The venue of the third competition was in the Forbidden Forest, and the news had already spread among the students. While the students at Hogwarts don't know much about the Forbidden Forest, they know a little more than the students at the other two schools.

As the date of the tournament approaches, the topic of the Forbidden Forest is heating up again. During this time, many Hogwarts students had already made friends with students from the other two schools, so much so that they asked Hogwarts students about the Forbidden Forest.

Reyna didn't hold back either, and she ate at Slytherin's side as usual. At the dinner table, he began to ask Solim about the Forbidden Forest.

"Forbidden Forest. Solim smacked his lips, "There's nothing to say, you might come out safe and sound when you go in, or you might disappear into the Forbidden Forest." It all depends on your luck and strength. "

If the eight-eyed giant spider had entered the Forbidden Forest some time ago, it might not have been able to get out. However, now after being driven by the Basque Country, many eight-eyed giant spiders have fled towards the depths of the Forbidden Forest, and as long as they don't go too deep into the Forbidden Forest, they are generally safe. But who knows if there are any more caught in the net?

"You said this and didn't say it. Reyna touched Solim's arm with her elbow, "Seriously, I'm a warrior. "

"It's like I'm not. Solim took a sip of honey water from his cup, "Anyway, the third project will end soon if nothing happens, there's nothing to say." "

"Huh?" Regina stared at Solim's sideways, "What do you mean?"

Literally. "


On match day, on the long border between the Forbidden Forest and Hogwarts, the Warriors entered the Forbidden Forest at different times in different places according to the scoreline.

After walking a short distance in the Forbidden Forest, making sure the outside world couldn't see him, Solim pulled out the bone whistle that the centaur had given him from his arms.

A shrill but not shrill whistle spread through the Forbidden Forest.

Solim then pulled out another silver sico from his pocket and tapped it with his wand. This was made by Solim beforehand to contact Harry and Reyna. The Silver Sico would get hot in the direction of Solim, so they would just have to make sure the Sir stayed hot to find Solim.

The warriors weren't far from each other, but before Harry and Reena could find them, the horsemen's hooves came first. The centaurs came much faster than Solim had imagined, but not as many as Solim had imagined, with only three centaurs.

The centaurs were apparently the same as the last time they participated in the "Spoils Sharing Conference", and they had weapons on their backs and hands from the last time Solim had given them.

"As agreed, I will provide you with weapons, and you will help me get a few things that do not belong in the Forbidden Forest. So......" Solim looked behind the centaurs, but there was no movement," ...... What do I want?"

"Grote is on his way, and we can't be sure where you're going to be beforehand. The strongest-looking of the three centaurs spoke up, "We've sent the signal, and I'm sure the result will satisfy you." "

It wasn't the first time Harry had wandered around the Forbidden Forest, but it was the first time he had walked alone in the Forbidden Forest. However, Harry also understood that he was now on the outskirts of the Forbidden Forest, which was very safe, and with the guidance of the silver sike in his hand, Harry found Solim first.

Reina, on the other hand, had to walk a little more, her score was slightly lower than Harry's, so she entered the Forbidden Forest a little later, and she was farther away from Solim's position than Harry. By the time she found Solim, it was all over.

"What about the 'surprise' you told me earlier?" Regina gasped, she hurried over, but unfortunately she didn't see the most exciting part.

"Wow. Solim pouted at the ground, "It's all here." "

Reyna looked down and saw several boxes at Solim's feet. Even though it was the outer edge of the Forbidden Forest, the light was still not too good, and it wasn't until Solim alerted her to the boxes that she noticed.

"This is the map?" Reina immediately understood, "It's a 'surprise', but how did you do it? It's not even been half an hour since the game started. "

Reyna crouched in front of Solim and observed a few boxes. From Harry's point of view...... Ahem.

"Now that the map is in hand, what are you going to do next?" Reina stood up, looking into Solim's eyes excitedly.

"Of course it's out. Solim said as a matter of course, "What are you doing here when you have the map?"

"Oh, okay. Reina's tone sounded a little regretful, and she glanced at Harry behind Solim and said, "After all, there's a 'in the way' here. Otherwise, the environment here is really good. "

Solim nearly choked on his own spit.

Harry had already learned about it, and he wouldn't not understand what Reina meant, but he could only pretend not to understand it now.

The atmosphere was a little awkward...... Harry felt that he was really a hindrance now, but fortunately, the light in the Forbidden Forest was dim, and no one else could see Harry's embarrassed expression now.

When Solim, Harry, and Reyna came out of the Forbidden Forest with a pile of boxes, people didn't even know what was going on. Indeed, as Reina said, it wasn't long before the game started.

The referees in the referee's bench widened in disbelief when they saw the box that Solim was holding in the hands of the three people.

"This is definitely cheating!" Karkaroff slammed to his feet, "They can't be so fast!"

"Maybe we can hear their explanations first. Dumbledore didn't look surprised.

Ludo Bagman, on the other hand, opened his mouth one by one, but could not say anything.

The three Solim were quickly surrounded by the referees, as if they were criminals caught red-handed at the crime scene.

"If you may, can you tell me how you did it?" Bagman kept licking his lips, "I'm sure Mr. Selwyn won't cheat, but please explain why you ...... so quickly" Bagman counted the boxes the three of them were holding, "...... Found all the maps?"

Karkaroff had also calmed down now, and it was clear that the words "Mr. Selwyn" had cooled his anger.

"We certainly didn't cheat. Solim said as he looked at the referees, "Rules ......"

Not again...... Bagman thought to himself that there must be some loophole that this Selwyn had caught again.

“...... The rules only say that the warriors are required to find the map in the Forbidden Forest, but they do not explicitly prohibit teaming and asking for help. "

"Help?" Madame Maxim reacted quickly, "who did you get? Is it the help of the Ministry of Magic? They put all the maps somewhere in the Forbidden Forest, and they informed you in advance of where the maps were? Is that so?"

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