Solim's warning was very useful. Hermione received a flurry of letters on the third day. So much so that Harry couldn't see Hermione across the Gryffindor table when he sat down—he couldn't even see Hermione's head.

"Oh my God, the good thing is that the Hogwarts owls only fly in after the meal, otherwise we'll have to eat the envelopes. Harry looked speechlessly at the owls overhead, and some owls flew towards them.

"Alright, to be on the safe side, let's go. Hermione looked at the mountain of letters in front of her, and she decided to heed Solim's warning and stay away from the letters from these strangers.

Harry and Hermione were ready to leave, but some didn't.

"Don't go. Ron opened a letter, "Let's see what it says." "

Of course, Ron knew that these letters belonged to Hermione, and although Skeeter portrayed him as an uneducated second ancestor who used Harry's name to do evil in school, no one paid attention to Ron compared to Harry and Hermione. This made Ron a bit unbalanced, though Ron himself understood that being noticed at this time was not a good thing.

But now Ron is more focused on trying to embarrass Hermione through these letters, it turns out that Hermione has not given Ron a lot of face, and he wants to find the scene through this letter. It has to be said that this is a stupid idea that has no positive effect other than to anger Hermione and further deteriorate their relationship.

Ron's luck was not bad, and the first time he got a normal letter, it was a normal letter. The words on it look like they were cut out of some magazine or newspaper.

"You're a bad girl. Harry Potter deserves a better girl. Go back to your filthy Muggle home. Seeing this overtly discriminatory statement, Ron chose to read it.

Hermione stopped, she took a deep breath, turned to Ron and said, "You'd better not look any further, or you'll bear the consequences—I warned you." "

"You can't get mad at me because of these letters. Ron looked a little excited, and it was hard to see Hermione's current appearance, "Don't think badly, maybe there will be something to support you here—if we can find it, of course." "

Ron picked up another letter with great interest and tore it open without even thinking about it.

"Look at this - Harry Potter deserves a girl a hundred times better than you...... You should be boiled in green algae......" Ron looked excited, and these very unkind remarks to Hermione seemed to him to be Hermione's retribution.

"Harry, let's go. Of course she cared, Hermione was only a fourteen-year-old child, and these vicious words in the adult world were something Hermione had never been exposed to. But Hermione, who was strong, would not show this weakness of herself.

Ron's downfall and schadenfreude made Hermione sick to her stomach even more, and she had already warned her that if something bad really happened at that time, it would be Weasley's own problem.

Hermione wanted to leave, but Harry hesitated. Harry naturally remembered Solim's words, and judging from the malice shown in the two letters just now, maybe Solim was really right.

Before Harry could decide whether to pull Ron away, Ron opened the third envelope, and the excited man thought he was opening Christmas presents.


Without warning, a stream of yellow-green liquid erupted from the third envelope, and a large number of yellow blisters appeared on Ron's hands, face, and neck. If a person with a phobia of density saw the present Ron, he would probably die immediately - provided that he had to be a real person with a phobia of intensity, not one of those dumb melons who moaned without disease.

Now Harry can't leave even if he wants to, and he won't stand idly by when something like this happens to his good buddy. The matter on Gryffindor's side has long been brought to everyone's attention, after all, so many envelopes are also a great spectacle. After Ron's accident, a large group of people set their sights on this side.


"Vomit—" This is the sound of someone vomiting after seeing Ron's blistered face, and it looks like the poor guy has eaten this meal for nothing.

"Bang-" Several of the timid underclassmen of Hufflepuff even fainted.

"Ron!" Harry smelled a pungent smell of gasoline as soon as he approached Ron, "Damn! "

At this point, Ron can't even tell it's a human face. Now Ron's face—let's call it a face, was now covered in yellow blisters, and the blisters were bursting from Ron's distorted facial expressions, yellow juice mixed with yellow-green pus from Babo's tubers dripping from Ron's chin onto his robes.

Ron was quickly taken to the school hospital, and if nothing else, he would disappear from sight for a while. Ron got the attention he had always dreamed of, but it might not have been his way, but who could blame it? Blame the sender? Blame Hermione?

But it was also a wake-up call to Harry: Solim had better listen to what he was saying, because he was basically right. With Ron's affair, Harry now even wants to catch Skeeter, the damn woman, even more than Hermione, everything was caused by that article, and Skeeter has to pay the price.

Like Hermione today, Harry had received letters, but not as many as Hermione, only one - from Sirius, who would meet Harry at Three Broomsticks the next Hogsmeade Day. This was very good news for Harry.


On Hogsmeade Day, Harry, Hermione, and Solim sat in three broomsticks, and the environment reminded Harry of some unpleasant memories of the last time Skeeter stopped them and photographed them, which is how the photo in Wizarding Weekly came from.

The three broomsticks of Hogsmeade Day are different from usual, there are students everywhere, especially this year, it is still the Triwizard Tournament, and the other two schools have also brought a lot of popularity here, and now the place where they sit is still booked in advance by Solim, otherwise they don't even have a place to sit now.

"When is your godfather coming?"

The water in the canyon in front of Solim had bottomed out, and Harry and Hermione were more fond of butterbeer, and Solim still hadn't figured out why this sweet, sour and greasy drink was so popular.

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