The leader visited several more companies and got similar answers.

Basically, it was developed in the past two years, relying on the nearby Jiangnan Film and Television City, which solved the employment problem of tens of thousands of people and promoted the common development of more than a dozen surrounding villages and towns.

Therefore, they are very concerned about anything happening in Jiangnan Film and Television City.

They sincerely hope that Jiangnan Film and Television City can continue to operate and get better and better.

"You are doing a great job in poverty alleviation. I visited more than a dozen places across the country and found that your poverty alleviation work here is the best. In particular, the operation model of the film and television city is very good. The tourism and cultural industry not only promotes the local economy, but is also very environmentally friendly, and also drives the surrounding villages to get rid of poverty and become rich, killing multiple birds with one stone. I hope you can keep it up and the central government will always pay attention to you!"

The leader fully affirmed the poverty alleviation work here.

The Secretary of the Jiangnan Provincial Party Committee smiled and said:"It was just a pilot project at the beginning, and we didn't have much confidence. As a result, many large groups were recruited, but Starlight, which was still a small TV station, bought it to build 130 Movie City. We were very worried at the time, fearing that the project would end up being unfinished. As a result, in two years, he gave us such a big surprise"

"So try boldly and not be afraid of failure. You have to believe in the creativity of young people, and Starlight is such a young group."The leader scolded Fang Qiu, then stood on a high mountain and looked up at the film and television city not far away, and said:"But this place is still too small, and it can only lift 200,000 people out of poverty at most. If we make it bigger, wouldn’t it help more people get out of poverty? Maybe the entire poverty alleviation work in Jiangnan City, and even Jiangnan Province, depends on this."

The Secretary of the Jiangnan Provincial Party Committee understood the elegant meaning after hearing the string.

Bai Qingxue and Lin Beifan showed happy smiles on their faces.

That night, the CCTV News Broadcast broadcast the news of the leader's inspection of Jiangnan.

Especially people saw that the leader spent a day, I was inspecting Starlight's industry and gave positive affirmation to Starlight's development in the past two years, hoping that it would make further progress.

People who saw the news were numb.

Why is it Starlight again?

Recently, Starlight boarded the The frequency of the national media is too high.

Basically every time a work is released, all the national media will give it a good review. Now even the leaders have come to see it in person and fully affirmed it.

I wonder which group in the world can get such a Great treatment and honor?

On the second day, the leader and his wife inspected other industries in Jiangnan City. What impressed him most was that the entertainment industry in Jiangnan City showed a thriving scene, and the cultural and entertainment atmosphere was very strong. Compared with other cities In comparison, people's mental outlook is also better, there is not much anxiety and sorrow, and everyone is very kind.

This also reminds me of the word"happiness". So, the leader raised this issue

"This is also after the rise of Starlight two years ago, it has launched many popular cultural and entertainment products, enriching people's spiritual and cultural life and making people feel happier and better. It is precisely because of Starlight's leading role that many cultural and entertainment companies have set up branches here. Or it is now called the Hollywood of the East. It is an important place for our country's cultural export.

The leader was very emotional:"Now it is different from before. When we were poor, we were happy if we had enough to eat and drink." Now, material supply has long been able to meet people's living needs. Everyone has money, but the spiritual aspect is lacking. Now only if the construction of spiritual civilization is done well, will everyone feel happy."

In fact, the central government has foreseen this a long time ago.

Otherwise, it would not have launched many policy documents more than two years ago (bebj) to open up the television industry market and allow private capital to enter. Then it activated the film market and implemented encouraging Tax reduction policy.

Starlight emerged at that time.

It also became a typical representative of the policy.

On the third day, the leader and his wife inspected other places in Jiangnan Province.

Returning on the fourth day, they met with people from all walks of life in Jiangnan, In front of the national audience, on behalf of the central government, he delivered the"Jiangnan Speech", which focused on building Jiangnan into an economic, tourism and cultural center area, and Jiangnan City into an economic, tourism and cultural center city. And using Jiangnan Film and Television City as a pilot project to build tourism and culture An important town, it will help all surrounding villages and towns get rid of poverty and become rich, and solve the problem of millions of people being lifted out of poverty... All walks of life are in an uproar.

It is equivalent to the central government drawing a circle in the south of the Yangtze River, saying that this will be the world's economic, tourism and cultural center in the future, and then encouraging everyone to come Tourism and cultural industries are developed here.

This is great news for Jiangnan!

They have started to promote tourism and cultural industries in the past two years and have achieved certain results. However, they have always lacked recognition and support from the central government, resulting in many problems. There is no way to implement the policy in place.

Now that the country has affirmed it and the policy is smooth, you can roll up your sleeves and work hard!

The one that benefits the most is Starlight.

Because"If you want a train to run fast, it all depends on the headband." Starlight is That locomotive.

If you want the entire tourism and cultural industry to develop, you must first let Starlight run. The faster it runs, the faster it can drive surrounding industries to run faster. I won’t go into details about the hidden benefits gained from it. For example, the government is planning to allocate another piece of land near the film and television city to Starlight...

Many people thought about it after seeing this news.

"Why is it Starlight again? What kind of bad luck did Starlight have to get so many benefits?"

"When a policy is implemented, the one that benefits the most is a private enterprise!"

"It feels like Starlight is God’s illegitimate child!"

"Don't think so much, if you can have a starIf you are capable and can achieve stellar results, the central government will also pay attention to you!"

"Just being able to lead hundreds of thousands of people out of poverty and become rich is not something that ordinary people can do!"


Now Starlight's status is even more unshakable.

In the past, it mainly relied on resources and capital, but now there is an extra layer. Even if you want to mess with him, the government will not agree. As long as no mistakes are made, the Jiangnan Provincial Government will protect you.

According to the itinerary, the leader returned to Zijin Pavilion after delivering the Jiangnan speech.

But on the fifth day, he met Lin Beifan secretly. _Feilu reminds you: three things about reading - collection and recommendation

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