The man was obviously a little excited but suppressed his excitement and walked up to Bai Qingxue. He took a deep breath to calm down his inner excitement, and then said with a trembling voice:"Qingxue, you are here."

Lin Beifan was stunned for a moment, and then responded quickly Come here, this guy is in love with his wife?

No wonder the experience felt so familiar, it turned out that this guy was his love rival.

Fortunately, he showed no mercy at first and beat him to pieces, which was a severe blow to his love rival.

Why don't you wait a moment and strike again?

Bai Qingxue raised her head and said with a smile:"It turns out to be Mr. Zhao! It's almost the New Year now, what kind of wind brings you here, all the way from Central and South to the Magic City, is it for your sweetheart?"

Bai Qingxue teased, her tone was sparse and normal, Looks like he's talking to a friend

"me……"Mr. Zhao wanted to say that I came here for you, but when he thought that the sweetheart in front of him already had a husband, he felt sad and couldn't say it.

Smiling slightly:"You are right, I am here for my sweetheart."

I added in my heart, you are my sweetheart.

Bai Qingxue's eyes were full of gossip and she asked:"Which woman conquered such an outstanding Mr. Zhao? Do you need me to help you connect the bridge? I am very happy to do this kind of thing."

Since getting married From then on, Bai Qingxue lived a sweet life every day. Bai Qingxue has turned into a matchmaker trend. When she sees other people being nice, she wants to make a couple.

"I...forget it, I'll do it myself."Mr. Zhao felt even more miserable.

"Oh well. Bai Qingxue was a little disappointed that she didn't have the chance to be a matchmaker. Then she pulled Lin Beifan over and introduced:"This is my husband and my lover Lin Beifan. I believe you already know it, but this time I see a real person. Are you handsome and charming?"

Bai Qingxue snuggled on Lin Beifan's shoulder like a little woman and said sweetly.

Seeing his sweetheart so happy nestled in the arms of another man, Mr. Zhao felt like his heart had been stabbed.

"Um……"Mr. Zhao forced a smile, his heart was bleeding

"Husband, let me introduce you to this person. His surname is Zhao. Zhao Shanhe is the current president of Shanhe Group, a super group worth hundreds of billions in Zhongnan. He is also the current president of Zhao Group. It is remarkable to sit in that position at such a young age."First he praised me, and then whispered in Lin Beifan's ear:"Of course I can't compare with you, my husband is the best!"

The tone was full of pride.

Lin Beifan didn't know whether to laugh or cry. Xiao Nizi was afraid that he would be jealous and immediately comforted him.

Am I someone who gets jealous so easily?

Of course not, but if it is a potential love rival, then I must not let him go. See how I kill him.

"Mr. Zhao, nice to meet you!"Lin Beifan stretched out his right hand

"Nice to meet you!"Zhao Shanhe also stretched out his right hand and shook it, then looked at Lin Beifan's slight frown and said doubtfully:"Mr. Lin, have we met somewhere? I always feel like we've seen each other before……"

Of course I've seen it before. I made you drunk until you were unconscious for three days.

Of course, Lin Beifan would never admit this period of history. He said with a smile:"Maybe it's because I'm more famous and have been promoted more by the media. Everyone calls me a pretty boy who loves spending money, so it feels like déjà vu.""

"But I feel wrong……"

"do not mind the details! Lin Beifan said with an unchanging smile:"Mr. Zhao and I really hit it off, how about we find a place to talk?"

Zhao Shanhe thought for a while and said,"That's fine.""

He was very ambitious and wanted to test Lin Beifan's strength. He wanted to defeat this love rival.

Since women couldn't win, he wanted to defeat him from other places to prove that he was the one most worthy of Bai Qingxue, so as to comfort himself. A mind full of holes

"Okay, then you guys should talk more among yourself. Then he glared at Zhao Shanhe with a warning look:"Mr. Zhao, please don't lead my husband into trouble. I can't forgive you for leading him into trouble!""

Zhao Shanhe smiled bitterly. If he wants to bring bad luck, he will bring bad luck to me, okay?

I have always kept myself clean. He has done more bad things than me, and I don't even want to talk about it.

"Don’t worry, wife, I will definitely stay rational and clean, I will not be moved by poverty or humbleness, I will not be surrendered by power, and I will never be led astray by Young Master Zhao! Lin Beifan immediately promised.

Zhao Shanhe:"……"

The villain complained first?

So, the two men found a quieter booth and sat down.

In fact, these two men are considered relatively coquettish figures in this circle. Zhao Shanhe is coquettish because of his family background and ability, and Lin Beifan is coquettish purely because of spending money. In addition, others vaguely know that Zhao Shanhe has a crush on Bai Qingxue. It’s interesting, so these two people look particularly eye-catching when they come together.

"Sister Xue, if you let them sit together, are you not afraid of a fight?"

"That Young Master Zhao is interested in you, and he is so powerful. What if the young lady husband suffers a loss?"

"Sister Xue, you are impulsive!"


Zhao Shanhe likes her, she is smart and smart, how could he not see it?

It’s just that I’ve always been indifferent, so I pretended to be ignorant.

"Don’t worry, my husband is not simple either. It’s not certain who will suffer when the time comes!"Bai Qingxue said confidently, her husband can overcome all the difficult problems he faced before, but Zhao Shanhe can't be captured?

"Mr. Zhao, are you drinking beer, white or red?"Lin Beifan asked

"I like to drink white, because drinking white makes me bold and more like a man!"The war has begun, and Zhao Shanhe is about to fire. He must choose the weapon that is most beneficial to him to fight, so that it will be easier to get him drunk.

For people like him who often attend banquets and entertain guests, there is no feast without wine. I have drunk all kinds of drinks, and my drinking capacity is definitely not bad, but Lin Beifan, a college student, may not be able to do it.

"Okay, you drink white and I drink Coke. Lin Beifan picked out a bottle of Supreme Gin from Tianjiu Group, which has the highest alcohol concentration, and then brought himself a small bottle of Coke.

Zhao Shanhe:"……"

"You don't drink?" He asked slightly shocked.

Lin Beifan asked the waiter to come over and open the bottle, and then said helplessly:"I drink, but my wife won't let me drink outside. I'm afraid that I will be led astray by a man with evil intentions. There is nothing I can do.."

Zhao Shanhe:"……"

Co-author, you just asked casually?

And who is the man with evil intentions? Tell me clearly!

"If the reception is not good enough, please take care of me, Mr. Zhao. Let’s go one by one!"Lin Beifan poured himself a small half cup of Coke, then poured a full cup for Zhao Shanhe, and then toasted.

Zhao Shanhe:"……"

In the first round, Zhao Shanhe was completely defeated.

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