You don't need to think about it to know that if that annoying woman is in the way, the cooperation will only come to nothing.

He now wishes he could send out a killer to kill the woman who stirred up trouble.

Li Wushang had a headache, a very, very severe headache.

"**None of the four incidents,"A Joint Report by Theater Bosses","A General Strike at Anhua Processing Plant","Xinke Electronic Products Cause Cancer", and"Denny's Battery Technology Breakthrough" are easy to solve, especially the last two incidents that are directly related to the lifeline and need to be dealt with. If things go wrong, the Lee Group will collapse.

"What an eventful year!"Li Wushang felt like his head was going to explode.

He couldn't figure out why these things suddenly broke out. He felt like there was an invisible hand behind him, pushing all of this.

Could it be that... he was guilty of Tai Sui?

However, , things were worse than he imagined.

In less than two days, the last small nebula of the Li Group collapsed in the fate network.

A large freighter of the Li Group's ocean shipping was attacked by a group of people when it entered the high seas. The notorious pirates hijacked the freighter, and the cargo worth 5 billion and 45 crew members also fell into the hands of the pirates, demanding a ransom of 2 billion from the Lee Group. On the same day, another ocean shipping ship was carrying The large oil cargo ship suddenly leaked, and the crude oil polluted dozens of nautical miles of sea, and he had to face huge penalties.

I heard that after hearing these two news, Li Wushang was so angry that he fainted.

This kind of terrible thing is the worst It was first reflected in the stock market.

That day, without Jessica taking the lead, Ocean Shipping's stock plummeted 15%!

Affected by this, the other two stocks also plummeted 10%!

Jessica once again publicly declared:"Lee Group The energy is exhausted!"

In Jiangnan City, Lin Beifan, who has been paying attention to the Li Group, smiled.

In the network of destiny, all the small nebulae around the Li Group collapsed, leaving only the last main body nebula. As long as the main body nebula also collapsed, then the Li Group The group is really doomed.

This is reflected in reality. All Li's industries have suffered. Li Wushang is fighting fires everywhere. The Li Group is in a precarious situation and may collapse at any time.

However, the Li Group has a great cause and must be fully It will take some time to fall down.

Lin Beifan can only wait for good news.

At present, the most important thing for Starlight is to prepare for"The Legend of the Condor Heroes".

Now, the crew of"The Legend of the Condor Heroes" has been set up by director Qian Duoduo Okay, as long as the actors are in place, we can start filming.

《The audition for"The Legend of the Condor Heroes" will be arranged in the office hall of the Jiangnan Film and Television City (Phase I) that has been built.

The first phase of the Jiangnan Film and Television City project has been completed and will be open for business soon.

Therefore, Starlight specially arranged the audition here to attract everyone's attention and build momentum in advance.

The audition attracted the attention of everyone in the entertainment industry.

Since the rise of Starlight, every TV series and movie released has made a group of people popular, and Starlight has created as many as 30 stars.

Especially the recent phenomenal TV series"MasterChef", which directly made more than a dozen actors famous, and also made people famous overseas, making them extremely popular.

Starlight TV's film and television works are a guarantee of quality.

As long as you participate in the role, even a small role has the hope of becoming popular. If you can win the main role, you are basically destined to become famous.

So that day, as many as 3,000 people came to the film and television city to audition.

Not only are there grassroots actors from all over the country who can pass the preliminary selection, but also more than half of the celebrity artists in the industry are here, and even more than a dozen movie kings and queens are here.

Even celebrities in the music industry crossed over to participate in the trial, hoping to find a second path.

With everyone gathered together, it can be said to be a small event in the entertainment industry.

There were also reporters and paparazzi in the industry who heard the news and all gathered at Jiangnan Film and Television City, hoping to get big news. There are also many fans who came after hearing the news and gathered around the outside of the film and television city, looking forward to it.

"Look at that car, it looks like Huang Xiaoming and Angela, this celebrity couple is here!"

"And on the other side, my favorite Yang Xiaomi is here too!"

"What's this? All three little ones came, I heard they were auditioning for the male lead when they were little!"

"And Teacher Tang... all the national actors are here. He plays the emperor who has been in China for five thousand years, and he is here again this time!"

"Huh? Isn't that the star of Han country? Why are they here too?"

"Why are there so many celebrities? This is simply a grand event for the entertainment industry!"


Entertainment reporters were busy taking photos, and fans were busy cheering.

If it weren't for the fence blocking it and hundreds of security guards maintaining order, they might not be able to bear the urge to rush in.

A rough estimate is that there may be close to ten thousand people who came to the film and television city today, and Jiangnan Film and Television City became lively for the first time.

The office hall was already crowded with people, and everyone was divided into several groups according to specific relationships.

The first wave of people is the largest, consisting of grassroots actors who came from all over the country after passing the primary election.

The second wave of people is smaller in size, but they are actors and starlets who have already entered the entertainment industry. Many of them look familiar but cannot be named. These people are the middle forces in the entertainment industry.

The third wave is smaller in scale, but it consists of second-tier or above stars in the entertainment industry, relatively well-known actors with honors, and the salary of one movie can be enough for others to last a lifetime. This can be regarded as the top force in the entertainment industry.

The last wave is the star artists of the Starlight Department, which is the smallest but has its own genre.

Seeing so many star actors auditioning, grassroots actors feel a lot of pressure. Seeing so many big stars coming over, the little star artists feel a lot of pressure.

As everyone knows, seeing so many star-studded stars makes the big stars feel a lot of pressure.

"Look, that's Mr. Liu from"MasterChef". He's actually competing for a role with us?"

"There is also Han Xiaochuan from Starlight TV. He has top acting skills at a young age and has appeared in many of Starlight's film and television works. I'm afraid I won't be able to keep a role with him here!"

"Not only him, but also the new A-list actress Zhao Xiaodao, the actress who plays Zhao Meili, is here too! With his fame and status in Starlight, the heroine may have no hope!"

"Starlight's Wang Chunsheng has come to compete, and the male lead has no hope! He is now famous all over the world, and his popularity ranks at the top in China and Asia. There is no way to compete with him!"


However, the Starlight star felt a lot of pressure when he saw so many colleagues coming over.

"《The male protagonist of"The Legend of the Condor Heroes" must be Chunsheng, and the female protagonist is probably Zhao Xiaodao. They played husband and wife before, and if they play it again this time, the effect will be very good!"

"I also think Chunsheng has a better chance. This guy has been working hard since he knew the script, and he doesn't even make any money!"

"With your hard work and good looks, Chunsheng, you must be the male lead!"

Wang Chunsheng shook his head and smiled bitterly:"I'm not sure either!"

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