the minimum passing standards, and I don't think you want to use your own failed potions in the future, right?"

Without the Gryffindors, Snape didn't even have a much less sneering flavor in his words.

Like asking a chemistry teacher to do an experiment to make oxygen, there was nothing difficult for Solim about wound cleaners.

Draco on the side was also a little absent-minded, the material was cut into large and small sizes, and at a glance he knew that it did not meet the specifications. He had already sneaked a few glances at Solim, as if he had something to say.

"Get your hands on it right. Solim was already filtering the slag at this time, and after looking at Professor Snape's location with his spare eyes to make sure he was far away, Solim whispered: "What is happening in Hogwarts now has nothing to do with you, don't be distracted by these things, there is nothing worth your distraction about now except for the matter of improving your own strength." "

Draco nodded silently, he didn't know the current situation, but he still worried about his parents from time to time, although Draco also knew that his parents were still alive, but he had learned from many ways that their current situation was very bad. This fear and anxiety that his parents could be killed by Voldemort at any time had tormented Draco, but fortunately he was much more mature now, otherwise Draco might not be able to withstand this pressure.

Potions class was the last period of the morning, and after the class ended, the students rushed out to the Great Hall to prepare for dinner. Solim didn't stay to find Professor Snape, although he did have a lot of things he wanted to ask his Potions professor, but at this juncture, Solim felt that he should not give Snape eye medicine, he was already the focus of Voldemort's attention, and there were a lot of his eyeliner in the group of Slytherin students in the classroom just now, if he stayed alone, this matter would definitely reach Voldemort's ears, don't hurt Snape because of this.

After losing all the Horcruxes, Voldemort is now definitely the Snake Shadow. As the culprit, Solim must be the focus of Voldemort's surveillance, and when the Slater went out just now, Solim had already seen someone staring at him. It is certainly not appropriate to stay now.

Solim and Draco had already prepared to go back to the common room, but when they heard the commotion in the staircase, they decided to go up and have a look. Solim even wondered if Richie would be mad enough to call someone from the Ministry of Magic.

But when Solim and Draco reached the first floor, they found that all the students seemed to be crowded in—except for those who were still locked up in the Gryffindor common room

"Is it true?"

Emily swore that she had seen it through the window, and that we should have seen it right away. "

The hall on the first floor was full of students chattering, and most of the students were happy.

"See what?" Draco was confused.

Solim saw that some of the Slytherin students had a bad face, they were all from Flint's gang and all of them had people working in the Ministry of Magic. In light of this, Solim highly suspected that Dumbledore had returned.

"It probably has something to do with our principal. Solim's eyes were fixed on the door, as were many of the students, as if the thick door would be pushed open in the next second.


"Oh, I mean—our 'former headmaster.' "

"Dumbledore?" Draco's eyes widened, then he looked around cautiously, then whispered, "He really can...... Come back?"

"What's impossible?" Solim motioned to Draco, "Look at the faces of those people, how ugly they are, they're very well informed. Their family should have already greeted them. "

If Dumbledore wants to return to the head of Hogwarts, he has to get the Hogwarts Board of Directors, but in addition to the board, the Wizengamot also has to get it, and getting the Wizengamot means "legal", and in the case that the Death Eaters haven't completely torn their faces, the Wizengamot's opinion is absolute.

"But...... How did this happen?" Draco hadn't seen anyone yet, but Draco was already convinced that Dumbledore had returned. But it also raises the question - how did Dumbledore do it?

The Death Eaters are deeply entrenched in the Ministry of Magic, and the strength of the Order of the Phoenix is not enough at all, it has been published in the newspapers before, and several veterans of the Wizengamot have stepped down or resigned, and those people are all staunch Dumbledores, and the fact that the Death Eaters can bring them down can already explain a lot. After taking the majority of the seats in the Wizengamot, the Death Eaters were already at the Ministry of Magic, but the results didn't seem to be the same.

The seats in the Wizengamot are fixed, and one will be filled when they go down. Except for the few veterans who were eligible to be listed in the Daily Prophet, the other members of the Wizengamot who supported Dumbledore had already been fooled by the Death Eaters, and how could Dumbledore return to Hogwarts without sufficient support?

"It's obvious. Solim licked his lips, "There are other forces and forces involved—forces higher than the Order of the Phoenix and the Death Eaters. "

Only in this way can it be explained, under the premise of almost complete control of the Ministry of Magic, it is naturally impossible for the Death Eaters to give Dumbledore such a chance to fight back. If it weren't for the Death Eaters' own stupidity or change of sides, Dumbledore would have had little chance of turning the tables under the "rules", and only the addition of forces that would have to make those who had to go to the Death Eaters think carefully would break the deadlock.

It just so happened that Solim knew one - the Presbyterian Church. _

Fei Lu reminds you: three things to read-

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