Killing the Lord of Yanze is a huge merit for Gu Heng Mountain.

Therefore, Ye Tian was soon promoted and became a first-class envoy.

After becoming an envoy, his status was greatly improved, and he was also in charge of dozens of patrol envoys under his command.


He also owns a treasure mountain as his residence.

this day.

He moved to Qilubao Mountain in Guheng Mountain and made it his residence.

Killua Treasure Mountain is a treasure mountain moved from Gu Heng Mountain somewhere in the land of eternity, which contains a lot of time and space, giving birth to countless resources, and its value is incomparably high.

Now, this place belongs to him, and all the resources bred inside Killua Treasure Mountain belong to him.

For Ye Tian, becoming an envoy and moving into Qilu Treasure Mountain are only secondary.

The most important thing is that he can now comprehend the golden inscription on the other side of the ancient Heng Mountain.


Ancient Heng Mountain, the void on the other side.

This is the place where the golden inscriptions of the other side are stored, and every envoy is qualified to enter here to comprehend the golden inscriptions of the other side.

However, if you want to understand the other side of the Golden Text, it is not free, you need to pay contribution value.

If you don't have a contribution value, you can't understand the other side of the golden text.

It can be said that becoming an envoy is just an entry threshold for understanding the golden text on the other side.

Ye Tian has obtained a lot of contribution points this time, so there is no problem with directly being able to comprehend some of the other side of the Golden Text.

In the following days, Ye Tian was on the other side of Guheng Mountain, and in the void, he comprehended the golden texts on the other side one by one.

One primeval epoch after another passed.

Ye Tian also understood one after another golden texts.

The more golden inscriptions he masters, the higher the success rate of his casting of the primary Divine Soldier on the other side, and he will not lose money!

Hundreds of primeval epochs passed.


Ye Tian had already mastered nearly hundreds of Golden Texts on the other side, and the success rate of building the Divine Soldiers on the other side was very high.

He would occasionally accept orders from some of Gu Heng Mountain's envoys to help them build primary divine soldiers on the other side.

As a result, his fame gradually grew.

this day.

A deputy mountain lord of Guheng Mountain went out of the customs and prepared to preach, and all the rank above the rank of the envoy was qualified to listen to the sermon of this deputy mountain master.

"Lord of Eternal Zero!"

This is the name of the deputy mountain master.

The Lord of Eternal Zero is very powerful, and it is an existence that transcends the Nine Bone Transformation Realm.

As for how powerful it is, Ye Tian is not clear.


Guheng Mountain, Guheng Palace.

The Lord of Eternal Zero preaches here.

One by one, the envoys, and even the lords, came to hear the sermon.

As for the other deputy mountain masters, they did not come here.

Ye Tian also came to listen to the sermon of this Lord of Eternal Zero, and it was always a little beneficial to listen to the cultivation experience of this Lord of Eternal Zero.


The Lord of Eternal Zero has come.


A wisp of his breath made many envoys and lords freeze, as if they couldn't move.

Ye Tian was also extremely shocked, this was the first time he had seen such a strong person as the Lord of Eternal Zero.

It can only be said that it is terrifying!

He tried to see the face of the Lord of Eternal Zero, and then he couldn't see clearly, he couldn't see clearly, as if he couldn't look at it directly.

So, he didn't force his observation of the Lord of Eternal Zero.

"Sit down!"

The Lord of Eternal Zero spoke.


One of the bone-changing states sits.

For a long time, the Lord of Eternal Zero rarely preached, and even the other Vice-Mountain Lords rarely preached.

But this time, the Lord of Eternal Zero had preached, and they were all looking forward to it.

"This time, I'll tell you about the golden text on the other side!"

"Every Venerable Envoy and Venerable Envoy is qualified to comprehend the Golden Inscription on the other side, and the Golden Inscription on the other side can help create the Supreme Ancient Bone Technique, which can be used to refine the divine weapons on the other side. But in fact, this is all a kind of subsidiary role of the other side of Jinwen. "

"The true value of the Golden Wen on the other side is rarely known by the Bone Transformation Realm, so I'll talk about it this time!"

"There are two aspects to the real value of the Golden Texts on the other side, the first is the method of creating the Golden Body on the Other Side, which requires a lot of Golden Texts on the Other Side, at least more than a thousand Golden Texts on the Other Side, otherwise it will not be created at all. But in fact, even if you master thousands of golden texts from the other side, you only have a little hope. If you really want to create the method of the golden body on the other side, you can hardly do it without thousands of golden texts on the other side. "

"Of course, it is difficult to create the method of the golden body on the other side, but it is possible to create part of the method of the golden body on the other side, such as a part of the body that is made into the golden body of the other side, such as hands, feet, or other places. "

"Once some parts of the body are made into a golden body on the other side, the strength will be greatly improved, and the combat effectiveness will far exceed that of the same level. Of course, if it fails, it will also have unimaginable consequences for the physical body. "

"So, I don't recommend that you try to create the method of the Golden Body on the other side, otherwise it will be dangerous. "

"Next, let's talk about the other function of the Golden Text on the other side, that is, to combine with the Haven on the other side to create the Divine Power Technique of the Other Side, which is a supreme secret technique that surpasses the Ancient Technique. Once you master the art of the other side, then you will not be an ancient genius, but a genius of the other side! "

"Similarly, if you want to combine the golden text on the other side and the black text on the other side to create the magic power on the other side, once it fails, the consequences will be very serious. However, you can try it without your own body, and it can be used to refine the divine weapons on the other side. The combination of the Golden Script on the Other Side and the Haven on the Other Shore can create a high-level Divine Soldier on the other side, which is the mystery of the High-Grade Divine Soldier on the other side, and it is also a secret accidentally discovered by an ancient being. "

The Lord of Eternal Zero said many, many things about the use of the Golden Text.

The golden body on the other side, the supernatural powers on the other side, and the mystery created by the high-level divine soldiers on the other side, this is only part of the knowledge he said.

There are other wonderful uses, such as using the golden inscriptions of the other side to create all kinds of secret techniques that belong to the practice, which are all useful.

The years passed.

The Lord of Eternal Zero continued to tell the way of the Golden Script on the other side, and also demonstrated the use of the Golden Script on the other side himself.

Ye Tian listened carefully and felt that he had benefited a lot.

"I didn't expect Jin Wen on the other side to be of such use!"

Ye Tian was pleasantly surprised.

If he hadn't listened to this sermon from the Lord of Eternal Zero, he wouldn't have known this secret at all.

After a long time, the Lord of Eternal Zero's sermon ended.

"Okay, I'm done with my sermon, and I hope you all work hard to improve your strength. "

The Lord of Eternal Zero said, and got up and left.

"Greetings to the Lord of Eternal Zero!"

Many envoys and lords said respectfully.


The Lord of Eternal Zero is gone.


Many lords and envoys also left the Guheng Palace.

After going back.

Ye Tian thought about whether he should use the golden text he currently mastered to try to create the method of the golden body on the other side, such as trying to create a golden body finger on the other side, if he succeeded, his strength would be terrifyingly improved.

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