After the soundtrack was completed, Lin Beifan copied it and incorporated it into the movie"My Sassy Girl" as the soundtrack.

Then they were produced into two promotional videos and released globally through Starlight Video

《"My Sassy Girl" is a light-hearted yet sentimental love movie. It originally had a classic song"ibelieve", and now it has added"Canon" and"mysoul" to render the love elements in it more refreshing and harmonious. It is delicate and makes people unknowingly indulge in the love story between the male protagonist and the female protagonist.

In another time and space,"My Sassy Girl" incorporated"Canon" into it in this way, and it had a very good effect. In this time and space,"Canon", as a new god-level soundtrack, has an even greater influence.

There is also"Mysoul". These two pieces of music were first released in New York City Square. They caused thousands of people to dance as soon as they were released. They have a more mysterious and legendary color and arouse people's romantic yearning for love.

Therefore, Lin Beifan believes that when these two soundtracks are made into two promotional short films and released globally through Starlight Video, they will have the greatest publicity effect.

As expected, when Starlight Video released a promotional video around the world, it launched a publicity campaign, and the promotion was a love movie, which quickly attracted widespread attention.

Lucy is a fashionista who lives in New York, USA. She usually browses the original section of Starlight Video when she has nothing to do. She pays attention to what young people around the world are playing, which keeps her up to date with fashion.

Therefore, as soon as there is any movement in Xingguang Video, she immediately pays attention

"Hey, what kind of short video is this? Actually got star promotion?"Lucy was very curious.

You know, she has been following Starlight Video since it came to the United States because of"MasterChef". She can be said to be a veteran member of Starlight Video.

However, over the past few months, Starlight has Except for"MasterChef", the video has never recommended other works, which seems very cold. Now two of them appeared at once, such a big move, which made her very curious and excited.

Because, with her Having cultivated a sense of fashion for a long time, I felt that there must be something fishy in it.

So I watched it carefully:"It turned out to be a promotional video for a pornographic movie,"My Sassy Girl"》?"

Regarding pornographic movies, she only had two impressions of kung fu and pandas in her mind, and later she added a delicacy.

In her impression, **'s kung fu is very handsome, **'s panda is very cute, **'s delicious food... it's a pleasure to eat!

But when it comes to the love element, I feel nothing.

Logically speaking, Starlight Video's big move to promote a pornographic movie should be based on the above three elements, but now it is used to promote a love movie, which surprised her greatly.

"Let’s take a look first, it won’t waste any time anyway."With a sense of inexplicable expectation, Lucy clicked on one of the video promotions called"Canon".

In the video, she saw a beautiful ** woman sitting in the concert hall, playing the piano.

Just now. At the beginning, the rhythm was very slow and calm. But for some reason, Lucy always felt that the melody was very familiar, as if she had heard it somewhere.

"It feels so familiar...Have I heard it somewhere?"Lucy whispered, then shook her head along with the rhythm.

As the rhythm gradually reached its climax and became clearer and clearer, Lucy finally heard it.

"This, this... isn't this a divine performance in New York Square?"Lucy was very excited.

Because she had been in the New York Plaza before. When the music played, she danced along with it. The feeling of being unable to help herself, the feeling of being intoxicated and unable to extricate herself, still makes her have endless aftertaste..

Later, she searched frantically for this great and romantic musician, but could not find it.

This surprised her, because a person with such musical talent cannot be unknown. I should be famous at home and abroad, at the very least. Well-known in the country.

I heard that that person was suspected to be the two people who composed all the music for"MasterChef" from Star TV.

Lucy couldn't wait to post the video and scrolled to the end, discovering that the creator was Lianxue Aijiu.

"It's you! I finally found you!"Lucy said excitedly, as if an adventurer had found a treasure.

She was watching another video,"mysoul》

"This familiar melody makes me dance every time I hear it!" Lucy hummed along.

"no! I must share this matter, otherwise I will feel uncomfortable holding it in my heart!"

In addition to Lucy, many people clicked in, then discovered the truth, and then continued to share it, and then it became an instant hit.

"Oh my God, I discovered a big secret. Watch the Starlight video. Two classic songs from New York Square are now available!"

"This is definitely a classic New York song. The melody is almost the same, but the New York version is more cheerful, and the movie version is more sad. The former used a violin, and now it uses a piano!"

"It turns out that one song is called"Canon" and the other one is called"Mysoul"! Haha, I can finally play it on a loop!"

"Haven't you noticed it yet? The creators of these two pieces of music are actually the two people who love snow and wine, and they have done all the music in"God of Cooking"! In less than two years since his debut, he has already created more than 10 classic songs!"

"Oh my gosh, what a Leonardo da Vinci of music!"

"So, the one who appeared in New York Plaza before was Love Snow and Love Wine?"

"It’s true, if the song involves commercial use, you need to apply for copyright. Who else can use it besides their original creator?"

"What kind of movie is this? They actually used two pieces of god-level music, it’s so scary! Don’t give others a way to survive! I am suddenly full of expectations for this love movie!"


As soon as these two classic soundtracks were released, click traffic exploded rapidly, exceeding 1 billion that day!

The popularity of the New York Plaza incident had slowly subsided before, but now it was once again aroused and became even more popular, sweeping the world.

The two pieces of music became a hit, and"My Sassy Girl" also became a hit!

This makes people full of expectations. What kind of love movie is worthy of such two classic pieces of music?

"《"My Sassy Girl"? Worth a look! Let’s see if there are any tickets first?"

"This must be a romantic love movie!"

"Just watching the promotional video is so touching. I believe the movie will be even better. It’s worth looking forward to!"

"I won’t say anything else, just check to see if there are tickets. If you’re late, it’s too late!"

"See first to respect!"


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