The people present laughed.

Everyone guessed that Zheng Shaojie was trying to escape, and it was just a decent excuse. Which man can bear a bill of 15 million yuan, and it's only for one month?

With just his 20 million small company, he might not be able to survive for a week.

If you didn't have a net worth of tens of billions, you probably wouldn't dare pursue such a spendthrift woman.

Even if it costs 10 billion, it may not last long...

This woman is so expensive!

I can’t afford it!

I really can’t afford it!

Even if you sell me, you can’t afford it!

Many excited boys have been poured a lot of cold water on them and bought a sobering one. They can only look back at the beautiful beauty in front of them.

Although the flowers are beautiful, they require too much fertilizer.

Lin Beifan came back with a smile and was about to accept Wu Qianmei's praise, but he was attacked by her"meat pinching". The meat on his waist was swollen from her pinching.

Lin Beifan grimaced in pain:"What are you doing? I helped you get rid of him with good intentions, and this is how you repay me?"

"You still have the nerve to say it? Wu Qianmei was furious. She pressed her fingers harder and said angrily,"You were talking nonsense just now!" How could I be so extravagant and wasteful? How could I be so extravagant?"

"Then tell me, in which month did your expenses fall below 5 million?"

Wu Qianmei was immediately speechless.

Her monthly expenses are indeed very large, and they are mainly used to buy luxury goods, especially clothes and bags. They must be designed by famous designers and unique to be able to attract her attention.

She also said Plausibly, it’s not easy for a woman to live in the world anymore, so she can’t wrong herself. Anyway, I spent my own money and felt happy. Do you care? Moreover, she not only bought it for herself, but also bought it for her best friend Bai Qingxue, and also gave it to her. My own little man... ahem, how can the cost of buying the queen's little man be lower?

Wu Qianmei became angry and said:"I don't care, if I can't get married, I will depend on you for the rest of my life!""

"Okay, okay...I agree! Quickly move your hand away, my flesh is almost pinched off by you!"Lin Beifan took a deep breath in pain. This woman was not only cruel to others, she was even crueler to me.

"That's pretty much it."Wu Qianmei's face changed in an instant, her smile was like a flower, as bright as the sun.

It seemed that all the actions just now were for these words.

What a monster!

The interview continued. Due to the shock just now, the men all became honest, and the interview was honest, no There are no more unreasonable thoughts.

Wu Qianmei's side is also going well. She is in a very good mood. She is very pleasing to the eyes of everyone. The passing rate is very high. Even a few women who look charming and obviously have"bad intentions" were passed. That night, Wu Qianmei shared what happened today with Her Majesty the Queen, making Her Majesty giggle.

"My husband is actually good at everything, but sometimes he is naughty, can't control himself, and often makes others collapse... So Qianmei, please take care of him for me when you have time."

Lin Beifan was eating with chopsticks.

Wife, you are going to sell me, and also to the goblin who has been thinking about me.

Lin Beifan seems to have felt that the Twilight of the Gods is coming!

Wu Qianmei smiled. Said:"Don't worry, My Lady Queen, I will definitely help you take good care of him. This man, sometimes likes to mess around with women, eating the food in the bowl and thinking about the food in the pot. Especially a little man like yours, who is so handsome and attractive, if you don't take good care of him, he might be seduced by some female seductress! Bai Qingxue was convinced:"

Qianmei, I think you are right.""

Lin Beifan:"……"

Wu Qianmei, you actually have the nerve to call someone else a goblin?

You are the biggest and most powerful goblin, the one with profound Taoism and boundless power!

And my wife... forget it, I won’t say it anymore, I’ll shed tears if I do!

"By the way, hubby,"Wulin Gaiden" has been completed and the editing work is mostly completed. It will be submitted for review next week."Bai Qingxue suddenly said

"Oh, that's good."The food Lin Beifan ate was neither salty nor bland.

Wu Qianmei was speechless. She raised her eyebrows and said with her hands on her hips:"You are so incompetent as an investor. You brought the entire crew to Jiangnan and ignored it. If our TV station hadn't kept in touch with them, they would have felt like stepmothers and been left alone."

"No, I went to visit the class two weeks ago. Lin Beifan said confidently.

"Are you embarrassed to say that? It has been more than a month since I came to Jiangnan, and you have only visited me once! If you hadn't given me money readily, people would have secretly drawn a circle and cursed you!"Wu Qianmei said angrily.

"As long as the money is in place, they will still greet you with a smile. Lin Beifan said nonchalantly.

Bai Qingxue was very happy to see her best friend getting along so well with her man. The three of them seemed to be a family.


Oh, and the little ragdoll cat princess

"Husband, I plan to launch"Wulin Gaiden" as soon as it passes the review. Because this time period is so good, it happens to be the summer season, and it happens to be the day when"The Return of God of War" premieres. Other TV stations and entertainment companies have made adjustments to avoid collisions. In the end, no one expected that the protagonist of the TV series Wu Feifan was actually at the signing meeting He went crazy and beat reporters and Director Wang. The impact was so bad that"The Return of the God of War" could only be refrigerated. There is no date when it will be broadcast. In fact, it has made it cheaper for our Star TV! We are so lucky that even God is on our side!"Bai Qingxue kept talking, very happy.

Lin Beifan ate in silence without speaking.

"Speaking of"Wulin Gaiden", I have to say that He Yuanwai and this group of people are really efficient. Although it is a grassroots team, it is very professional and dedicated, the filming speed is very fast, and the quality is guaranteed. After the initial adaptation and adjustment, the shooting speed has increased several times in the past two weeks. There are very few NGs, and most of them are done in one pass, no more than three times at most. If they hadn't put the tape in front of me, I wouldn't have believed they had finished filming."Bai Qingxue said in amazement.

Lin Beifan still ate in silence without speaking.

"In addition,"Chef King" sponsored by the same group is currently on the air, and"Wulin Gaiden" has the right time, place, people and people, and it is very likely to be an instant hit, and a big fire! Bai

Qingxue became more and more excited as she talked, and finally frowned:"But there is still a small problem. Tianjiu Group has contacted me several times before, hoping to get a song to be played in"Wulin Gaiden" as the theme song and soundtrack. Follow the example of the previous"Chef King" and promote their wine and brand……"

Lin Beifan finished eating, wiped his mouth with a napkin, and said,"It's okay, I'll come up with another song."

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