"Doctor Sun, are you telling the truth?"

Li Shimin asked anxiously, and Doctor Sun nodded affirmatively.

And at this time, the whisper seemed to think of something, she had been with Changsun Yu for the longest time, and she also knew Changsun Yu the best.

"Doctor Sun seems to be right, when Xianggong resisted the arrows for His Majesty, the next day I accidentally found that Xianggong's palm seemed to be healed. "

"At that time, I didn't take it to heart, thinking that Dr. Sun's medicine was very good. "

Sun Simiao shook his head.

"Lao Dao didn't give His Highness any medicine at the beginning, it was his own recovery ability. "

Listening to the words of the two, Li Shimin and the others were overjoyed at the moment.

Li Shimin stood up directly and shouted at Li Junxian.

"Quick, gather the Xuanjia Army, the Sixteen Guards Army, give me the Yunshan, you must find Yu'er!"


Li Junxian responded, and then hurriedly retreated. It didn't take long for hundreds of thousands of troops to gather! In an instant, the entire Yunshan Mountain was gathered, and under the cliff of the Yunshan Mountain, among the mountains and forests, everywhere was looking for Changsun Yu.

However, under the cliffs of Yunshan, there is a big river. Hundreds of thousands of people searched all over the entire Yunshan cliff, and almost didn't even turn over the mountain.

In the end, I couldn't find it.

"Your Majesty, we have searched all the places under Yunshan, but we only found His Highness's broken clothes and blood on the cliff next to Yunshan River. "

"Presumably, His Highness should have fallen down the cliff into Hanoi!"

Li Shimin trembled, and the whole person fell into the chair. If this really falls into the river, how can people survive?

However, just when everyone was desperate, they whispered a sigh of relief.

Everyone looked at Whisper, but Whisper hesitated for a moment, and finally spoke.

"Your Majesty, Xianggong seems to have a very special physique, and he can move freely in the water. "

To say, for the person next to the pillow, Changsun Yu will not deliberately hide it except for the system. So whispering knows a lot.

Because Xiangcheng has just married into the Hou Mansion not long ago, he doesn't know a lot.

Everyone was stunned, if he said this, His Highness was really alive? Basically, everyone was relieved and happy.

"However, this Yunshan River, if it flows down, will flow into the Yangtze River. In this case, it will be too difficult to find His Highness. "

Li Junxian said hesitantly, everyone was silent, but this shouldn't be a big problem. If Eldest Sun Yu was fine, he would naturally come back by himself.

Of course, the matter of looking for Changsun Yu must not be left behind. Li Shimin just wanted to issue a holy decree and let the whole world find Changsun Yu together.

But it was stopped.

"Your Majesty, no! This may not be safe for Your Highness. Even His Majesty's side, there are so many killers hidden, if those with bad intentions know that His Highness is in exile, then His Highness... "

The minister's words spoke, and the people fell silent. Although Changsun Yu's strength is strong, just imagine, even if Changsun Yu can survive, it is estimated that he will be seriously injured, right?

In such a situation, looking for the eldest with great fanfare will increase the danger to the eldest grandson.

"Li Junxian, I order you to release all the guards. Follow the Yangtze River along the state capital and look for Yu'er's whereabouts!"

"I told you, if you can't find Yu'er for a day, then don't go back to Chang'an for a day!"

"I can't find it in one day, and I can't find it in one day, and it's the same!"

Li Shimin said to Li Junxian in a cold voice that Li Junxian was responsible for protecting his safety, and Li Junxian was responsible for this time.

If you can't find Changsun Yu, then Li Junxian really doesn't have to come back, or apologize with death!

"Last, obey!"

Li Junxian knelt down to accept the order, he knew that Li Shimin was serious. The reason why he didn't kill himself was because he wanted to find His Highness. If you really can't find Your Highness.

Then you have only one way to die, and even your own relatives will be like this.

Li Shimin slowly stepped forward, came to the edge of the cliff, and looked at the clouds and mountains and rivers below.

"Yu'er, where are you?"


In Yangzhou, on the official road on the bank of the Yangtze River, a team of cars and horses is hurrying forward.

This team of people, more than 30 guards and several maids. At first glance, it is a convoy of large families. At this time, in the carriage, a girl in a long orange dress was sitting in it.

A few days ago, she went to Suzhou to visit her grandparents, and only today she returned to Yangzhou along the Yangtze River waterway.

It seemed that it was about to arrive in Yangzhou City, but suddenly, the convoy stopped.

"What's going on?"

The girl asked softly, and outside the carriage, the voice of a maid sounded.

"Miss, on the bank of the Yangtze River, I still want to have a drowning person. "

The girl was stunned, the drowning person?

At that moment, after hesitating for a while, she still got out of the carriage, and then came to the bank of the Yangtze River under the guidance of several guards.

At this time, I saw a young man lying on the gravel on the shore, covered in blood, but the strange thing was that there was a lot of blood on his body, but there were no scars.

"Miss, he's not dead. "

One of the guards tried the drowning teenager's snort and found that it was still breathing, and he was not dead.

The girl hesitated for a moment, and the maid beside her thought for a moment and said.

"Miss, this person is covered in blood, but there are no scars, I'm afraid that a river thief accidentally fell into the river, right?"

The girl scoffed.

"You mean that you have read too many books, where did so many Jiangyang thieves come from?"

The maid stuck out her tongue, the girl thought about it, and finally said to the guard because of her kindness.

"Take it back, if you stay here, if you encounter any mountain and forest beasts, won't it kill you?"

The guard nodded, his own young lady was kind, this was well known. Immediately, several guards helped the drowning boy up, and finally left the bank of the Yangtze River with a guard on his back.

In a daze, Changsun Yu slowly opened his eyes.

"I—where is this?"

What catches the eye is that it is an antique building. Supporting himself to sit up, Changsun Yu looked at the surrounding environment curiously.


Changsun Yu frowned suddenly, because of a sharp pain in his mind, he was desperately thinking about something, but found that he had forgotten.

He couldn't even remember his name. What's going on?

Where do you come from, who is you, and why are you here?


The door was pushed open, and a maid entered.

"Well, this son, are you awake?"

Changsun Yu looked at the maid curiously.

"Who are you? Do we know each other?"

The maid was stunned, and at this moment, a young girl entered the room from behind. When he saw this girl, Changsun Yu was instantly stunned.

Because this girl is so beautiful, of course, Changsun Yu was only slightly stunned, and then returned to normal.

"It seems that Childe has lost his memory, but this is Childe's belongings. There are two words on it, it should be your name, this jade pendant is exquisitely made, not owned by ordinary people. "

The girl said, and then handed the eldest grandson Yu a jade pendant.

"Li Yu?"

Looking at the two words on it, Changsun Yu frowned for a while, is this his name?

ps:Ask for automatic subscription.,Thank you for your support.,The sixth update !!_

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