Lin Beifan continued to make bold remarks:"Other staff, including artists, customer service, legal staff, etc., don't be discouraged. You also have rewards. The bonuses are linked to the overall performance of the website. As long as the website can find a novel that makes me happy to read, I will reward each of you with 20,000 yuan! So you must work hard, provide good service, etc.!"

"Thanks boss! We must work hard!"

"We will never hold the company back!"


Employees responded enthusiastically.

Lin Beifanyi smiled slightly:"The above rewards are all for individuals. If the entire website can find 10 books that make me happy to read, I will reward the website 1 million as a company benefit, so that everyone can go out and have fun together. You guys are actually going to have a party, go on a trip, whatever, don’t even think about coming back if you don’t spend all your money!"


"The above are just my basic commitments! I, Lin Beifan, emphasize again and solemnly emphasize that as long as it makes me happy and makes me enjoy watching, the more the merrier, there is no upper limit! Lin

Beifan opened his hands, as if the God of Wealth had come to the world, and the aura of rich people came to his face:"It's more than 20 million!" 30 million or 40 million are possible! I'm always ready, the best thing about me is money!"


Everyone at the scene was beyond excited.

They only know that no matter how many words they say at this moment, they cannot express their inner restlessness.

It’s so cool to meet such a wealthy boss!

No regrets in dying!

"Boss, can you tell me what novels you like to read? We can specifically select and shop according to your needs, and we guarantee that you will enjoy your viewing!"A smart young man asked.

This is a beautiful question!

Many people secretly praised it, and then quickly took out their notebooks, as if they were listening carefully.

I am afraid they were not so serious when they were in school.

Like to watch What novel?

The greater the IP value of the novel, the more he likes to read it.

However, I can’t explain this for a while, and besides, I’m afraid not many people here know what the IP value is, so it’s all in vain.

"I can't say for sure, because there are many types of novels that I like to read. Lin Beifan said with some distress:"I also have a lot of ideas in my heart. I don't have the ability to write them down. I want to find someone to help me write them out."……"

Everyone was a little disappointed. It seemed that there was no way to take a shortcut.




Three consecutive hoarse roars interrupted everyone's beautiful fantasy.

Looking back, everyone found that the editor-in-chief Meng Guangwei, who had been silent, suddenly burst out.

He was very excited and pushed away the crowd in front. As everyone was shocked, His eyes rushed to the forefront, then he pointed his finger at Lin Beifan and shouted loudly:"Lin Beifan, do you know what you just did? You are insulting literature! You are ruining the atmosphere! You are destroying Hongdou Chinese website with your own hands! Destroy the dreams of all aspiring young people!"

The scene fell silent, with all confused expressions.

They were all surprised and shocked, why the usually peaceful Editor Meng was suddenly so excited.

Lin Beifan looked over expressionlessly, with a trace of anger flashing in his eyes.

"Lao Meng, what are you talking about? Why don't you apologize to Mr. Lin quickly?"Zhou Guangjie was anxious and walked over to pull someone away.

"I'm not talking nonsense, why should I apologize?"Meng Guangwei said loudly:"Hongdou Chinese website is a sacred place, a place where writers with dreams seek their dreams. It is clean and beautiful and cannot tolerate any stain! But you brought your way, filled this place with the stench of gold and luxury, and made the author try his best to please you, flatter you, and even flatter you... You are personally burying the dreams of thousands of young people! You are destroying literature!"

Everyone was shocked!

Is this... really such an exaggeration?

"You are simply a scumbag and a disgrace to us cultural people! Meng

Guangwei denounced loudly, and then smiled coldly:"Do you think you can really do whatever you want if you have money?" I tell you, absolutely impossible! I absolutely will not allow you to do this! As long as I stay here for one day, I will never allow you to destroy the cultural paradise I have worked so hard to build!"

The scene was silent and silent.

A few people with whom he usually had good relations went up to pull him.

"Lao Meng, you took a shot today, are you so angry? How can you talk to your boss like that?"

"Apologize to your boss quickly or you will lose your job! I know that you stick to your ideals and your own beliefs, and you can just say it in private. How can you say it out without giving your boss face?"

"You make it difficult for us to do this... Apologize to your boss quickly. Considering your past achievements, he may not pursue you! Don't be stubborn, go ahead!"


The people below also started whispering

"Chief Editor Meng, what's going on? Why are you so excited? Isn’t it good to make money?"

"Our website has finally been looking forward to having such a generous boss. What will we do if he scolds us and runs away?"

"The website is almost unusable, it’s a northwest wind!"

"I can't understand the editor-in-chief. He usually seems to be an honest person and seems to be amiable to everyone. I didn't expect that he would explode in such a scary way. It's really a surprise!"

"I don't care about the editor-in-chief, I only care about whether my boss will give up on the promise I just made because of the editor-in-chief's words? If this really happens, I hate the editor-in-chief!"


A person who seemed to know a lot said in a low voice:"I know Lao Meng very well. He is a young man who graduated from a prestigious school. He also has ideals and ambitions. He hopes to create a platform for thousands of authors to speak freely and write freely. A platform for lyrical writing. Although the Hongdou Chinese website is not his, it was built by him. It is as important to him as a child. Now, the boss is almost overthrowing this platform and all his previous efforts, which is equivalent to beating him to death. Her child, do you think he can't be excited?"

"That’s it… But, wouldn’t it be nice for everyone to make money together? Now Hongdou Chinese website is almost out of business, and even our original President Zhou has given up. Why are we still stubborn?"

"In the eyes of us lay people, money is the most important thing. But in the eyes of a noble person like Lao Meng, ideals and beliefs are more important than money, so conflicts naturally arise. The man frowned:"It's just that Lao Meng is relatively calm and can control his temper no matter how excited he is. Why are you so impulsive today?""


At this time, after being persuaded by several people on the stage, Chief Editor Meng also realized that he had indeed been impulsive just now. But the words had already been spoken, and those who deserved to be scolded had already been scolded. I wanted him to apologize but couldn't save face.

And he didn't think he was wrong. In his mind, if Lin Beifan insists on going his own way, he will destroy the Hongdou Chinese website, the literary land he has worked so hard to build, and the dreams of thousands of aspiring young people.

In this case, why apologize?

Lin Beifan looked at Zhou Guangjie and said:"Mr. Zhou, now I finally understand why Hongdou Chinese website cannot develop. It is because of the existence of people like Chief Editor Meng that it drags down the company. Fight for your own ideals and sacrifice Everyone else’s interests, leaving everyone with no money to make……"

He looked at Meng Guangwei with a smile and said,"Tsk, tsk, you are such a selfish person."

"I I don't have……"Chief Editor Meng panicked.

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