Inspect the official residence.

Chen Qiu felt something vaguely, his nose twitched, and he sneezed:"Sneeze!"

"Who the hell is scolding me! ?"

Chen Qiu complained secretly and thought.

Of course he didn't know that Li Er was gnashing his teeth and mumbling his name at this moment. He didn't even know!

That old man Li Yuan also told Chen Qiu that he secretly called Li Er a fool. Li Er.

Anyway, Chen Qiu didn't know it at all now.

He was very relaxed and asked all the five hundred inspection guards to get ready.

Chen Qiu stood at the front with an old temper and shouted:"Next, everyone starts running in Chang'an City!"

"I want you to move in unison, to move your feet in unison and to move your hands in unison. Whoever drags his feet will be punished by labor and management. Do you understand? ?

School Captain Lu Shu and other five hundred inspection guards all responded:"Understood!""

Running is naturally the running of future generations of soldiers.

Even the slogan Chen Qiu told them, it is a simple one, two, one, two, one...

And what Chen Qiu wants is not that they actually run!


Show off!

Or just like It was what Chen Qiu told Li Yuan before, to subtly change the entire military training system of the Tang Dynasty...

But if you want to change it!

You have to let those in the Tang Dynasty see the benefits of Chen Qiu's military training first!

And now , this is Chen Qiu’s plan.

First, he is preparing to let the whole of Chang’an see that their inspection guards are neat and orderly, with strict discipline, and obeying orders is their bounden duty!

Second, he is ready to let everyone in the whole of Chang’an see this kind of military training The power of the Tao allowed them to accept Chen Qiu's training method.

All five hundred inspection guards were ready.

Chen Qiu immediately gave an order and said:"All five hundred inspection guards, all turn to the right and set off!"

"Da da da……"

"one two one……"

"one two one……"

For a while, he inspected the official residence.

The five hundred inspection guards shouted loudly, and then... the five hundred inspection guards were like one person!

The actions are exactly the same!

From the stepping feet to the swinging hands, and the slogans are exactly the same!

Five hundred people can actually be trained to look like one person!

Li Yuan was stunned.

For the first time, he truly realized the horror of this method of training soldiers!

After Li Yuan told Li Er the matter.

He no longer stayed in the palace, but continued to come out to find Chen Qiu.

And when he came out, he happened to meet Chen Qiu asking his 500 inspection guards to go out for a run... so!

Li Yuan also happened to see the orderly appearance of these five hundred inspection guards!

He was shocked!

He was really shocked. Even though he had thought Chen Qiu's military training method was very good before, but now seeing these five hundred inspection guards moving in unison... he still found it incredible!

Oh my god! how did you do that! ?

Not to mention the Tang Dynasty, no general in all dynasties could do what Chen Qiu did and train troops to this extent! ?

Li Yuan looked at the orderly 500 inspection guards, and for a moment... he was obsessed!

Chen Qiu looked at Li Yuan, his eyes lit up, he trotted over and said with a smile:"Old man, are you here to chat again? The old rule is five thousand taels."……"


Chen Qiu stretched out his hand and made a gesture!

Li Yuan's face suddenly twitched, and he gritted his teeth and said:"My jade pendant is more than five thousand taels, even if I chat with you, I can still chat for a while!"


He underestimated Chen Qiu's face.

Chen Qiu was more shameless than he thought. He saw Chen Qiu saying sternly:"Old man, this is wrong. I don't care how much your jade pendant is worth, but it is just a one-time chatting fee. You can pay if you want to continue chatting." , If you don’t have money, get out of here as soon as possible!"

Chen Qiu said angrily.


If you have money, of course you are an uncle. If you don’t have money, you are just a ball!!

Li Yuan's face turned red with anger.

He really wanted to slap this Chen Qiu to death. He really didn't understand how someone like Chen Qiu became a prosecutor of the Tang Dynasty!

Madhu, you are too greedy for profit!

If you are rich, you are not just called uncle, you are called an old man... If you are not rich, you are called grandson, you are called an old man...

The majesty of labor and management, why should I be treated like a coward like you!

Li Yuan was angry.

He snorted coldly and said directly:"Boy Chen, I have already paid you. If you dare to blackmail me again, I will sue you to the court!"

"Now, I want to go for a run together. Please don’t bother me.……"

Li Yuan was so angry that he didn't want to talk to Chen Qiu at all.

His entire attention was now focused on the five hundred inspection guards. therefore.

He hurriedly chased after him, not to mention that if it were before, he would not be able to run up.

But after eating the magic medicine soup in Chen Qiu's mansion.

His body can actually support him up to now!

And in front of him were five hundred inspection guards!

"one two one……"

"one two one……"

"one two one……"

"All available, turn left……"

But the five hundred inspection guards didn't squint, they all moved in unison, and started running in unison.

Li Yuan's eyes lit up as he watched from behind.

It's not just him. today!

Everyone in Chang'an was stunned by these five hundred inspection guards!

Everyone ran to both sides of the street and took a peek!

This is the first time for all Chang'an people to see someone training troops. They can train such an orderly and well-disciplined army!

And this army... is called the Inspection Guards, and it is subordinate to Inspector Chen Qiu!




Chapter 8 is here today, okay!

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