As a result, this prodigal craze has not faded, and Lin Beifan has been on the hot search for other prodigal behaviors.

News came from within Starlight TV that Lin Beifan, a prodigal son, was tired of working on TV series and was planning to start working on movies.

This guy's pursuit is quite high. He not only wants to watch it himself, but also wants to let his compatriots watch it. He also wants to sell his movies abroad so that foreigners can watch them together.

Such a shocking thing happened to this prodigal son without any sense of violation.

Because his spending has reached the sky. From the beginning of buying TV series, buying bankrupt websites, buying land to grow vegetables, to now buying airplanes, yachts and bulletproof RVs, this guy's level of spending has been rising steadily and there will be no end.

Previous TV series, bankrupt websites, and vegetable plots all made profits, and people once thought that he was a hidden master with a very unique vision. But now buying an airplane and yacht has brought him back to his original form.

Now we are going to make a movie, but the movie has not been released yet, but we bought the theater chain first, and people are making all kinds of cynicism.

"Can this guy use his brain before doing something? Doesn’t he know that except for a limited number of cinema chains, most cinema chains are operating at a loss? I still want to buy a few more. You have too much money and nowhere to spend it, right?"

"Nowadays, many bosses are eager to throw away their movie theater chains. This guy has simply sent a sheep into the tiger's mouth and turned into a lamb to be slaughtered!"

"I won't talk about him making movies. This is also to support our country's film industry, but doesn't he know that it is very difficult for our ** movies to be sold abroad? How many films has our country exported to foreign countries in the past few years? How many of them are big sellers? Didn't he investigate beforehand?"

"I guess the reason why he bought the movie theater chain may be because he was afraid that the movies he produced were too bad and other movie theater chains would not accept them, so he made his own movie to avoid being unable to get off the stage!"

"I feel very sorry for Goddess Bai. No matter how much money you have, it will be useless to have such a trouble-making husband!"


Lin Beifan's reputation was ruined again.

However, Lin Bei has also entered the film industry, which makes many movie theater owners and filmmakers very happy, because this is a positive signal for us.

For movie theater chain owners, they can take the opportunity to get rid of their burdens and make a small profit.

For filmmakers, they really need a big financier like Lin Beifan, because this guy is rich and generous, and he just invests and doesn't do anything, which is very suitable for their taste.

As a result, various people in the film industry contacted Lin Beifan's spokesperson in the entertainment industry, Xu Hanjie, hoping to have further contact.

Among them, there are a dozen movie theater owners, but there are hundreds of filmmakers. There are also various movie scripts coming in one after another, hoping to get Lin Beifan's favor. Maybe he will invest in it when his head is hot?

"Mr. Lin, I have put the information on these people into categories. I have eliminated the bad ones and let you choose!"Xu Hanjie panted and found Lin Beifan carrying a box of information.

"Lao Xu, you can just let others do these things, why do you do it yourself? You are a minister after all! Lin Beifan said with some reproach.

Xu Hanjie smiled bitterly:"I don't worry if I don't do it myself. After all, Mr. Lin is very fierce every time he makes a move. What if he loses?""

Xu Hanjie is very good and considerate of others, so he has many friends.

"I'll leave the information about those filmmakers aside for the time being. Please help me convey a message, that is, I am preparing 10 billion yuan to buy 2,000 cinemas and nearly 8,000 screens."Lin Beifan said something shocking.

"What?"Xu Hanjie was shocked.

It actually cost 10 billion to buy movie theater lines?

An average of 5 million per movie theater?

1.25 million per screen?

You know, there are currently more than 50 movie theater lines and 10,000 movie theaters in China, with a large number of movie theaters. There are nearly 40,000 screens, large and small, which is equivalent to the situation in another time and space in 2018.

However, the level of movie production is only equivalent to that of 2010. The movie themes and content are not good and the appeal is low, resulting in a sluggish box office and a very sluggish movie market. On the one hand , there are obviously too many cinemas, and on the other hand, the movie box office is not good, so most cinema chains, especially those small cinema chains, are operating at a loss and cannot make ends meet.

You can get these cinemas for an average of 3 million. Go to many of them. It cost 2 million.

Moreover, it has to operate at a loss all year round and keeps putting money in. This is another big hole!

Xu Hanjie couldn't help but said:"Mr. Lin, I think you should think about it again. It's really a loss to run a movie theater chain." , many people have lost money. If you really want to make a movie, you might as well invest a few hundred million to make a small one."

"No, no, no, Lao Xu, you don’t understand. What’s the point of being young? If you want to play, play big, so you can make big money! Lao Xu, just do as I say, you will never lose money! And, this is what my wife means too! Lin Beifan said confidently.

Xu Hanjie hesitated to speak, but finally nodded and agreed.

After all, the two bosses agreed, what reason did he have to refuse?

"If you spread the word again, I only have 10 billion, first come, first served, while it lasts. Cinemas with better locations and better facilities can get more money, while those with poorer conditions will be left behind and left to their own devices."

On the same day, Xu Hanjie released his words, and people were once again shocked by Lin Beifan's level of prodigalism, which really broke through the sky. Before, they were lamenting the billions and billions of prodigal money, but in the blink of an eye, it exceeded 10 billion, without even a transition period, it was simply useless. Unstoppable!

Seeing such tempting conditions, it immediately attracted a large number of cinema chain owners to flock to Lin Beifan's desk. 42 cinema chains sent cooperation intentions, involving more than 6,000 cinemas and a total of 24,000 screens.. Some cinema chain owners want to sell their cinemas as soon as possible and take the initiative to lower prices.

However, price is not Lin Beifan’s concern. What he is more concerned about is whether the location of the cinema is superior enough. It is in a first-tier city. Is it still a second-tier city, in the city center or in the suburbs? What are the facilities and conditions of the cinema, how many screens are there, how many 3D screens and IMAX giant screens, etc.

As long as these aspects are good enough, he doesn't care about spending more money.

In the end, because There were too many cinema chains involved and the situations were complicated. Lin Beifan invited the owners of these cinema chains to the Gemini Tower for interviews.

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