"Oh my god, isn't that person the entertainment industry model worker Liu Dehua? He actually came!"

"There are also the king of heaven, Aaron Kwok, and the people who are almost about to retire. The three kings of heaven have already appeared!"

"What's the matter? Even the singer Zhang Xueyou, who almost never attends the party, is here!"

"These are the four heavenly kings, all four heavenly kings are here! As expected of Mango TV, it can even invite the Four Heavenly Kings! Tonight's party was well worth it!"

"After 20 years, the four heavenly kings have reunited again. I am so excited that I almost fly!"

"The biggest surprise of the new year!"


As soon as the four heavenly kings appeared, the whole place was shocked.

Even the ratings are soaring rapidly, quickly breaking through 4%, and then breaking through to 5%, then slowly stopping, but still heading towards 6%.

The Four Heavenly Kings are so popular.

Even after so many years, all kinds of outstanding artists have emerged one after another, and there are many popular young talents struggling to catch up, but no one can still replace one of them.

They are classics that can never be copied and a mark of the times!

No one can ignore one of them, let alone four of them appearing at the same time. Not only did the whole country explode, but many countries in Asia also followed suit and jumped over the wall to watch the live broadcast.

This moment tonight belongs to the Four Heavenly Kings!

After seeing such a prosperous scene, Huang Zhenshan, the director of Mango TV, smiled proudly:"The Four Heavenly Kings are indeed well-deserved! I have invited them all here, Xingguang, let's see how you deal with it?" If he doesn't play tricks with Xingguang now, he will To play the upright conspiracy, you rely on your true foundation and strength!

It just happened to be the day before your Starlight Spring Festival Gala!

If you can't solve the four kings standing in front of you, then your Starlight Spring Festival Gala will lose a lot of color. No matter how high the ratings are, it will be useless, because people will only remember Mango TV!

Because it invited the Four Heavenly Kings.

Although it cost too much and cost a lot of favors, if he could defeat Xingguang with this, he would still be very happy to do it, and he couldn't let Xingguang take all the benefits.

That night, the Four Heavenly Kings sang four songs in a row.

Although they have not united again in 20 years and have some gaps in tacit understanding, their feelings and superb singing skills have made up for it.

The ratings of Mango TV have exceeded the 7% mark in one fell swoop!

It was indeed an unforgettable evening!

Even on the second day, the entire Internet was still discussing this matter, which was very lively.

Mango Spring Festival Gala is called the miracle of the Spring Festival Gala that cannot be copied!

The pressure was all on Starlight's side.

Everyone wanted to see how Xingguang would resolve this crisis, but Xingguang didn't say anything.

It's like it never happened.

On January 20, Jiangnan Stadium in Jiangnan City became lively again.

This is the second time that Jiangnan Stadium has been so lively since it was built. With tickets in hand, people excitedly walked into the stadium that can accommodate 100,000 people in an orderly manner.

The stadium was empty but quickly filled up.

Moreover, these audiences are almost all acquaintances and are chatting with each other.

"We can finally come to see Starlight’s party! The last 'Peak Night' was really exciting. Everyone who went to the venue said it was good, but it was a pity that we couldn't get tickets!"

"‘The Peak Night was so beautiful, and tonight’s Spring Festival Gala will definitely be even better!"

"Fortunately, we didn’t have to fight this time. We are from Zhenghui Group and an important sponsor of Starlight, so we got internal tickets. We are so happy!"

"So happy indeed! I heard that tickets for the Starlight Spring Festival Gala are not for sale to the public, and are all given to Starlight’s sponsors. For example, Longmen Group and Tianjiu Group, which have the deepest cooperation, each received 10,000 votes, but it was still not enough!"

"All 100,000 tickets are given away, which is 200 million, so starry and atmospheric!"

"200000000? It’s just a drop in the bucket for Starlight! Just from the sponsorship fee tonight, Starlight has already made a lot of money!"

"Don't talk about this, let's talk about what's exciting tonight, shall we?"


The night is getting darker, indicating that the Starlight Spring Festival Gala is about to begin.

Starlight's Spring Festival Gala has attracted not only the attention of people across the country, but also major TV stations. They wanted to see how Starlight could defeat Mango TV, or whether they would admit defeat.

At this moment, a luxury RV drove directly into the backfield of the stadium.

A group of elderly people, or middle-aged and elderly people, got off the car because they looked very young and looked very good.

"This is the Starlight Spring Festival Gala, it’s so lively!"Old Qin looked at the crowd of black crows in the distance and sighed.

"It was indeed much more lively than when we were there! At that time, for people of our generation, a party with 20,000 people was already considered a grand event. Now it can accommodate 100,000 people, which is even comparable to the Olympic Games. It’s so grand!"Old Hantou also said

"Speaking of the Olympic Games, do you have an appointment at Oyuan in Tokyo, Japan this summer?"

"about!"Several people said in unison.

Lin Beifan looked down upon him. Since these old men returned to their prime physical condition, their hearts have become more and more wandering and they have let themselves go more and more. With money and time, they want to play everything and do all kinds of activities. Participate.

Regardless of whether there is danger or not, regardless of whether others can bear it or not.

As long as you can't die, you will die.

It seems that you are sure that nothing will happen to you.

Lin Beifan was embarrassed to be with them several times. Standing with them, he felt that he was the only one. It's the oldest one

"Fortunately we have Mr. Lin, otherwise we really wouldn’t be able to get in!"The old chef sighed

"There is really no way for us lonely old people to compare with the people in those groups. But others have tickets, and we have Boy Lin! Others swipe their votes, we swipe their faces! Lin's face is the biggest passport!"The old drunkard laughed.

"Yes, yes……"The other old men nodded hurriedly.

Lin Beifan continued to be disdainful.


You keep pretending!

Do you think I don’t know that you are the bosses behind several groups?

"Okay, okay, stop bragging and come in with me. This is a grand event for young people. If you shamelessly beg me, I won’t bring you here!"Lin Beifan looked disgusted.

This made even an old man unhappy.

"Who says we can’t attend this event for young people? We are also very young, okay? I'm only 25 years old this year!"Old man Han said shamelessly.

"Ignore my hair, look at my face, I am also a young girl! If I hadn't had the self-control, I would have been knocked down by the swarm of little girls!"Old man Qin is even more shameless.

"Look at my abdominal muscles, they are 8 pack. Do you think this is something only an old person can have?"The old chef showed off a few pieces of meat that he was proud of.

"Competing with me in drinking, which young man can beat me in drinking?"The old drunkard is very arrogant.


Lin Beifan couldn't stand it anymore:"Let's go, don't talk, follow me, hurry up! Otherwise I may be so sick that I can't stand the party!"

Several old men:"……"

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