"This—this can't be?"

Outside Huaiyuan City, the battlefield picket officer from the military department looked at the scene in front of him in disbelief.

The battlefield picket officer was originally proposed by Changsun Yu to Li Shimin, and it was an official position that specialized in walking on the front line during the war and counting the results and exploits of the war.

It belongs to the Ministry of War, but it is directly ordered by Li Shimin. It can also be regarded as an effective placement of generals to lie about the results of the battle, or falsely report the results of the battle.

Just now, they got a notice from the Northern Army, asking them to scan the battlefield and count the results.

It can be regarded as an inspection, if the good news reported by Changsun Yu and others is different from the picket's statistics, it will be some trouble, and it may be considered as lying about the results.

But obviously, when they saw this battlefield like the Shura field, these pickets of the military department were completely stunned.


Some people even swallowed their saliva, since the beginning of the war, they have traveled around the battlefield, and there are not a few people who have seen mountains of corpses and seas of blood.

However, there are definitely not so many in front of you!

Even the Dragon Guard, which had the most fruitful results, saw tens of thousands of enemy corpses at most! But what about the one in front of them? Looking at the endless mountains of Turkic soldiers and war horses outside Huaiyuan City, they were all stunned.

"Incredible, incredible!"

The battlefield picket said in disbelief, didn't it mean that the people who took over the army of the Four Guards were the government soldiers of Jiangnan Province and Huainan Province?

But why, why would they destroy 200,000 enemies in one battle?

Looking at the good news given by Changsun Yu's Northern Army, the picket officer was silent. There is no need to verify the authenticity of Changsun Yu's good news, because there is no end in sight and mountains of corpses are the best evidence.

"Quick, eight hundred miles expedited, send back to Chang'an!"

The inspector was very excited and excited. However, the battlefield is urgent, and they have a heavy task, and they are about to go to the battlefield of Tuyuhun, otherwise, they would like to meet this magical commander.

Within a few days, the good news from Huaiyuan City was sent to Chang'an City.

"Eight hundred miles! Eight hundred miles!"

On the streets of Chang'an City, a soldier with a command flag behind him galloped forward on a fast horse. The people hurriedly gave way, and at the same time they were very excited and excited.

Because it's good news, not an expedited one!

Everyone is very happy that the Three Kingdoms Alliance is like a mountain suppressed on the people of the Tang Dynasty. Hearing this good news every day is the best confidence and psychological comfort.

After a short time, the good news was sent to the palace, and then a eunuch was quickly sent to the Hanyuan Palace.

It is now the time of the early dynasty, so Li Shimin and the ministers of the central government are all handling state affairs in the Hanyuan Palace.


At this moment, a sharp voice sounded. Then, I saw a eunuch holding a bloodstained good news above his head and walked into the Hanyuan Palace.

The ministers who were discussing state affairs and Li Shi were stunned, Huaiyuan City had a good news, did they hear it right?

At this time, Qin Qiong was also facing up. They had to rest for a month, so he would go to court to discuss the war in the north.

Qin Qiong's eyes were full of joy and excitement, when he left Huaiyuan City, he saw the army of Changsun Yu and Wang Hai, and his intuition told him that it was the elite.

But it may also be a showmanship, and now, there is finally an answer, it is really elite! When facing the Turkic army, it has achieved results.

You must know that the Ten Dao of the Tang Dynasty, the Northern Expeditionary Army in so many places, went to the Northern War, and was filled by the Sixteen Guards Army.

On the battlefield, nothing was done.

The Northern Expeditionary Army, such as Jiangnan Province and Huainan Province, is simply the only one!

"Shubao, it seems that the two governors recommended by you and General Wei Chi are really extraordinary!"

Li Shimin said happily that the more talented people like Datang, the better. After all, it seems that the generals of the older generation are gradually aging and declining.

A new generation of generals is needed to take over, and now, good seedlings have indeed appeared, and Li Shimin is naturally happy.

"Let's read the good news. "

Li Shimin waved his hand and said.

At that moment, the eldest grandson Wuji arched his hand and picked up the good news from the eunuch's hand. Then gently flip it open.


However, when he saw the first word, the eldest grandson Wuji was stunned.

"Hmm, what's wrong with Eldest Sun Aiqing?"

Li Shimin asked.

The eldest grandson Wuji shook his head and said to Li Shimin.

"It's okay, Your Majesty, I just think this writing is very good-looking. "

Li Shimin nodded, usually this kind of good news is written by the commander in the army himself. Of course, if you can't read, you will be written by the vice-president.

And this word, even the eldest grandson Wuji said that it is good-looking, it seems that it is indeed really extraordinary!

"Your Majesty, the ministers Li Yu and Wang Hai were ordered to lead 200,000 troops to the north, defend Huaiyuan City, and resist the 200,000 Turkic army. "

When he heard the name Li Yu, Li Shimin raised his eyebrows, perhaps thinking of Changsun Yu. But he wouldn't think that the missing eldest grandson Yu would become the governor of Jiangnan Province.

"Two days to Huaiyuan City, open the city gate to fight!"

When reading this sentence, the civil and military forces of the Manchu Dynasty gasped, in the desert north plain, in the face of 200,000 Turkic wolf riders, they actually opened the city gate to fight, should it be said that the newborn calf is not afraid of death?

"This battle lasted eight hours, and the results were ....... and the results were "

The eldest grandson Wuji was stunned, and actually stammered when he spoke. The courtiers were stunned, and Li Shimin asked directly.

"How's it going?"

The eldest grandson Wuji couldn't believe it.

"The result of the battle, kill 21,000 enemies and eight people!"

Silence! The entire court was silent in an instant, and everyone looked at Changsun Wuji in disbelief.


Li Shimin stood up even more, and the civil and military forces of the Manchu Dynasty were all stunned and couldn't believe it.

"How many enemies have you killed?"

Li Shimin asked excitedly, and anyone could hear the disbelief in his words.

"Kill 21,000 and eight enemies! There is also the suffix of the battlefield picket officer of the military department at the back, and this result is true!"

was silent, everyone was silent, even Li Shimin stood in place in a daze. Kill 200,000 enemies! Kill 200,000 enemies!

How many soldiers and horses did the Turks have? Isn't it 200,000? Doesn't that mean that it was just a war, and the entire Turkic army and horses of 200,000 were wiped out in a single battle?

How is this possible? How is this possible? Sixteen Guards! Even if it is the entire army of 16 and 500,000 people, it may not be able to do it, right? After all, people can run away if they can't beat it!

It's hard to do even the 200,000 elites of the Dragon Guardian Army, right? That's 200,000 cavalry!

However, he didn't hear it wrong, and the suffix of the battlefield picket and the official seal are also on it, such a big result will definitely not be fake.

ps:Ask for automatic subscription.,Thank you for your support.,The ninth update !!_

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