What Fudge hinted at Prime Minister Blair has long been recognized by some well-informed and nimble minds.

Even if the cooperation of wizards and Muggle governments can solve this crisis perfectly, the opening has already been opened, and no one knows for sure what the consequences will be. But if this cooperation fails to solve the crisis and expose the news that Yin corpses and various dark creatures are wreaking havoc in the city, then the International Wizarding Secrecy Act will exist in name only.

Because at that time the existence of wizards had been completely exposed. Either the two sides go to war directly, or they just sit down and talk about it.

There is no third option. After all, neither wizards nor ordinary people can continue to turn a blind eye to each other. At that time, both sides had to face a very real problem: how to get along with the other.

The gap between wizards and ordinary people is quite large, and there are conflicts between each other's ideas and even three views, especially some pure-blood wizards, who have never regarded ordinary people who can't do magic as their own kind. Such a mentality is very dangerous, they treat Muggles as if they were goblins, and they will kill them whenever they want. Such shamans are inevitably an obstacle to the mutual communication and integration of the two societies.

What's bad is that there are quite a few such wizards.

There has always been a chain of contempt in the wizarding world. Pure-blood wizards despise half-bloods and Muggle wizards, half-blood wizards despise half-blood wizards who are inferior to their own blood, and Muggle wizards, and Muggle wizards ...... Some of them consider themselves to be "superior" in their mastery of magic than ordinary people.

Judging from Solim's observation and personal experience over the years, the wizarding society is undoubtedly pathological. If the entire wizarding world and ordinary people's society are brought into full contact, it will inevitably lead to a series of problems, some of which will even be serious.

After the expiration of the "International Wizard Secrecy Act", the society of wizards and ordinary people will inevitably collide, and the mutual circulation of people and goods will completely shock each other~:

How do wizards build houses? Prepare the building materials, then cast spells, and in two or three days you can build a tall building. If the caster is high enough and has enough money, it will also add various magical spells, such as the Traceless Stretching Charm, which can expand the size of two or three standard football fields on a floor, but the appearance is no different from that of a normal high-rise building.

Where have Muggles seen in general - this?

But the consequences are terrible. Once the wizard's construction industry enters the society of ordinary people and begins to expand their business scope, where can ordinary construction workers still have work? A wizard team can complete more than a year or more of the work they can do in a week!

Mass unemployment of construction workers is inevitable. Advanced productive forces will inevitably eliminate backward productive forces, which is the same as the emergence of textile machines.

And that's just the tip of the iceberg.

And wizards' potions.

How could ordinary people resist magical potions from wizards?

Thinning hair?Mediterranean?No problem, a bottle of fast-acting hair growth toner will do it all!

Termites and cockroaches are infested in your home, and pesticides can help you get rid of all the pests in your home!

Loose skin, dull skin, all kinds of magic potions with beauty effects are waiting for you.

All you need is a vial of anti-fire potion and you can easily walk through the fire with your family and survive the fire!

There is a lot of blood loss in a car accident, an ambulance is stuck in the road, and it doesn't matter, as long as you have blood tonics, you will never die of excessive blood loss.


Too much. The application of wizards' potions in ordinary society, Solim can instantly come up with a lot of them even if he thinks about it with his heels.

But once the potion enters the society of ordinary people, it is impossible to say whether the social impact will be good or bad.

A large number of novelty, effective, and comprehensive magic potions have had too much impact on ordinary people's society. It is bound to seriously affect a large number of industries, such as daily chemical products, beauty industry, and medical industry, so what should these original companies and the capital behind them do?

If a large number of ordinary people accept the wizards' novelty, the wealth will be earned by the wizards...... This is where the conflict comes in.

And that's just a minor issue.

Solim also realized that there was another real big problem: would wizards be able to cast spells in front of Muggles without the International Wizarding Secrecy Act as a constraint?

Think about it. An ordinary person was about to go home after a busy day, but as soon as he finished punching the card, he saw a wizard colleague in front of him disappear with a "snap", and before he entered the company's elevator, the wizard colleague had already returned home.

Then on the way home, I was stuck in traffic at the intersection waiting for a red light, only to see a few guys on broomsticks flying from the roof of the car with a "whew", completely ignoring the traffic lights at the intersection......

What emotions do ordinary people have once they realize how convenient life as a wizard is?


Eat one's heart out?

Either way, there will be a lot of people who want to become wizards and master magical powers. At that time, there will inevitably be a large wave of scammers under the guise of "crash course for wizards", which will severely hurt a wave of shamans and ordinary people who do not have a deep relationship of trust.

It won't take long for ordinary people to understand that magic is not a skill that can be mastered by hard work, and when the time comes, under the prodding and bewitchment of some well-intentioned people, there will even be a hunt for wizards, and the absurd claims that you can master the power of magic by drinking the blood of wizards and eating the flesh of wizards......

Some people will definitely believe that after seeing the magic of magic, there will definitely be no shortage of ordinary people who want to gamble among ordinary people who cannot obtain the ability to cast spells. At that time, the conflict between wizards and Muggles will continue to deepen.

Although wizards are also human, they are always different from ordinary people. There is no common ground in the question of how to divide races and ethnic groups. If you are different from me, then you and I are not the same kind of people. In the tribal era, they would even regard each other as an anomaly because of the different feather colors of the headdress, not to mention the real "anomaly" of magic.

The presence of wizards will remind ordinary people again and again: we are different from you, we have magic, we can do anything...... In the long run, the conflict will inevitably evolve into conflict, just as the wizard race and the ordinary race were first cut off.

The series of social problems caused by the contact between the two societies of wizards and ordinary people, even the slightest thought about it makes Solim's scalp tingle. This level of trouble is definitely not something that can be solved by one or two people with talent and prestige, it requires a group of people of insight to work together towards a common goal and direction. []

Solim was intrigued, and he was more excited by the apparently "epic" affair than the trivial affair between Harry and Voldemort.

At least Solim would find it meaningful to promote this.

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