Dear Mr. Potter,

After you received our letter earlier, we went deeper and the Ministry of Magic revised its decision to destroy your wand immediately. You can keep your wand until you attend the hearing on August 12th, at which point we will make an official decision.

In addition, after discussions with the Headmaster of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, the Ministry of Magic agreed to defer the decision on whether or not to expel you until then. You have been deemed to have been placed on hold of your departure from school before a decision has been made.

Best wishes

You're sincere

Mafalda Hopkek

Office of Misuse of Magic at the Ministry of Magic


Harry scrutinized the letter and relaxed his nerves a little, though that didn't mean his fear was gone. It looked like anything was possible at the August 12 hearing.

"How's that?" Uncle Vernon's words pulled Harry back to reality. "How is it now? How did they sentence you? Did you get a death sentence for your actions?" he added a hopeful association to the end.

"If that's what you're expecting, then they've definitely failed. Harry folded the letter and slipped it in his pocket, "I'm going to attend a hearing. "

"Where will they sentence you?"

"I think so. "

Harry had already moved his box down by this time.

"Did you really release a full physical Patronus?" Solim asked Harry.

"Yes, a complete patron saint indeed—a stag. Harry felt it was the only thing he could do to be happy tonight.

"That's a cause for celebration—" Solim looked at Harry with a strange look, "but how did you do that?" I remember when you were in school, the Patronus Charm was so ...... It's hard to put into words. "

"It's him—" Harry said, pointing to Dudley still holding the bucket, "I tried—and you were right, those happy emotions and happy memories were really useless when it came to actually encountering the Dementors. "

Harry looked at Dudley, who was still unrelieved, with a complicated look in his eyes, and said, "I was just thinking, 'I must not let him have an accident, or Uncle Vernon will tear me apart...... That's what you said at the time—a firm belief and a will to guard, right?"

Solim stared at Harry up and down for a look, and I have to say that Harry, a silly boy, can indeed be regarded as talented in some ways.

Patronus spells are also divided into high and low, with happy emotions or happy memories to build the physical patronus is only in vain, the truly powerful patronus is infused with the will of the wizard, and the trick is really difficult to describe in words, so the practice of the patronus spell is particularly important, wizards need to continue to successfully cast the patronus spell to find the feeling of "injecting" the will - this is a very abstract feeling, using words can not be a good way to impart experience. That's why the Patronus Charm isn't so popular: it's not easy to find that feeling that words can't describe in words.

Harry was able to cast the Patronus Charm in a moment of crisis—it was the first time he had successfully summoned a physical Patronus, and considering he was still being consumed by Dementors, it wasn't a big deal. Solim himself couldn't guarantee that he would be able to unleash a physical Patronus even though he was being consumed by the Dementors.

"Looks like you've been a blessing in disguise. Solim smiled and shook his head - it was incredible, the average person would be so determined by the Dementors that it would be difficult to even recall those happy memories, fear would take over their brains. It was in that situation that Harry infused his Patronus with his Patronus, driving away two Dementors in one fell swoop, and Harry's will could be said to be stronger than that of many adult wizards.

"Are you sure it's here? Crazy Eye?" the kitchen window had just been closed by Vernon, but the sound still crept into the room.

"Sure. Moody's voice was recognizable, and Harry and Solim in the room could hear it immediately.

"Is Professor Moody?" asked Harry in surprise.

"I don't know any professor," the voice replied, "I've never taught you anything, have I? "

Despite Uncle Vernon's habitual refusal, Harry ran over and opened the door. A large number of people poured into the room at once.

Compared to the surprise that Professor Moody had brought to Harry, the crowd of people who had poured into the room had frightened the Dursleys.

"You ...... You can't break into my house without my permission!" said Uncle Vernon, who looked frightened and angry, but he still used his fat body to stand in front of Dudley and Penny.

"It's all right, Harry. We're here to take you away. An emaciated figure squeezed out of the crowd.

"Professor Lupin!" Harry exclaimed in surprise at the sight of the visitor's face, and Harry's heart was pounding. He recognized the same voice, even though he hadn't heard it in over a year.

"That ......"

"Of course I'm here too. Sirius smiled and walked out from behind Lupin, "We're all here to pick you up." "

"Oh, he looks exactly what I thought he would," said a witch, who seemed to be the youngest of the group: she had a pale face, dark and shining eyes, and short, pointed purple hair.

Now the Dursleys were watching with horror at the group of uninvited guests who had broken into their home. Vernon, the leader in particular, was sure that even on Halloween, that face would scare people to death, especially the rolling eyeballs, and Vernon felt that his dinner might be reimbursed, and his stomach was rolling.

Mad-Eyed Moody, the old man with long, gray hair and a large missing nose, was looking at Harry suspiciously through his incompatible eyes. One of his eyes was small, black, bead-like, while the other was large, round, and iron-blue—the one that could see through walls, doors, and the back of Moody's own head.

"Are you pretty sure it's him, Lupin?" he growled, "and it would have looked good if we had brought back some damn Death Eater." Polyjuice potion isn't a potion that's hard to configure, right? We should ask him questions that only the real Potter knows, unless any of you has a truth potion. "

"I think it's a waste to use truth tellers for this kind of thing. Solim spoke up, as long as Harry was taken away, he would not end the mission until he was taken, and he naturally wanted to end it sooner.

"Dumbledore told me that he would send a 'wizard with strong execution' to deal with it first, but I didn't expect it to be you. Moody looked at Solim as if he suspected that Solim was also a fake.

"How can you be sure you're Selwyn, and even if you're Selwyn, how can you be sure he's Potter?" Moody paused for the thick staff in his hand.

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