On the small island on the edge of Ning City, this huge flesh tire has been colliding more and more. The creatures inside seem to be eager to come out, making constant banging sounds!

This feeling is like an evil beast that is unwilling to be trapped in a cage and can't wait to break out of the cage!

The terrifying roars coming from inside are enough to make people tremble, but in the eyes of these cult believers, they are nothing less than the sounds of nature!

Especially the leader of the cult was so excited that he danced and shouted loudly:

"Push people up!"

Following his words, a group of cultists separated into a path, and five six- or seven-year-old children were driven up!

Each of these children looked panicked, knowing their fate, and one of the girls even began to Start crying!

"Damn it……"

Among them was a girl with red hair, roaring angrily, and her body suddenly ignited with blazing fire.

The flames directly ignited the cultist behind him, entangled him in the flames, and burned him to a crisp!

The red-haired girl looked happy and shouted loudly:

"Damn you guys, go to hell!"

The raging fire burned again, preparing to burn all the nearby 09 cultists clean, so as to gain a chance to make a living!

But as soon as the flames rose, they were blown by a black wind and were blown out. At the same time, they were tightened. Her body caused her to kneel on the ground in pain!

"Ahhhh...let me go……"

The girl's body was constantly burning with flames, but she could not burn out the black energy and could only be suppressed!

"Wu Binhui!"

Another girl saw this and wanted to help, but was held down by the other cultists, and strange scriptures rang in their ears, suppressing their power and making them unable to move!

"They are really noisy guys and make people worry!"

A hoarse and deep voice came from the leading man in black robes, and the black energy began to slowly converge. He tied up the red-haired girl and threw her in front of the flesh fetus!

As for the remaining children, they were also tied up with ropes. Pushing it over, it was like an offering to the gods in ancient times.

The flesh fetus also started to shake, seeming to be extremely satisfied with these children!

The leader of the black-robed man nodded with satisfaction and said softly:

"It is worthy of being a sacrifice to an extraordinary person. It has excited the son of the evil god so quickly. It is your highest honor to be able to become a part of the evil god.

You will become a king, even a part of the body of the living, and bring destruction to this foolish country that dares to provoke the Black Goat Mother Goddess!"

After the last Black Goat incident, the Black Faction suffered a devastating blow. They have been living in hiding, like rats in the gutter that have never seen the light of day.

But today they can finally get rid of this and can summon Give birth to the son of the great evil god, and let this country that has offended the Black Goat Mother Goddess receive the punishment they deserve!

Let everyone in this country, part of the son of the great evil god, completely purify the filthy world and create a new world!

And they are the pioneers of ideals, the masters of new humanity and the new world!

It is because of this lofty ideal that they think everything they do now is just.

"Damn you guys, do you, the Black Goat Sect, want to be purged again?"

The red-haired flame girl Wu Binhui roared angrily, but she couldn't break free from the black chain. Instead, her body became colder and colder, and the energy in her body was slowly drained away! With this kind of powerful confinement power, the girl can only reach the ninth level. She has felt it in the strong body, and this power disparity makes her a little desperate!

Although the Black Goat Sect has suffered many blows, the skinny camel is bigger than the horse. After all, it is behind the foundation!

And Shub Nicholas is a third-level disciple. One of the Pillar Gods, even higher than the Four Element Evil Gods, the God of Ghouls Mordiggian is a younger brother to Him!

The more important point is that Shub Nicholas is super good at giving birth, so she also It is called the Black Goat of the Forest that gives birth to thousands of descendants!

Because He has too many children, and they are rewarded to believers right after they are born, so His gifts are considered to be relatively rich!

Therefore, although the Black Goat Sect has lived a long life The life is relatively miserable, but there are also many eighth-level strong men. The only remaining Pope is also a ninth-level existence!

It's a pity that he is already old, otherwise he can also step into the king with the gift of the black goat. level, to dominate one side!

But even if he became a king, he could not fight against these old kings, so he placed his hope on the more advanced descendants of the Black Goat!

Back then, a quasi-king-level son of the evil god could make a king pass away. , then if it is the son of a king-level evil god, can he kill the king?

And he only needs to control the son of the evil god, and he can easily rule the world. Even the saints who are high above and overlook all living beings will be defeated by him. He was shocked by the power of the evil god!

He wanted to establish a kingdom belonging to the evil god!

Thinking of this, the Pope of the Black Goat Sect became more and more excited, and his ugly face covered with flesh and tentacles let out a hoarse howl!

Contact and Belief in the evil god is not without cost. These disorderly beings do not care about the feelings of lower-level beings!

All those who try to get close to them will be slowly assimilated and become dependents of the evil god if their life essence is not strong enough!

It is precisely because of 777 that the more devout the believers are, the closer their appearance will be to the evil god!

This is the so-called evil god transformation!

There is no beautification or praise, there is just an endless abyss. In this kind of Under the changes, even if they want to go back on their word, returning to human society will not be accepted!

So they can only hold tightly to the thigh of the evil god and resolutely destroy the human country!

The Black Goat Pope ignored the clamor of a few little girls , just said lightly:

"There are so many words to talk about. I wonder if you would be so arrogant if they got into your stomach!"

Following his words, the flesh fetus suddenly began to riot, and the remains of flesh and blood began to stir slowly, and then turned into five huge tentacles covered with eyeballs, with a big mouth at the end!


The huge mouth let out a roar, revealing its densely packed fangs, and then rushed towards several children, preparing to swallow them into its belly! The red-haired girl Wu Binhui looked at the tentacles rushing towards her, and her body only felt Endlessly cold, I thought desperately:

Dad, Mom, am I going to die here...

In the girl's desperate eyes, huge shadows rushed up on the ground, like pillars in the sky, covering all the cultists. Surrounded...

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