Ron came back very late, and he came back with his shirt on. Looking at Ron, whose head was covered in snowflakes and his face was pale, Harry jumped up from the couch and dragged Ron to the fireplace.

"Where the hell have you been?" Harry found Ron a blanket to drape over himself.

"Take a walk. Ron's head was so low that it was almost buried in his crotch.

Before Ron returned, Harry thought a lot about what he should say to Ron when he saw him, but seeing him like this, Harry couldn't say a word of what he had thought of before.

"I ...... I'm sorry. Trembling, Ron still kept his head down, "I thought...... I can play, it's my ...... It's all because of me...... I'll go find Angelina tomorrow. "

"What are you looking for Angelina?"

"Leave," Ron said bitterly, "I'll admit, I'm not playing fodder." "

"If you leave, then we'll only have three people left, and they're all chasers. Harry said calmly.

"What?" Ron looked up in surprise, he still didn't know what was going on after the game.

"Fred and George and I were all banned, and our broomsticks were confiscated. Harry sighed, "Now that we've lost the Seeker and the Basman, if you leave the team again, then Gryffindor has no hope at all." "

"I ...... What am I missing?"

"Where did you go after the game?" Harry sat down.

"Me, I'm going to the Astronomy Tower. Ron stumbled.

"Staying there all the time?"

"I ...... Not worthy of playing. Ron lowered his head again.

"Don't do that, okay?" Harry erupted, "It's bad enough without you blaming yourself here! Now the Gryffindor team only has three chasers!

Ron didn't say anything, looking sadly at the hem of his wet robe. After a while, he said sullenly, "This is the worst feeling I've ever felt in my life." "

Harry thought the same way, but two hours later he didn't think so.

Back in the dormitory, they silently took off their robes and changed into pajamas. Dean, Seamus, and Neville were all asleep. Harry placed his glasses on the bedside table and slipped into the covers, but instead of closing the curtain, he stared at the starry sky outside Neville's bedside window. He sincerely hopes that today's events will be a nightmare, as Angelina said: the game has not started yet.

Harry was lying in bed thinking about the team, about Umbridge, about the adventures...... Harry had a strong premonition that Solim must have done the spell on Umbridge this time, and he didn't even think Hermione needed to ask. But Harry had to admit that Hermione was right about one thing, the last time Umbridge moved into St. Mungo, it was when Dumbledore took him and Solim on an adventure, maybe it would be the same this time?

Maybe it's still in a dark cave, maybe there's some Voldemort obstacles...... Harry found his body soft, powerful, and nimble, gliding between the shiny metal fences and over the dark, cold stones. He was leaning against the ground, gliding on his belly, the light was dim, but he could see the light of the objects around him, some strange, vivid colors, and he turned his head to see that the hallway was empty...... No, there was a man sitting on the ground, his head hanging over his chest, his silhouette flickering in the dimness.

Harry stuck out his tongue, and he tasted the man's scent. He was alive, but dozing off, Harry longed to bite the man, but he had to resist the urge to have more important things to do, but the man woke up and jumped, and a silver cloak slipped from his lap, and Harry saw his bright, blurred silhouette standing in front of him, a wand drawn from his belt, and he had no choice— He erected himself and struck, twice, three times, and plunged his fangs deep into the man's skin, feeling his ribs shatter between his teeth, and hot blood poured into his mouth, and the man screamed in pain, and then fell silent, and he collapsed at the foot of the wall, blood splattered to the ground...... Harry's forehead hurt so badly that it looked like it was about to explode.


He opened his eyes, drenched in cold sweat, and the sheets were wrapped around his body like tights. He felt like a hot tongs stuck in his forehead.


Ron and Neville stood in front of the bed, as if terrified, and there were two figures at the foot of the bed. He clutched his head, his eyes blackened with pain, and he rolled to the edge of the bed and threw up.

"He's really sick," said Seamus in horror, "to call someone?"

He was going to tell Ron that it was crucial, and Harry gasped for air, propped himself up from the bed, and ordered himself not to vomit, his vision blurred in pain.

"Your dad," he said, panting, his chest heaving, "your dad—something happened. "

"What?" Ron didn't understand. He couldn't be blamed for that, after all, Harry was so clueless.

"Your father! He was bitten, it was bad, and there was blood all over it. Harry clutched his forehead and gritted his teeth that he was dying of pain.

Ron was still in a daze, and Seamus and Dean were looking at Harry in confusion at the end of the bed.

"I'm going to call someone. Neville ran out in his pajamas.

"Harry, buddy," Ron said, incredulously, "you...... You're just dreaming, aren't you?"

"No!" Harry said furiously, making sure Ron understood, "not a dream! not a dream! not a dream! I was there, I saw it! I did it!"

He could see Seamus and Dean muttering, but he couldn't care about it anymore. The sharp pain in his forehead had lessened slightly, but he was still sweating and shivering like a high fever. He vomited again, and Ron jumped backwards.

"Harry, you're sick," he said uneasily, "Neville has gone out to find someone. "

Harry tried to get out of bed, but Ron pressed him back. Dean and Seamus were still muttering beside them. A minute or ten minutes later, Harry didn't know, he just sat there shivering, thinking back to what he had just dreamed of, and he felt the sharp pain of his scar slowly subside. Hurried footsteps were heard on the stairs, and he heard Neville's voice again.

"Over here, Professor. Professor McGonagall hurried into the dormitory in a tweed dressing gown, her glasses crooked on the bridge of her thin nose.

"What's wrong, Potter, where does it hurt?"

He had never been happier to see her, and he needed a member of the Order of the Phoenix now, not someone who was nervous to prescribe him useless potions.

"It's Ron's dad," he said, sitting up again, "he's been bitten by a snake, very badly, I see." "

"What did you see?" Professor McGonagall furrowed.

"I don't know??I was sleeping, and then I got there. "

"You mean, you dreamed about it?"

"No!" Harry said irritably, "Ron's father was sleeping on the floor at first, I didn't understand why he was there, but a snake attacked him......"

Professor McGonagall looked at him through crooked glasses, as if she had seen something terrifying. As a member of the Order of the Phoenix, Professor McGonagall knew about Arthur's mission, and Harry obviously wouldn't know about such a thing, but Harry said that he saw Arthur being attacked, so there was only one possibility......

"I'm not lying, I'm not crazy!" Harry shouted, "I'll tell you, I saw it with my own eyes!"

"I believe you, Potter," Professor McGonagall said crisply, "put on your dressing gown—we're going to see the Headmaster." "

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