Three days later, Changsun Yu followed Wang Hai to Hangzhou.

Hangzhou, compared with Yangzhou, is not bad at all, very prosperous, worthy of the south of the Yangtze River. The Governor's Mansion of Jiangnan Province was set up in Hangzhou.

Originally, there were twenty-four governors in the Tang Dynasty.

However, at the beginning, because of the proposal of the eldest grandson Yu, the Governor's Mansion was directly divided according to the land of the Ten Paths. Similar to the military districts of later generations, only they are not perfect enough.

A Metropolitan Governor's Mansion can govern the soldiers of all state capitals in a single place.

Of course, because there will not be many soldiers in the Zhichong Prefecture, and some of the governor's mansions can be in charge of fifty or sixty thousand government soldiers. In some cases, there are only 10,000 or 20,000.

All in all, the sum of the ten realms of the Tang Dynasty is almost the government soldiers of 500,000 troops.

This Jiangnan Province is a relatively large governor's office. Because there are more than 40 state capitals under Jiangnan Province. All the soldiers and horses combined, forty or fifty thousand people.

And this governor's mansion generally does not set up a governor. They are all governed by a long history, with no real power, only the right to supervise the soldiers of the major state capitals.

If there is any doubt, it needs to be reported to the center of the imperial court, and then the investigation and order can be given before it can be executed.

Only in times of war will officials appointed by the imperial court come to serve as governors, and then the main battle.

And the majority of the governors of this land are not as troublesome as before, and they are divided into upper, middle and lower classes. It is directly unified as a member of the three products!

This is not low, it is on the same level as the six Shangshu.

It can be said that those who can serve as the governor of the capital are all figures at the peak of military generals.

"Xiaoyu, you wait here, the people who can go in to attend the meeting are all the lieutenants of the major state capitals. "

Changsun Yu nodded, and then stood in front of the Jiangnan Provincial Metropolitan Governor's Mansion and waited. The rest of the lieutenants came by themselves.

Who would bring his deputy with this kind of good thing of seeing big people and pulling relationships? You must know that Lieutenant Guoyi is second only to Lieutenant Zhichong.

That is, Wang Hai has a very good relationship with Changsun Yu, and he wants to know more people for Changsun Yu, so he took Changsun Yu to Hangzhou to see him.

At this time, in the Governor's Mansion of Jiangnan Province and in the hall of Nuoda, all the generals gathered! Two rows in one row, four or five rows of seats.

The two places add up to more than fifty state capitals. And in this hall, it is equivalent to sitting almost fifty Commanders.

This momentum is quite extraordinary! It is really shocking, although it is only the army of the Tang Dynasty, but compared with the standing troops of other countries, it is not weak at all.

The current Datang is so proud.

At this time, the two people who sat at the top of the table were the two governors who commanded the two armies this time.

At this time, these Commanders below looked at the two Governors above, and they all looked excited. Apparently they knew both of them.

One of the men stood up.

"Ladies and gentlemen, everyone must know that the general Qin Qiong, this time thanks to His Majesty's trust, served as the governor of Jiangnan Province, and together with General Wei Chi, he commanded the Jiangnan flood battle this time. "

That's right, this time the imperial court sent the governor of Zhan Dadu, Qin Qiong and Wei Chi Gong! Although there are not many soldiers and horses, it is only less than 50,000 or 60,000.

However, this metropolitan governor, the powerful minister naturally has to come to the post of trustworthy minister.

It's no wonder that these Zhichong Lieutenants are so excited, the first one is the legend of the Tang Dynasty! These two national dukes, but the fierce generals who created the Tang Dynasty, the entire Tang Dynasty boys, who doesn't yearn for it, who doesn't admire it?

After the introduction, Qin Qiong began to talk about the plan to suppress the bandits this time. In fact, there is no fancy plan, that is, to form an encirclement with two places.

The major Fold Chong Prefectures fought their own battles, and gradually contracted the Yangtze River to wipe out all the floods in the Yangtze River Mountain.

The small Zhichong Mansion has 800 soldiers. There are more than 1,200 large ones. Such a number, as long as it is not encountered by the very few large water thieves who have as many as tens of thousands, there will be no problem.

The average water thief has less than a hundred, and if there are a little more, it is only hundreds or thousands. Therefore, there will be basically no problem in the major folding houses.

"Okay, since everyone is okay, let's go back and straighten out the soldiers. Seven days later, they will start to suppress the bandits from the state capitals where they are seated, according to the plan!"

Qin Qiong stood up and said.


The soldiers got up and replied with an imposing voice.

And the eldest grandson Yu was waiting in front of the mansion bored at this time, and after a while, all the generals in the governor's mansion came out. Not to mention, so many people wearing general's armor walked out of the mansion, which gave the people of Hangzhou a great shock.

"Brother Wang. "

Changsun Yu saw Wang Hai and shouted immediately.

Wang Hai excitedly came to Changsun Yu's side, grabbed Changsun Yu's shoulder, and said as he walked.

"It's a pity for you kid, I took you in with me when I knew it. I didn't expect it! This time, the two governors who were in charge of suppressing the bandits were actually General Qin Qiong and General Wei Chi!"

Changsun Yu had already heard Wang Hai talk about these two generals and knew that they were heroes who created the Tang Dynasty. is also one of the people Wang Hai admires the most, after all, who doesn't want to be them on the battlefield?

Therefore, Wang Hai was talking, while Changsun Yu was listening quietly.

At this time, Qin Qiong and Yu Chi Gong also walked out, looking at the commanders who were gradually dispersing, Qin Qiong smiled.

"Speaking of which, it was indeed prescient for His Highness to rectify the Tang Dynasty army at the beginning! Look at these current commanders, although they are only the commanders of a small prefecture in a state. "

"But after a little training, he will definitely be able to command an army in the future and expand his territory for Datang. "

Wei Chigong on the side also nodded, but then sighed.

"Your Royal Highness, who was only a dragon marquis in the past, can bring many changes to Datang, but it's a pity that he has lost his whereabouts now. "

However, Wei Chigong was suddenly stunned, because at this time, Qin Qiong was actually staring in one direction. And the place I looked at in that direction was the distant eldest grandson Yu and Wang Hai.

"Brother Qin, what's wrong?"

Qin Qiong came back to her senses, and then shook her head with a smile.

"It's okay, maybe I'm wrong. "

Qin Qiong said so, and then entered the Governor's Mansion. He also felt that he had seen it wrong, probably just the back was similar, after all, His Highness was missing.

I can't find a trace all the time, how can I become a lieutenant general colonel of the Tang Army?

In the evening, Changsun Yu had a meal with a few of his friends under the leadership of Wang Hai. These people are all the lieutenants of the state capitals.

There are still a lot of people, about a dozen people, it seems that Wang Hai's popularity is really good.

"Well, why do I always think that Brother Li is very familiar?"

A Zhichong Governor said so, he is the Governor of Huzhou Zhichong Mansion. It is also the commander of Wang Haikou who has been to study in the Dragon Guard Army.

Of course, according to their words, he was only a small soldier when he went. He always boasted that he had drunk with Long Hou, but everyone knew that he was bragging.

However, it is enough to see the strength of the Dragon Protector Army, when I first went there it was just a small soldier, in order to train young people. Since coming back, he has been in a smooth manner.

Basically, he was promoted one level a year, and now he has become a lieutenant at a young age, which is really enviable.

It's just a pity that they were all old at the beginning, so they didn't get the opportunity to study. Otherwise, it's a big opportunity.

ps:Ask for automatic subscription.,Thank you for your support.,The seventh update !!_

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