As a human and a wizard, how do you communicate with a monster like the Dementors, which feed on souls and despair?

While there is a precedent for wizards and Dementors to communicate, in the absence of effective lessons to draw on, Solim can only fumble around.

Fortunately, he has a good margin for error, so he will not lose his life because of failure.

It's like a cheeky street boy who goes to talk to a girl, and even if they refuse, they won't suffer psychological damage because they break the defense - the patronus is Solim's "cheeky".

When the misty silver light began to show its power, when the silver phoenix began to flapping its wings, the entire audience suddenly began to whisper that a wizard who could use the Patronus Charm was naturally on their opposite side.

Just as a white cop wouldn't welcome a white cop in a dirty bar in a black quarter, a wizard wouldn't be a good bird to come to the dueling arena for fun. Some of the audience even began to scream, hoping that the "white" wizard who could use the Patronus Charm would die in the labyrinth.

It's unclear if Solim will die in the labyrinth, but the Dementors certainly can't do that.

Solim, who had rediscovered his Patronus, didn't feel unfamiliar or uncomfortable, as if he had used the spell yesterday. The two 063 Dementors were cornered by the silver phoenix, and under Solim's deliberate control, the silver light of the Patronus did not cause too much damage to the Dementors, but there was still a black mist rising from their bodies.

"Can you talk?"

Solim and the Dementors didn't get too close, but kept a certain distance. At this point, he began to experiment with the Dementors.

The Dementors did not react, instead kept trying to escape. Solim brought the Patronus closer, and the black mist rising from the Dementor's body was about to condense into substance.

"Ask again, can you speak?"

“...... Yes"

The sudden stinging pain in his skull made Solim twitch instinctively, and a sharp, frustrating tone came to mind.

It's mental power!

Solim reacted immediately, as is often the case with high-end Dementor Mindfulness apps, and Solim, who has studied this well, knows exactly what that means.

"How many companions do you have?"

Solim had to figure out the number of Dementors first, which was crucial, and he didn't want to be left with two living people in the entire labyrinth - Christina had already been kissed, just when Solim had made up his mind to communicate with the Dementors.

"Three...... Also (cdfd) Maybe it's four now. "

Communicating with the Dementors caused severe migraines, an irritation that caused Solim's eyelids to start pounding uncontrollably, but he had to endure it.

"Can you feel the other wizards in the labyrinth?"

“...... OK. "

Solim couldn't help but clench his fists and tap his temple, communicating with the Dementors was really a torturous thing. Good thing he's not here to chat.

"Follow my orders, and I'll allow you to deal with the rest of the wizards afterwards. "

The silver phoenix moved a little closer, the black fog on the Dementors had begun to become scarce, and if the powerful Patronus continued to get closer, the Dementors would have been dripping black water, a scene Solim had seen in London before.

“...... Leave! I'll listen to you!"

The Dementor was unusually cooperative, having been to London, and had eaten enough in the "rich" area until it followed the orders of the Death Eaters and followed the army to cross the Thames...... It also remembers the silver phoenix.

"Very well, guide me to the nearest wizard. "

Solim had dispersed his Patronus at this point, and he didn't seem to be at all worried that the Dementors would backtrack. He walked over and looked at the witch who was twitching on the ground, he was no longer good, although he had not yet reached the last step, but it was almost there, even if he was sent to St. Mungo's careful treatment, it would take at least half a year to regain the level of speaking, in other words, this person was already dead.

"You two—" Solim narrowed his eyes, and the Dementors seemed to be ready to move without the Patronus' deterrence, "Which one is close to splitting?"

"One more soul will do—" The Dementor who had been communicating with Solim held out its withered hand, as if ready to suck the soul that had become utterly desperate.

"You-" Solim pointed to another, smaller Dementor, "You go—"

Without hesitation, the smaller Dementor pounced, giving him a biting chill as it floated past Solim.

Watching the Dementors "feed" up close is definitely not a wonderful experience, and the despair that pervades the soul of a wizard can affect the weak-minded, and if it is weak, it is more likely to collapse.

Solim can avoid the situation in the unexpected world, but the Redskin Wizard obviously can't, and that's his job. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"What the hell, this damn bastard! he was able to summon a Patronus! and a Phoenix Patronus!" the red-skinned wizard's exaggerated tone had been deliberate, but this time it meant it.

Think of the sudden emergence of a "White Wizard" who can use the Patronus Charm among a bunch of wizards who hide in the shadows and do shady things and make a living from them, similar to the Aurors meeting in the Ministry of Magic to discuss how to deal with the Dark Wizards, only to find that one of the participants has launched a Dark Mark.

"Wait! What is he doing!"

Vanessa wasn't surprised by the presence of Solim's Patronus, and the three of them didn't have any opinion that Solim had poured his own negativity into Kristina, but communicating with the Dementors and ordering them was something that ordinary people could do?

"Seems to be communicating with the Dementors—" Calvin said honestly, "but I say yes—oh, he seems to have succeeded." "

In full view of tens of thousands of spectators in the stands, two Dementors were clearing the way for Solim, who continued to walk on top of the wall, using Transfiguration and Levitation Charms to ignore the barrier and approach the nearest wizard in a straight line.

"Damn!" the red-skinned wizard began to scold, "this time it should have been an accident!, but after learning this lesson, maybe next time we will do a screening to prevent this from happening." Number 7 completely ignores the terrain of the labyrinth, and he can now go as far as he wants!"

The builders of the labyrinth did not fail to consider what might happen, after all, the illusion and the flying spell were all forbidden by some means, and ordinary people would honestly wander around the maze when they encountered such a situation, but Solim was different, he would definitely go up to the top of the wall.

After all, Transfiguration cannot be restrained, and as long as magic can be used, then Transfiguration will not be affected.

As Solim was climbing over the walls of the labyrinth, he spotted a salamander that had left the fire, and the appearance of this magical creature caused him to stop immediately.


What are you kidding? This creature with limited threat can be handled by any Hogwarts student, and putting this almost harmless creature in a maze only shows one thing: it's useful.

Thinking of the evil woman bird before and the monster that could split itself, Solim finally thought in the direction of Runiwen.

"Let's catch it first!".

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