Solim really didn't believe Vaanatha, they didn't have a follow-up.

Seventeen vampires are indeed a formidable force, but according to the previous situation, it is only a matter of time before Kent and them have to solve it, and the focus is on the four original vampires who came to support.

Will Vanessa be unprepared for this?

Although it now seems that the wizards have completely fallen to the upper hand, Solim is convinced that Vanessa has a second hand. This is the home base of a vampire family, and if this place is attacked, one of the original vampires who own it will inevitably receive the news, and now that those original vampires have teamed up with Voldemort, they will definitely know about it by then.

Geographical distance has never been a problem for powerful wizards. As it turns out, the absence of the owner does not mean that others can take advantage of it.

"Carl!" Vanessa, whose hair was completely gone, shouted at the top of her throat before staggering to the ground.

Seeing such a good opportunity, a second-generation vampire who was besieging them pounced on them, intent on killing the pesky woman.

But just as he was about to touch Fanthasa's 23, the vampire suddenly screamed and jerked back, looking at his hand in disbelief.

Solim was far away and couldn't see it very clearly, but the second-generation vampire who was the party concerned was already panicking. In his centuries of life, he had never seen anything like this: the sharp nails he was once proud of had fallen off, and the fair skin that had been the envy of countless beauty-loving women had begun to turn black...... He didn't know what was going on, and Vanessa, who had lost her strength, was obviously not the culprit.

The encounter with this second-generation vampire is not unique.

Just after Vanessa called Calvin's name, the surviving second-generation vampires all showed the same "symptoms" - their hair and nails began to fall out, their pale skin began to turn gray, and then changed from gray to a strange black, and their skin began to harden.

A vampire out of battle moved his mutated left hand in disbelief, only to shatter his entire forearm without warning - like a burning carbonized branch, which broke into three knots, and shattered even more completely when it fell to the ground.

The second-generation vampires have completely lost their combat effectiveness, and in the near future, they will lose a long life.

The first vampires seemed to sense something and began to tacitly disengage from the fight, flying into the air, as if preparing to leave.

But the wizards who had been pressed and beaten by them before began to exert their collective efforts, almost trying to keep them in a posture of "ready to sacrifice".

The second-generation vampire fell to the ground, maintaining his dying wail. Solim can see clearly now, these vampires are as if they have been carbonized, the whole person has become dry and cracked, and if he moves a little, his skin will fall down with the already dark hard flesh, and the scalp will be numb.


That was Solim's first reaction.

At this time, I don't know what happened, the first generation of vampires seemed to be a little flustered, they didn't have any intention of entanglement with Kent and them, and they had to leave under the attack of the spell.

It has to be said that these first-generation vampires still have merit. They did find a gap in their attack in Kent, but to Solim's baffle, the vampires did not choose to apparition or use their Animagus-like form, but simply used the Flying Charm to try to leave.

Kent and they blocked for a while, because of their strength, they could only do this way, and the four original vampires finally got back together.

But they couldn't run.

Just as the four primordial vampires appeared in front of them in Kent before, two people also appeared in front of them at this time. One of them, Solim, also knew Levitte Heath, who was in charge of the day-to-day affairs and guarding of Selwyn Castle. He took another person with him at this time, just quietly looking at the vampire in mid-air.

Solim knew it was over.

The vampires knew it, too, but they obviously couldn't just accept the end of their long lives. They began to try to escape recklessly. But Levites and another wizard trapped them with magic, and they didn't attack, but just maintained the magic and tried not to let the vampires fly away.

Solim also figured out at this point, the vampires must have sensed something before, otherwise they wouldn't have tried to escape after fighting Kent and them for a while. Solim admits that his observation of the situation is still relatively detailed, and it is only a matter of time before Fanasha and Ricardo's men are defeated, and if they give up their advantage and try to escape, something must have happened that Solim does not know. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Seeing that the four most dangerous vampires were restrained, Solim stepped out of hiding. Prepare to "condole" the valiant warriors.

The wizards died a lot, but most of them were Grindelwald saints, and two of the five men brought by Ricardo were dead, and one was seriously injured, and half of his body was shriveled at this time. Solim wasn't bad, he wasn't even hurt.

"You're lucky—"

Vanessa didn't have any self-consciousness as a woman at this time, and the whole person was in the shape of a "big" figure, just lying on the ground, her eyes narrowed slightly, as if she was choking enough, and she was weak to speak.

- None of the second-generation vampires have been encountered. "[]

"Luck is good. Solim clutched his wand and crossed his hands in front of him, looking up at the four vampires who were trying to break through.

"You planned it before, didn't you?" Solim asked, "Why didn't you tell me at all?"

"So that you can be prepared?"

Fan 647 Nasha is a little weak, but if no one takes care of her, then it's not a big deal. Kent and Calvin were now surrounded by Ricardo's men, and the guy with half of his body deflated was probably enough to hold out.

"What's the matter with those second-generation vampires?" "Solim glanced at the shattered wreckage in the distance, "Cursed?"

"Carl did it. Vanessa admitted, "The vampire who came to get the dragon's blood...... He had the necessary things to cast the curse. "

"It's still you guys who are amazing, and I just realized it. "

Solim nodded, not dwelling too much on the issue of the curse.

"Then ......," Solim looked at the two men in the sky who were teaming up to restrain the vampires, "were they going to get involved in the first place?

Vanessa and Levitheath are related by blood, and it makes sense to rush to the rescue at a critical moment.

"We knew from the beginning what the outcome would be. Vanessa struggled to sit up, but Solim stepped up to help her.

"Whenever there is an attack, these vampires will inevitably inform their patriarch, and now the first vampires are together again...... It's a good opportunity to try and weaken them if they take the bait. "

The trapped vampire began to let out a shrill roar, and Solim could tell that there was already a guy on the verge of a thirsty attack.

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